What we’re about
A simple group. We choose a book for the next meeting and then meet up to discuss it over a drink. The books are important, but the getting together, discussing the book while making new friends is what it is really all about.
We will read books from all genres and from authors from around the world, as well as from different time periods. Nothing is off-limits.
It can seem daunting coming along to a meeting for the first time on your own. We have all experienced those feelings at our first meeting, not knowing what to expect. New faces and points of view are welcomed at every meeting. The aim is to be social and friendly, with the book a theme with which the evening revolves around, but with wider ideas and issues discussed.
The Edinburgh Book Group is all about lively discussion and debate around books we're reading as a group as well as a social evening where you can meet new like minded people that share a common interest.
There should usually be two or three forthcoming meetings listed as some people need more time to plan ahead their reading and because not everyone can come to every meeting or fancy every book choice. Meetings will be held approximately every two to three weeks, so if you can't make one, a new meeting is not too far away.
As with any Meetup group, there are considerations beforehand with planning, numbers and reservations. If you sign up to an event and are unable to make it, please take a minute to update your RSVP and/or send a message. Two no-shows in a row will result in removal from the group.