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What we’re about

This book club is designed to be a place where women can gather and meet each other, discuss the book of the month and see where those discussions lead us.

For the most part we are a great mix of Austinites and new comers, there is usually a pretty even mix of those that have been in the group for a while and those that are visiting for the first or second time.

In addition we usually have a brunch and/or happy hour in the month so we can get to know each other a little better.

For book club you can bring your favorite snack or drink but you don't have to. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you, good conversation, good food and loads of laughter are the norm here!

(We ask for $10/yr to offset what Meetup charges us, but not until after 30 days of being a member and having some fun with us. After costs are met we share the extra funds with books for members and/or happy hours!)