Dissolving Triggers: A Guided Hypnosis Experience
Join this transformative workshop to explore the power of the subconscious mind to create more calm and balance in your day to day life. Learn the roots of your triggers and how to release these subconscious patterns that far too easily hijack your positive intentions. Certified Hypnotherapist, Alicia Joy, will guide you in honing a deeper understanding of the source of your triggers and the powerful aspect of your subconscious mind. You will walk away from the workshop with greater clarity about what is holding you back and armed with tools for harnessing stability and calm now.
• Deeper clarity about what’s really holding you back.
• Empowered practices to dissolve your triggers.
• Live Group Hypnotic Experience
What to expect:
● Connection/Sharing
● Brief teachings: What is the Subconscious Mind? What are types of triggers? How to
diminish their intensity?
● Guided Hypnosis Experience to practice and reinforce tools for using every day.
● Dress comfortably for sitting, journaling & note taking, and relaxing
● Snacks will be provided
About Alicia Joy:
Alicia Joy is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Holistic Health and Subconscious Freedom Coach
whose mission is to guide her clients in harnessing the power of their mind in order to heal their bodies, balance their emotions, and ignite their passion and purpose.
Learn more about Alicia Joy Healing: www.aliciajoyhealing.com
Questions about the workshop?
Contact Alicia Joy at: alicia@aliciajoyhypnotherapy.com
Price: $40
Members: $35
sign up
1675 SE 6th Ave.
Portland, OR 97214
*Our entrance is located on SE Market Street between SE Grand and 6th Ave.
for more information: