What we’re about
So you're interested in Roleplaying games, huh? A little D&D maybe? Some Shadowrun? Maybe some Pathfinder or Savage Worlds? Maybe you're not familiar with tabletop RPGs but you're kind of curious. Maybe you're just looking for a safe place to play because you aren't interested in "dark" or "gritty" or "mature" themes. Maybe you just want to throw a fireball at some goblins.
Welcome to the club.
We aren't a group exclusively for Christians, but some of us found that our faith made it difficult to connect to "less-than-family-friendly" gaming groups. So as a result, we decided to start our own group. Anyone is welcome to join our meetup and make some friends at our monthly public mixers.
This is a place for Christians who enjoy D&D or other roleplaying games but haven't met like-minded friends in their other religious communities. We do our best to honor God in our lives and in our gaming as well as provide a safe place for gamers of any background to enjoy.