What we’re about
Give yourself a reason to get out, meet other moms and kids, play, laugh, and have fun! We are seeking ACTIVE & INVOLVED members who want to spend time together, creating lasting relationships. Our goal is to come together in a positive environment to share our faith, meet friends, and encourage and support each other.
Moms with kids of all ages are welcome! However, most of the children in this group are elementary school age and younger.
We plan events at various locations and times. Meetups include coffee, lunches, library story times, trips to the playground, the zoo, the beach, and so much more!
Our rules state that you must attend a meetup at least once within two months, unless, of course, there are unforeseen circumstances. You must also have a profile picture showing your beautiful face so that we know who we're meeting when you RSVP or we cannot accept your membership. We collect membership dues annually (which go to Meetup to keep our group open) of roughly $10 (amount may vary).
Check out our Facebook page for even more connection www.facebook.com/groups/christianmomsofecandcityofsd
We look forward to meeting you!