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What we’re about

Whether you’re looking to just destress, meet other 20 & 30 somethings in town, or want to try something different (for free) with your friend group, DPPL has fun, creative, and relaxed programs for people in their 20s and 30s, give or take.  We are flexible with the age range, just know these are geared toward this demographic.


If this is you, you are and have always been welcome to all the other programming for adults, but be sure to check out our 20s & 30s events, found on the library calendar

Note that:
Some have limited supplies or seats and require registration VIA the Library (not through the meetup RSVP).
Some indicate alcohol will be served, and attendees must be 21 years or older.


We also have a NEW book discussion group for 20s &30s. We meet every other month, usually on the second Wednesday.
Register and pick up the next book at the 3rd floor registration desk, or check out the ebook or eaudiobook on Libby or Hoopla!


Have a recommendation for a program you’d like to see or even lead?  Email []( and our team of enthusiastic 20s/30s program organizers would love to hear your ideas and recommendations!

Upcoming events (3)

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