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What we’re about

If you love your Chihuahua or other small dog under 20 lbs then join our group and come out to play!!


We encourage all Chihuahua or other small dog owners to join us with the mission to keep our pups socialized, healthy and happy. Chihuahuas & other small dogs are special dogs who deserve our dedication to their well-being in return for their unconditional love.
Not only do our pups make great friends (four legged and two legged) and expand their worlds with this group, their proud owners enjoy good conversation, visiting new places and events while also making great friends. We instantly share a common bond.


We want to share our experiences and let everyone know how special our dogs are to us. It is so important with this breed to keep them active, social and of course, safety is a priority for us. (Please make sure your dog has immunizations and are kept up to date for the benefit of all of us.) We have a great group of people from all over the Tampa Bay Area, who come together for the love of their small pup!
We love to go to different places and attend a variety of events.
We hope to see you soon!



We welcome all types of Chihuahuas and other small dogs, size must be under 20 pounds. Even if you don't own a Chihuahua yourself but know of one, please pass the word about our group. We always have a fantastic time and have a great mix of Chihuahuas, small pups and people.


It is all about the "Chi"!
So hit the "join us" button and come on out to play!


Hope to see ya soon!

Upcoming events (4+)

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