Hey guys!
We hiked a number of segments of the Colorado Trail this past year and I would like to continue to explore some of the trail in 2025! Segment 3 is one of the lower elevation segments on the Colorado Trail and is doable during the spring. It ranges from 7,300 to 8,400 feet in elevation and is a total of 12.2 miles in length. The elevation gain on this stretch of the Colorado Trail is 1,837 feet over a rather hilly landscape.
The Colorado Trail is a long-distance trail running for 486 miles from the mouth of Waterton Canyon southwest of Denver to Durango. Its highest point is 13,271 feet above sea level, and most of the trail is above 10,000 feet. Despite its high elevation, the trail often dips below the alpine timberline to provide refuge from the exposed, storm-prone regions above. The Colorado Trail was built and is currently maintained by the non-profit Colorado Trail Foundation and the United States Forest Service and was connected in 1987.
We will plan to do Segment 3 all in one day starting at the Little Scraggy Trailhead and hiking to FS-560 (Wellington Lake Road) Trailhead. This segment has some great views along the way including forests of ponderosa pine and aspen in addition to numerous unique rock outcroppings that rise to hundreds of feet. The segment also has number of areas which feature granite cliffs that drop many hundreds of feet below.
Kayaking/SUP on Wellington Lake: On Sunday those interested we will spend a relaxing day on Wellington Lake paddling around with our kayaks or SUPs. Castle Mountain Recreation at Wellington Lake has rentals at a reasonable rate.
Lodging: I have identified a 4 bedroom 2 bath place outside of Bailey, CO which is a short 30 minute drive down to the Little Scraggy Trailhead.
If you're interested in attending this weekend trip please contact me through meetup or at edgeofthemtn@gmail.com for info and pricing.
*To avoid confusion please only comment or RSVP for this trip if you are interested in staying in Bailey for the weekend with the group.
Looking forward to a fun trip!