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Let's read and discuss some classic novels! (~1970s and earlier)

The current state of the world can feel quite alienating and isolating. Sometimes it's hard to even remember a time before social-media algorithms and "content" came to dominate our lives. Decompress and get some perspective by escaping into a good story! Then hang out, get some drinks, and talk about any aspect that appeals to you: favorite characters, funny parts, parts you didn't understand, parts you hated.

This is the planned reading list so far:
-Cannery Row (John Steinbeck, 1945)
-Their Eyes Were Watching God (Zora Neale Hurston, 1937)
-A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (Betty Smith, 1943)
-Brighton Rock (Graham Greene, 1938)

Be aware: Many of these books contain racist/sexist language, slurs, depictions of sexual/domestic violence, and other unpleasant -isms. Consider this an all-purpose content warning. Please feel welcome and encouraged to approach these texts through any number of leftist lenses!