What we’re about
Are you a Python or Django developer? Are you interested in meeting other developers? Join the Denver Python Users Group meetup! All skill levels are welcome.
We're currently trialing different times and locations around Denver, if you have any suggestions please message an organizer. We do share meetup locations for study & co-working space with the Denver Data Science and Machine Learning Group.
Always check this meetup page for the latest schedule of our regular events such as:
• A regular monthly meetup which features announcements, speakers and talks as well as an optional social session afterward.
• A weekend (Saturday or Sunday) study group where developers of all skill levels meet to discuss Python in a collaborative environment for studying and/or co-working.
• Periodic workshops
For more information, see our website at https://rockypython.org/denverpython/.
We strive to create a welcoming, friendly, and respectful environment for all. Before participating in one of our events, please read and understand our code of conduct.
See also one of our sister groups (San Diego): https://www.meetup.com/pythonsd/
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Data Science and Python Sunday study & co-working (Lakewood Data Center)ColoradoCOLO, Lakewood , CO
Come out and meet up with people in the broader Python community, including the Denver Data Science and Machine Learning Group, and the Denver Biology & Bioinformatics Group.
Our study group is for everyone on their Python journey, whether you're just starting out, an experienced pro, or anywhere in between. There's no formal instruction, just a bunch of folks who like to code. Sometimes we talk about a specific subject, sometimes answer questions, whatever!
Python Community Code of Conduct: Python is much more than a software language. Python is a vibrant community made up of members from around the globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and experiences. It is through these differences that our community experiences great successes and continued growth. Overall, we're good to each other. We contribute to this community not because we have to, but because we want to.
Library code of conduct:
https://jeffcolibrary.org/policies/code-of-conduct/ - Monthly MeetupSouthglenn Library (Southglenn Room A), Centennial, CO
We will be doing 5-7 minute lightning talks. If you are interested in giving a talk at this or a future Monthly Meetup, please message an organizer.CURRENTLY SCHEDULED TALKS
Python Community Code of Conduct: Python is much more than a software language. Python is a vibrant community made up of members from around the globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and experiences. It is through these differences that our community experiences great successes and continued growth. Overall, we're good to each other. We contribute to this community not because we have to, but because we want to.
Library code of conduct:
https://jeffcolibrary.org/policies/code-of-conduct/ - Data Science and Python Sunday study & co-working (Lakewood Data Center)ColoradoCOLO, Lakewood , CO
Come out and meet up with people in the broader Python community, including the Denver Data Science and Machine Learning Group, and the Denver Biology & Bioinformatics Group.
Our study group is for everyone on their Python journey, whether you're just starting out, an experienced pro, or anywhere in between. There's no formal instruction, just a bunch of folks who like to code. Sometimes we talk about a specific subject, sometimes answer questions, whatever!
Python Community Code of Conduct: Python is much more than a software language. Python is a vibrant community made up of members from around the globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and experiences. It is through these differences that our community experiences great successes and continued growth. Overall, we're good to each other. We contribute to this community not because we have to, but because we want to.
Library code of conduct:
https://jeffcolibrary.org/policies/code-of-conduct/ - Monthly MeetupSouthGlenn Library, Centennial, CO
We will be doing 5-7 minute lightning talks. If you are interested in giving a talk at this or a future Monthly Meetup, please message an organizer.CURRENTLY SCHEDULED TALKS
Python Community Code of Conduct: Python is much more than a software language. Python is a vibrant community made up of members from around the globe with a diverse set of skills, personalities, and experiences. It is through these differences that our community experiences great successes and continued growth. Overall, we're good to each other. We contribute to this community not because we have to, but because we want to.
Library code of conduct: