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What we’re about

A very warm welcome to Colchester Friends Under 40’s
This is a social group aimed at people between 20 and 39 years of age. Meet like minded people of a similar age for a wide range of social activities.
(NB: This is a sub-group of Colchester Friends so some events may run alongside that group as well.)
We will be planning cinema trips, meals, picnics, pub meet-ups and much more!
We are open to suggestions so please message me if you have any ideas of meet ups you would like to see happen :)
There are very few rules but we do insist on:-
1. A full face picture (no cartoons, pets or others in the pic)
2. A name (nickname or name you are known by). No initials please.
3. RISK: All members and non-members of Colchester Friends U40’s attending any event do so at their own risk. The event Organisers/Hosts shall not be liable for any injury or loss to persons or their property that might occur as a result of your participation in or attendance at the event.
4. Any concerns you have with events or members are to be taken up with event organisers and not voiced in direct messaging, social media, or similar.
Thank you
If event organisers ask for payments to the Group Bank account, details are below:
Name: Colchester Friends
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: Name: Colchester Friends
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Account Number: 23417168
Enquiries to:-