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What we’re about

denhac is a non-profit hackerspace founded in 2008. Er, wait, what’s a hackerspace?

Hackerspaces are for people passionate about teaching, learning, and working on projects in technology, engineering, art, and science. We have everything from a classroom for hosting meetups to fabrication areas for prototyping with 3d printers, laser cutters, woodshop, welders, CNC, electronics, and more. denhac is a 100% volunteer based nonprofit and run like a cooperative by all members.

Interested? Come visit and get a tour during open house, every Tuesday 8pm-11pm or attend any of our public classes and events. Check out our website to learn more:

Have a group, class, or event? We're happy to host! Please send us a message through our website's contact page.

Upcoming events (4+)

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