What we’re about
This group is operated by Pennsylvania Satsang Society, Inc. 2/15/2022.
Eighty million Americans have had a profound religious experience, an out-of-body experience, a dream with a departed one, an encounter with an inner light or sound, or a spiritual experience they could not explain. Many of them find it difficult to discuss these experiences with friends or loved ones. If you are one of them, you are welcome to join us for a monthly ECK Light and Sound Service and other scheduled events.
Soul's whole purpose for being in this world is to find divine love.
Eckankar is mainly about your daily, personal connection with Divine Spirit. You'll also find people of like mind and experience in Eckankar who share your desire for truth.
Your spiritual experiences reach welcoming ears among ECKists, those who study the ECK teachings.
There are tens of thousands of ECKists around the world and Eckankar spiritual study groups in hundreds of cities. This global community is supported by a worldwide spiritual center in Minnesota and by volunteer groups nearly everywhere.
The opinions expressed in this site are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp.
For more information or to speak to a member of Eckankar, call 412-856-3680 and leave a message or send an email to info@eckankarofpa.org.
You may also wish to visit the following websites:
All Events are sponsored by the Pennsylvania Satsang Society, Inc. a Chartered Affiliate of ECKANKAR. Copyright© 2025 ECKANKAR, all rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, and Mahanta among others are trademarks of ECKANKAR P.O. Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Discussion: based on "The Wonder Within You" — ProtectionLink visible for attendees
Discussion - based on The Wonder Within You
— Protection
(For Adults 18 and older)
“When we speak of opening your wings, it’s coming into an awareness of the spiritual love and protection of the ECK Masters.
They are the guardian angels around you all the time. It’s just a matter of opening your awareness and going above the human consciousness to recognize and benefit from this.”
Harold Klemp, The Secret of Love, PP. 182 and 183All ECK Masters are guardian angels—the ECK Itself—that is protecting you. Often, we are not aware that we have been protected and sometimes we are. A powerful realization is that everything happens for a reason and nothing ever happens to you but for you. Looking at life from that perspective makes you feel secure knowing the ECK always has your back.
Monthly hybrid book discussion, 3rd Wednesdays at 7:00pm.
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