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What we’re about

Welcome to the Chichester Social Group.

Join us for events filled with good food, entertainment, great conversation, friendship and fun.

We host a variety of events, 
Theatre visits to the renowned Chichester Festival Theatre, Cinema visits.
Monthly meals including breakfasts, Sunday lunch’s and curry evenings. Enjoying some of the best local cuisine in the area.
Coffee Mornings, Restaurant and Pub meals.
Quiz nights, live music and days out.

Formally Chichester New Social Group we are continuing many of the most popular events and more with established and new hosts.

We actively encourage local event suggestions, and will support anyone that would like to host events.

The annual subscription fee is £6.00 to help cover the subscription charges paid to Meet Up.

Payable by new and existing members.

We request that your meet up profile has your photograph, this helps identify you at meet up events.

Booking events
Please respect the hosts and other members and only join an event if you are able to go.
If you are then unable to attend, please amend your RSVP in good time as this gives those on the waitlist adequate time to fill your space and attend.

Please note repeat late cancellation and no-shows will result in the termination of membership.
This is unfair to the host, venue and other members.

All events are attended at your own risk.

We look forward to receiving your application and hopefully seeing you at future events.

Please note we are a group run by volunteer hosts and we cannot always respond immediately.

When you apply please ensure that you have the chat facility active on your profile to enable contact.

Upcoming events (4+)

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