What we’re about
Have you experienced intuition, dreams of flying, or déjà vu? Have you always felt there was something more? Are you looking for inner peace and wisdom?
The purpose of this Meetup group is to provide a common meeting ground for all who have had, or would like to have, a life-changing spiritual experience.
Other goals of this Meetup group are to help people
- validate and gain insight into their own spiritual experiences,
- understand what their experiences really mean,
- learn new and advanced ways of exploring their inner worlds.
This Meetup group, sponsored by Eckankar in [Region], is a spiritual resource for people of all faiths and beliefs. Eckankar is the Path of Spiritual Freedom. It is an individual, creative practice to experience and explore past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel.
Meetup-group activities may include
- spiritual-exploration classes,
- Sound of Soul events,
- ECK Light and Sound Services.
For more on the resources offered by Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, visit www.Eckankar.org. For classes and events, visit eckankar-kansas.org.
The opinions expressed in this site are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp.
Copyright © 2023 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 USA.
Upcoming events (3)
See all- Spiritual Stories We Tell - Special Video PresentationNeeds location
God is love, and you exist because God loves you. The whole purpose of life is to learn to give and receive divine love—to become a Coworker with God.
In the infinite heart of all things, love and reality will be found to be one and the same.
Harold Klemp, The Mahanta, the Living ECK MasterSpiritual stories from the talk by Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, at the 2024 ECK Soul Adventure seminar titled “Loving as God loves: A secret to spiritual living”. This is a special presentation of the video. Sri Harold Klemp is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. His role is to awaken the knowledge and love for the divine things that are already in your heart.
Sri Harold gives spiritual help via talks and writings, in the dream state, and in the spiritual worlds. In this featured talk, Sri Harold shares keys to living the spiritual life to its full potential. His stories bring out the timeless teachings of ECK that can help you find truth and more freedom, wisdom and love in your life.
A Zoom link will be sent when you RSVP.
If you are new to using Zoom, follow the link below for to a helpful YouTube video that explains how to join an online meeting.
Joining a Zoom MeetingPlease log on around 10:50 a.m. so we can start at 11.
We look forward to seeing you!Learn more at Eckankar in Kansas.
- Good Karma, Bad Karma, Beyond Karma: Embrace Your True Spiritual DestinyLink visible for attendees
Please join us for this friendly open spiritual discussion.
"Karma is an exact law. Karma is simply the Law of Retribution, the Law of Cause and Effect, that's all. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. Some people who know about karma and reincarnation say, "Boy, I can't wait for them to get their due right now." Well it may be another lifetime or two. So don't waste all your good energy burning yourself up with anger. Anger burns. It consumes like a hot fire. Put your attention to better use. Put your attention on God's love. You'll be better off for it, and so will everyone around you."
How to Survive Spiritually in Our Times by Harold Klemp, p. 230A Zoom link will be emailed to you when you RSVP.
If you are new to using Zoom, follow the link below for a helpful YouTube video that explains how to join an online meeting.
Joining a Zoom MeetingPlease log on around 10:50am so we can start at promptly at 11.
Learn more at Eckankar in Kansas.
- Experience the Sound of Soul - Opening Yourself to God’s Sweet LoveLink visible for attendees
Please join us for this Sound of Soul Event. Discover your inner guidance; healing for body, mind, and spirit; and a higher form of creativity by chanting the sacred sound of HU. Afterwards, enjoy the chance to share your experiences, ask questions, and chat online with other spiritual adventurers.
“Consciously open your heart to God’s love, which is always and forever flowing out to you like a quiet mountain stream.”
Sound of Soul by Harold Klemp, p. 14HU can be sung silently at work, home, or anytime you feel a need to tune in to a higher perspective on your life. You might try experimenting with it when you face a challenging situation or want to open yourself to a more loving attitude.
A Zoom link will be sent when you RSVP.
If you are new to using Zoom, follow the link below for to a helpful YouTube video that explains how to join an online meeting.
Joining a Zoom MeetingPlease log on around 12:50 pm. so we can start at 1pm.
We look forward to seeing you at our Sound of Soul event!Learn more at Eckankar in Kansas.