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What we’re about

The Delco Dudes Meetup Group is an adjunct or add-on group to an already established "core group" (independent of Meetup) which provides a suburban alternative setting (to the City of Philadelphia) in which gay/bisexual/pansexual men can socialize, meet with, and find support as needed, with other similar men here in Media, in Delaware County, PA. (Meetup's tracking of our activities, therefore, does not represent an accurate and complete indication of attendance and participation at events, etc.)  We provide a safe and friendly place and space for men who love men in Delaware County and beyond. We have "Second Tuesday" dinners each month at the Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant on State Street in Media, beginning at 7:00 PM.  And there's a Dudes Diner Lunch Bunch which meets at 1:00 PM on the first Monday of the month at the Court Diner in Media. When you join this Meetup group, you may also be placed on our organization's "core group" email list by contacting .