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What we’re about

This group, Washington, DC Pick-up Soccer, is the biggest coed soccer group in DC.  We play year-round, but have far more games during the summer when daylight lasts past about 6:45 PM, and people can just walk to games after work.  Everyone is welcome and it is free to join!

Attending our mall games allows you to become part of a long tradition, and it's a great way of getting to know new, healthy, and friendly people in a casual setting.  Currently, we have three games per week near the mall and two near Maryland.  Do you know the secret reason for Marine One’s flight path?  It's because the president, like any sensible person, enjoys watching a good game of the world's greatest sport and it gives him a perfect 45° viewing angle!  (Hehe.  Just kidding.  The truth is that he is usually deprived of this pleasure, because we pause play to gawk back.)
Tourists without any cleats getting bored of seeing exhibits in DC’s 261 museums are especially welcome; the Organizer (Jason Taylor) actually likes to think that if all people were forced to interact more and specifically had to play soccer together at least once in the extended back yard of the world’s most powerful leader, we’d all, regardless of what language we speak, the color we are, our gender, etc., be one step closer to world peace:
After games, we sometimes chat a bit while we change shoes and get ready to walk home.  Relax!  Don't be too rushed or too shy.  Ask other players which way they are walking or going.  Get their direct contact information.  You may find it handy when the weather is iffy or when the security people moved our game to "an undisclosed location."  Aside from building your own network, more communication and discussion allows everyone to contribute and cooperate to make games better.

RSVP liberally, but always check if there are enough RSVPs before going.  Ideally, please put on your profile roughly where you live so others who rsvped without a car know who to ask for rides.  Before heading out, it can help to review the RSVP list to remember names of players with face pictures on their profile. (Knowing the names of your teammates helps you communicate with them during the game.) If you arrive late, count the number of colors and non-colors or whites vs. darks to know which side you should probably join.  Unless the organizer says otherwise, you can just join the side with fewer players, but the best thing is to wait until another player arrives and go on opposite teams simultaneously.
Each game location/venues has different players and organizers.  Parking near the mall games during the week is difficult because they overlap with rush hour, but for the Tidal Basin games try Ohio Drive.  Parking at other games is better.  If you know of a good field closer to you and are willing to host and organize your own weekly game let me (Jason) know.  If we can get a backup co-organizer I will probably decide to green light your venue and you will have no problem getting the players you need for hosting your own game.  This flexibility we allow is why we don't allow the opposite (player recruitment or "poaching" of our best players for for own and probably expensive league not a part of our mostly free group) unless it helps the group overall.  Call me at 240-471-5613 if you see any such behavior or have questions.  That effort would be better spent helping our own games become better.  Also let me know if you see any errors in any game descriptions, directions on where to meet, or have an idea of how to improve.
Curious why we have a treasurer when our games are usually free?  The reason is because we are trying to improve our games by supplying all co-organizers with portable Pass goals.  A set is only $80 and shrinks to the size of a briefcase suitable carrying on the Metro.  If you would like to donate funds for goals and can spare $5 please hit the green chip in button.  I hereby promise that 100% of any donations will either go towards goals or will otherwise be spent to make the games better.  (I don't mind the fact that I pay for all meetup fees out of my own pocket since doing this actually allowed me to save money from being able to cancel my old $125/month sport and health membership.  I personally preferred playing soccer with cool people over boring gym machines anyway. )   Selfish donations (earmarked only to make games you already are going to better) are especially encouraged.
We hope to see you at our next game!
Jason Arthur Taylor, Organizer for Washington, DC Pick-up Soccer and Safer Soccer
P.S. I respond within 48 hours to all communications made directly to me including chats; if you messaged me for any reason and I didn't respond, I didn't actually get your message.  Please email a copy and phone it.

P.P.S. Washington, DC Pick-up Soccer is not liable for any injuries that may occur while playing. By attending our games, you accept full responsibility of your person and belongings, waiving any right to hold the group, the field owners, or the field caretakers responsible.

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