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What we’re about

Greetings All, Please Read

Hello, I’m Candice. I’m the Organizer of DeLand Hiking Meetup Group (DHMG).

My perspective on DHMG. We are an all volunteer team who aim to offer you a free, safe, plutonic, fun-loving, hiking group for all. We are not tour guides or wilderness pros, we just simply love the outdoors and hiking. Our main focus is hiking central Florida, however, we often host other events not centered around hiking as well as extended weekend get-aways. Personally, I've lived in Florida many years but I've only been hiking for a few years. I'm still learning the trails and hiking opportunities that central Fl has to offer. That said, our schedule is rarely repetitious. We do have our favorites but we aim to keep it fresh and continually explore new adventures.

Basic Guidelines:
I am a no drama mama. Occasionally, situations of all types arise between group members. I'm prior military and often tell it like it is with little sugar coating. The event organizers and I are not secretaries, a delivery service, cupid, judge or jury. I/we will NOT give out anyone’s personal info. If a member has their messages turned off…that’s a clue. My best advice, use face to face and ask for their contact info. If you get the cold shoulder, drop it. Respect their privacy. If you have an issue, beef, dispute or whatever with another member, please leave me and the event organizers out of it. Let’s handle ourselves and our business as adults and communicate, respectfully and politely. If it can’t be resolved, then agree to disagree and leave it outside of the group. Many of us come to DHMG for peace and harmony. Good vibes only!

Only sign up for hikes you can complete. We typically plan hikes averaging 3-10 miles. Please know your capabilities and limitations. Sometimes our pace is more leisurely, sometimes more brisk (usually dependent on the person in the front, which varies).

-Social Media concerns. Prior to each event we usually take a group photo. These photos are typically uploaded to the event photos and some members will put them on their personal social media pages. If you do not wish to have you photo taken, we completely respect your choice. Simply step out of the photo and/or ask that your photo is not taken. We promise we won't judge you.

Be prepared to stay with the group, both leading and following. It’s important that you can keep up with the group. HOWEVER, if you are leading the pack, stop periodically to give us the opportunity to regroup. If you need to leave the trail, please let someone in the group know so we don’t think you’ve been injured or gotten lost.

Come prepared. Water (enough water for the duration) is vital. Florida is HOT, and we will hike all year long. Good walking shoes are a must. Bug spray, sunscreen and a first aid kit are highly recommended. Mud/water only VERY rarely will deter this group! We do try to skirt around it however, often it is unavoidable, and we’ll take a consensus to proceed or turn around. If you are concerned about getting your shoes dirty this may not be the group for you. Rain, I'm personally not a fan of hiking in the rain. My rule of thumb is if the chance of rain is greater than 40% for the time period of our hike, I'll cancel and reschedule the event.

Try to be considerate and be on time. If you’re running late, please send me a message in Meetup. We typically wait ten minutes after the scheduled start time and then we head out. Monitor your Meetup messages the evening before and the morning of, in case of a cancelation.

Lost cell phones. My advice...keep the sound of your phone ON during the hike. It is much easier to find a ringing phone than a silent one.

We often go out to eat after hikes, please do not feel obligated in any way. If you do wish to join in, don’t forget to bring $$.

Lastly, I use Google maps or the AllTrails app to add the directions for the events. There is always a chance that if you are using a different service, it won’t take you to the same spot.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask!

I sincerely hope you enjoy DHMG as much as I do. If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations for hikes or special events, send them to me in a Meetup message. I'll do my best to add it to the schedule. This is as much your group as it is mine. Let’s have fun, y'all! See you out there on the trail!