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What we’re about

Hi, my name is Ellen and I’m a recovering ego addict.

Even though I feel connected to Being/Consciousness/God/Source, I haven’t been able to shake my unconscious programming. I have a feeling there are a lot of people out there like me! When I started closely studying my ego a couple years back, I began to understand what was going on. Despite how conscious I thought I was, my ego was still in charge! She’s a tricky one! 😈

This group is for people like me who want to know the Truth. People who are honest enough to admit that their egos (and pain-bodies) have been and may still be running their lives.

Ego Rehab sounds funny, but it’s no joke! We will not be pointing fingers at other people’s egos. We will be looking at our own egos and discussing our own egos—all those ugly unconscious patterns and addictions that pretend to be us and run (or try to run) our lives. The collective ego is only a reflection of the individual ego which starts with each one of us. We’re holding ourselves accountable for our own consciousness! (And by the way, ego interventions aren’t allowed at Ego Rehab! 😅)

This is not psychology or psychotherapy. Yes, there will be some ego-analysis. But we’re looking at who we are not to discover who we truly are (Being/Consciousness/God/Life/etc). We’re not trying to appease our egos or train our egos or reframe our stories of ourselves. We are transcending our stories and our egos through awareness.

The definition of ego we’re using here is Eckhart Tolle’s definition from A New Earth. Basically, a false self made up of unobserved mind patterns, conditioning, identities, and belief structures. By his definition, once you are aware of your ego patterns, they’re transmuted into just patterns, no longer part of your ego structure.

The meetup format will go something like this:

  • Start with a brief guided meditation (probably from Adyashanti)
  • Discuss last meeting’s “homework,” like your list of ego disguises, an in-depth look at some aspect of your ego, etc.
  • Listen to a short clip or book excerpt aligned with this week’s topic (for example, money and the ego, the spiritual ego, etc.)
  • Discussion and homework assignment for next time

Recommended reading/rereading before attending Ego Rehab is A New Earth and/or The Power of Now.

I’m the Ego Rehab clinical director, CEO (chief ego officer), counselor, and perpetual patient. I have been studying Eckhart Tolle’s teaching since 2008. I attended his retreat here in Maui in 2022 and in Canada in 2023. He is my main teacher, along with Adyashanti, whom I was first introduced to at Makawao Union Church when I was new to Maui in 2016.

For more info on Ego Rehab and the book I’m writing by the same name, please see my website,

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