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What we’re about

Hi there and a warm welcome from our Organisers, David, Vee, Michelle and Alison.

We are a fun loving group of all ages and from all walks of like who enjoy coffee, chilling and chatting and those extra special events - theatre, museums, concerts, dining etc. etc. In fact anything and everything that life has to offer and is best shared with friends

We have lots of lovely interesting events, locally and nationally, and please do feel free to ask any questions you may have about any event.

We don‘t have lots of “rules and regs” but would ask that you do please take the following important points “on board” :

  1. We are NOT a dating group
  2. Courtesy, consideration and respect is the "order of the day"
  3. When possible we aim to keep membership numbers to 60/65 max. to better facilitate long term friendships
  4. If you have RSVP’d an event and then find you cannot make it then you let us know as quickly as possible as our groups are very popular and almost always have a “Wait List” for others wishing to attend our events. Members who fail to show up and don't let us know will need to be removed from the Group.
  5. If we have not heard from or met you within 3 months of you joining the Group we will need to remove your membership to make room for others waiting to join. However you will be free to rejoin once you are ready to participate in our events.
  6. After your first event, and since Organisers fund these groups personally, a small NON-REFUNDABLE membership fee of £6.00 per year (which equates to around 12p per week !) will become due to cover, in part, some of the expenses incurred by the Organisers in sourcing venues and arranging events

So, all that said, we look forward to welcoming you, to having lots of fun and laughter and chatter, making lots of new friends and occasionally doing something extra special.

Best wishes and bibi4now.

David, Vee, Michelle & Alison
Group Organisers

Upcoming events (4)

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