What we’re about
Our goal for the group is to bring eBay & e-commerce sellers and potential sellers together and to learn from each other. We enjoy hearing about your interests and discovering new ways to research and sell products. We all have something to contribute to help us succeed. Come out and bring your ideas. Let's help each other out! This is not a get-rich scheme we are serious eBay and e-commerce business owners. We all strive to be the best and most successful e-commerce sellers.
My wife and I are eBay-trained Education Specialists with 15 years of experience. We have been selling on eBay since 2000 and are Top Rated eBay Sellers. If you are interested in learning how to sell on eBay, check our Web site (www.biddingpros.com) or call us (847-228-5677) for class dates and times. When you enroll in our one-on- one class our goal is to have an item listed under your own eBay account the day you take the class. This class includes everything you need to know to be a successful seller on eBay. We also sell are custom products on Amazon.
We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting. To avoid discomfort and encourage openness, no audio or photographic recording is permitted at these eBay meetings other than by us.
We wish you the Best of Success!
Rich and Nila