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What we’re about

Welcome to Daytona Beach's premiere Meetup book club, "The Readers"!

A new and in-person group for adults who love reading books/novels and discussing them over coffee or breakfast. If you love: reading, discussing books, background research, and a group to share your thoughts with, this might be the group for you!
We have the Facebook companion group, "Daytona Beach The Readers", with reading extras, like book excerpts, and photos (friendlier posting format). If you're interested in joining, here's the link:

Voting on a book from a small selection ahead of each month and reading it. At the end of the month, we will meet in person and discuss: was there a theme or meaning, historical narrative, the writer's background, the characters, how did it make you feel, was it a worthy read, and more.

We meet at Starbucks on LPGA Boulevard and across from Margaritaville/Latitude Landings, in the new Tymber Creek shopping center. If they are full, we'll meet at Foxtail Coffee in Daytona One (across the NASCAR Speedway). I will always try to arrive early to secure seating.

We read a book monthly (perhaps bimonthly if we pick a series or large book/novel) and meet to discuss it.

I curate book options monthly. As we grow, the selections will be provided months ahead. Themes will be varied and can be based on holidays. All of your favorite books are considered for book selections too.

I'm currently shying from political or hotly-debated topics since I'd prefer to start with a comradely atmosphere.
Expected genres: history, fiction, non-fiction, science fiction, fantasy , horror, thriller, mystery, adventure, biography, and science.
Unexpected genres: Romance, historical political, manga, and fan fiction.

Once a book is selected, readers can borrow the book from the public library, use an app, or buy it to read. I will try to be mindful and seldom select new books since that will limit the options of finding a free copy. Eventually, we might even start a reading train and share books.

1. Respectful Discussions: Be courteous and allow members time to share their thoughts. Disagreeing viewpoints are expected but engage in a respectful manner and remember you can't always change someone's mind.
2. RSVP: If you're joining, please RSVP yes. Cancel your RSVP if needed, even last minute. Running late is fine; but please be courteous to those on time and don't request a repeat of the conversation.
3. Read: Read the selection before the meeting to contribute to discussions. You are welcome to join us even if you didn't but you might not find the discussion engaging.

Adults only: ages 18+. No children, no babies, and no toddlers. During our meetings, if your family pops in and out, that is fine. Why the age limit? Because we will be reading and discussing some books that contain sensitive and mature content and are not considered suitable for younger readers.

Please be respectful to all. We want this to be a fun, exciting, and possibly enlightening or philosophically-bordering group.

We are NOT a dating group. If people find meaning within each other, cool, but please don't give this group credit or try to change it into that :)

Insert instructional cassette with elevator music, turn in armchair to face reader.
Hi, I'm your host and the creator of this club, Delia Krimmel. I started to love reading in middle school with Harry Potter. My favorite genres are: fiction, fantasy, thriller, horror, and history. I'm also expanding.

Working on a brand and merchandise! Proceeds will 100% fund the existence of this Meetup channel.

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