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What we’re about

The DC CTO Club is an independent, not-for-profit, invitation-only group of the DC area’s most innovative technologists. Our mission is to make DC/VA/MD a better place for technology-intensive companies by helping each other as leaders and by sharing practical technical knowledge. We encourage candid, open and trustworthy communication and networking through our monthly breakfast meetings and private email forum. By joining together and sharing our strengths, we're creating an environment of innovation and support for DC’s vibrant technology scene.

To qualify you should be physically located in the DC metropolitan area, working in a senior technical leadership role (typically CTO or VP of Engineering) with at least 10 engineers reporting to you at a software product company.

We hold a monthly breakfast in Tysons at 7:30 am every 3rd Wednesday of the month with networking and a presentation on topics like machine learning, enterprise architecture, scaling up teams and technology.  We also have a members-only private mailing list and Slack for questions and candid brainstorming.

We ask members to attend at least four meetings a year and strongly encourage members to present on an engaging, relevant topic at least once.