Thales Aerospace Communications and Code Club Copenhagen (3C) will be co-hosting a February event with two following talks.
Hynek Bures - Senior DevOps Engineer - Thales
Environment as code? Version control the development environment.
We all have been there: "We need to build this [decade(s)] old code! Now!!". Start digging for that tool chain or for that old build server. But what if your industry mandates that multi-decade support window? This is a story of versioning Docker images, and how the developers grumbled until they started liking it.
Eduar Kyvenko - Software Engineer - Tuxedo Code
Staying relevant as a programmer in the world with LLMs
Current approx schedule:
- 17.30 - 17.45 Arrival and Welcome by Thales and 3C
- 17.45 - 18:00 Welcome from Thales
- 18:00 - 18.45 Environment as code? Version control the development environment. - Hynek Bures - Senior DevOps Engineer - Thales
18.45 - 19:00 Snacks and break
- 19:00 - 19:30 Staying relevant as a programmer in the world with LLMs - Eduard Kyvenko - Lead Software Engineer - Tuxedo Code
- 19.30 - 20.00 SWAG raffling and goodbyes