What we’re about
This group is operated by the New York Satsang Society, Inc., A Chartered Affiliate of Eckankar. October 1, 2022
We are about openly sharing our spiritual experiences that people from all religious backgrounds and all walks of life have had and may not fully understand. You will learn valuable tools to enhance your current path and spiritual exercises to explore your inner worlds. All are welcome.
Have you had a vivid dream or experienced an unusual sound or light, or had out of body travels? Ever wondered what your true life purpose is? We meet to share and discuss spiritual experiences and topics in an open, friendly and respectful environment. Talking with others can help us understand what our experiences mean. We also discuss spiritual techniques and resources for gaining greater experience and insight. People of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome. Eckankar is an ancient teaching that helps people make spiritual experiences an everyday reality in their lives. For more information you can click the link to learn more about Eckankar in Long Island. http://www.eckankar-ny.org/longisland.htm
To get FREE reading materials sent to you on these topics, click the following link:
The opinions expressed in this site are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp. Copyright © 2017
See allUpcoming events (4+)
See all- Network event3 attendees from 2 groups hostingConnect, Share, and Explore!—Fridays at the NYC ECK CenterECK Center of Greater New York City, New York, NY
Your open door for new spiritual horizons
Every Friday at the ECK Center is your chance to mingle with our diverse spiritual community. Come to our open house during the late afternoon. Join us for a special event in the evening.
The New York City ECK Center is located at 4 W. 43rd St. (between Fifth & Sixth Avenues),
Suite 503, NYC, NY 10036.Don’t miss your opportunity to:
• Connect with other spiritually minded people
• Have a solid moment to focus your attention on spirituality no matter what background you come from
• Meet new friends and run into old ones
• Feel lighter, laugh, and surprise yourself
• Unearth spiritual insights into what’s going on in your everyday life
• Make realizations you wouldn’t make anywhere elseWhat’s happening this Friday
4:00 - 6:00: Open House & Individual Spiritual Study
Feel free to stop by and visit. Hosts are available to answer questions, orient you to ECK books or materials, and give you a tour of our home in NYC. If you’re looking for a quiet moment to do a spiritual exercise, read a book, or maybe even meet with a friend, this is a great time to visit. It’s also a great time to learn more about Eckankar if you’ve got questions!7:00 pm–8:15 pm: Learning to Listen to God’s Guidance—Spiritual Discussion
Transform your life: Tune in to the many ways Divine Spirit guides and supports us.
Do you wonder if God hears your questions or knows your needs? Discover how to understand and deepen your connection with Divine Sprit. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion where we will share spiritual techniques that help you to recognize the myriad ways that God speaks to us through dreams, daily experiences, gentle nudges, and inner guidance. Bring your stories to share.8:15 pm–9:30 pm: Fellowship
Fellowship is your chance to meet with old friends, meet new ones, share stories, and laugh a lot. Sometimes these spontaneous moments are where the deepest connections and conversations happen. We might even have food too!“What we’re trying to do on the path of Eckankar is to find out what this life we are living actually means and how the spiritual consciousness can make it better—both now and after we step through the veil into the true worlds of the greater Light and the greater Sound of Spirit.”
—Harold Klemp, Touching the Face of God, p. 63
We look forward to seeing you at the ECK Center on Friday!
If you have any questions, please email eckcenternyc@gmail.com or call (212) 221-1402.
- Network event5 attendees from 2 groups hostingThe Easy Way—A Spiritual Self-Discovery CourseECK Center of Greater New York City, New York, NY
Are you ready to learn spiritual techniques that bring enlightenment in a natural way—from the inside out?
Have you had spiritual experiences that have you seeking answers? Have you attended one of our online spiritual discussions based on a topic that intrigues you, and you want to continue the conversation? Are you ready to discover who you are as a spiritual being?
"The Easy Way discourses are a portal for you to enter the secret worlds that exist beyond our cosmos, the higher regions so well known to the ECK travelers and the saints of old.”
—Harold Klemp, The Call of Soul, p. 96
Special Note: The Easy Way Discourses Satsang class is open for one more month before it is closed to new members of the class. The next class is on Monday January 13, 2024. You are warmly invited to join us for this new year-long in-person ECK Satsang class. The first class was on Monday, November 11, 2024; you may join during the first three months of this ECK class study. After Monday, January 13, 2025, the class will be closed to new members.
This year-long in-person class will meet on the second Monday of each month at the New York City ECK Center at 4 W. 43rd St., Suite 503, NYC NY 10036.
This is an opportunity to delve deeper into your spiritual quest, learn advanced spiritual techniques for your private spiritual practices, and study the ECK discourses in a Satsang class with a community of like hearted people.
Students must live in New York State or in a neighboring state within a reasonable commuting distance to New York City.
Class dates open to new students include:
• Monday, January 13, 2025, 7:00 pm–8:30 pmThe Easy Way Discourses are available with a one-year membership in Eckankar. At the end of a year, you have a choice to renew and continue studying other discourses, or not to renew.
• To learn more, please visit: https://www.eckankar.org/engage/advanced-spiritual-living/
• To enroll, please visit: https://www.eckankar.org/membership-start/
• The Easy Way Discourses will be mailed to you.
• The discourses can also be accessed online using your Eckankar ID.Once you have membership in Eckankar, you may register for this Satsang class by contacting spiritualservices.gnyc@gmail.com
This could be a spiritual adventure of your lifetime! To explore this opportunity more, enjoy this Discover Eckankar and Advanced Spiritual Living video on YouTube.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s78XVcM7HWI&t=4sFor more Eckankar events in New York State taking place online or in person, please visit our NY ECK website at: https://eckankar-ny.org
- Network event23 attendees from 8 groups hostingChanting HU Can Transform Your Daily LifeLink visible for attendees
Discover the HU, a mantra that can uplift people of any religion, culture, or walk of life.
Come for an inspiring experience of personal chanting and contemplation with the uplifting sound of HU, an ancient mantra, that opens the heart to the love of God. Then join in an exploration of the spiritual topics that arise from this inner focus.
“Life goes up and down. We have times when everything is going our way, but there are also times when we’re at the bottom. If we keep ourselves open to Spirit, there will be an equal balance.
“When our fortunes hit bottom, we surrender to Spirit. Then we can go back up more naturally, and we’ll maintain this rhythm of life. As life goes on around us, the detached state is that which runs right through the center; we are the balanced individual working in the Soul consciousness.
“Singing HU can help you align with this natural, holy rhythm of life.”
—Harold Klemp, The Sound of Soul, p. 32You are warmly invited to join us for this online Sound of Soul Event, “Chanting HU Can Transform Your Daily Life,” on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 12:30 pm–1:30 pm. All are welcome!
Singing HU can bring healing for body, mind, and spirit, and align Soul with higher states of love, wisdom, and awareness.
HU is a carrier of love between God and Soul. It enables you to open your heart to experience the miracles that occur when you give and receive love.
Monica Shelmandine, the facilitator for this Sound of Soul Event, is looking forward to sharing the HU with you and exploring the heart-opening power of this sacred mantra.
More Information:
This event will be hosted on Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to those who register. You can also join by phone; the phone number and link will also be sent in an email on the day of the event.
For more Eckankar events in New York State, please visit our web page at: https://eckankar-ny.org
- Network event3 attendees from 2 groups hostingConnect, Share, and Explore!—Fridays at the NYC ECK CenterECK Center of Greater New York City, New York, NY
Your open door for new spiritual horizons
Every Friday at the ECK Center is your chance to mingle with our diverse spiritual community. Come to our open house during the late afternoon. Join us for a special event in the evening.
The New York City ECK Center is located at 4 W. 43rd St. (between Fifth & Sixth Avenues),
Suite 503, NYC, NY 10036.Don’t miss your opportunity to:
• Connect with other spiritually minded people
• Have a solid moment to focus your attention on spirituality no matter what background you come from
• Meet new friends and run into old ones
• Feel lighter, laugh, and surprise yourself
• Unearth spiritual insights into what’s going on in your everyday life
• Make realizations you wouldn’t make anywhere elseWhat’s happening this Friday
4:00 - 6:00: Open House & Individual Spiritual Study
Feel free to stop by and visit. Hosts are available to answer questions, orient you to ECK books or materials, and give you a tour of our home in NYC. If you’re looking for a quiet moment to do a spiritual exercise, read a book, or maybe even meet with a friend, this is a great time to visit. It’s also a great time to learn more about Eckankar if you’ve got questions!7:00 pm–8:15 pm: Discover Wisdom in the Video Talk by the Living ECK Master: How Does the Holy Spirit Work?
ECK Video Night is a wonderful, relaxed, heart-centered evening in which we watch a special 30-minute edited version of a talk given at a major seminar by the Spiritual Leader of Eckankar, Sri Harold Klemp, the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. Afterwards, we enjoy a lively spiritual discussion on the themes and ideas presented in the video presentation.In the talk How Does the Holy Spirit Work? Harold Klemp, the spiritual leader of Eckankar, shares stories of how the ECK, or Holy Spirit, gives protection and insights. A third-grade science teacher tells of the protection he received, a little miracle, that prevented a fire. In another story a man is guided on a path to sobriety through the practice of chanting the sound "HU," and subsequently, opening to Spirit. Ann, an ECK teacher, ~~h~~as witnessed firsthand the transformative power of the ECK in positively impacting people's lives and health. All the stories tell of Spirit working little miracles.
8:15 pm–9:30 pm: Fellowship
Fellowship is your chance to meet with old friends, meet new ones, share stories, and laugh a lot. Sometimes these spontaneous moments are where the deepest connections and conversations happen. We might even have food too!“What we’re trying to do on the path of Eckankar is to find out what this life we are living actually means and how the spiritual consciousness can make it better—both now and after we step through the veil into the true worlds of the greater Light and the greater Sound of Spirit.”
—Harold Klemp, Touching the Face of God, p. 63
We look forward to seeing you at the ECK Center on Friday!
If you have any questions, please email eckcenternyc@gmail.com or call (212) 221-1402.
Past events (522)
See all- Network event4 attendees from 2 groups hostingWhat is the Path of Spiritual Freedom? An Introduction to the Basics of EckankarThis event has passed