The Eastern Pennsylvania Gaming Society (EPGS) meets every First and Third Saturday for Board Gaming in the Community Room on the Upper Level of Oxford Valley Mall. This meetup is for Saturday, February 15th, from 10 am until 9 pm. Arrive/Leave anytime within these hours.
Where is the Oxford Valley Mall Community Room?:
Near the Management Office on the Second Floor, roughly behind the GameStop. There's a small hallway to the right of the GameStop that leads back to the Management Office, the Community Room and some bathrooms.
Bring your favorite games! Learn some new games! There will be games available from the club supply to purchase, as well. Also, if there is enough interest in a raffle, the winner picks a game of their choice in addition to a 50/50 split of the proceeds.
We will have some tables set up as an eating area away from the gaming tables for those who prefer to eat away from the gaming table. Of course, the Mall food court is available, too. Please be courteous of others if you intend to eat while playing.
If this is your first time at EPGS, this event is FREE.
2025 Dues Options:
Option 1 - $75 : Entire year, up to 24 meetings. (averages to about $3.13 per meeting if you attend them all)
Option 2 - $40: Half year, either first or second, up to 12 meetings. (averages to about $3.33 per meeting if you attend them all)
Option 3 - $10: Pay as you go rate per meeting attended
EPGS is a non-profit organization. Dues allow us to keep paying for the room rent, insurance, plus website and meetup fees.
For further information about dues, contact either our club's President (Steve) or Treasurer (Mike).