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What we’re about

"Classic lit" goes beyond standard 19th-century English novels. We look for, read, and discuss works of fiction (usually novels, but occasionally plays) that have endured in their genre. The time-frame may be thirty years or three hundred - yes, there ARE modern classics (looking at you, Don DeLillo). Now, that doesn't mean we don't love 19th-century English novels. We just want to challenge ourselves to discover authors and works beyond that category.
We have two basic rules for book selection: nothing over 400 pages, and nothing out of print that is not available for free online. (Personally, I have a "no Russian literature" rule, but the page limit generally takes care of that.)
As of February 2025, we will meet via Zoom every two months:
February, April, June, August, October, December.

Upcoming events (2)

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