What we’re about
This is a horror society group/club for individuals in San Antonio and its surrounding areas. Open to those that share a passion for the horror genre! Hang out for some fun and entertainment with other like-minded fans of horror!
Our meetup will consist of at least one monthly gathering either in-person or online: from watching new and/or classic horror/cult films, to attending any horror related activities going on that members know of happening in town (This may be in the form of parties, conventions, games, reading books, dining, etc.).
Please adhere to our Rules & Guidelines:
- MEMBERSHIP & GUESTS: Please respect all members and guests at events, in-person and online. If a meetup does not allow guests, please respect this decision. Same goes if events are limited and full. Kids are allowed at family friendly public events. Please contact the host if a guest is under 18. Again, respect is the key. Any disrespect, inappropriate/uncomfortable behavior may result in group removal.
- PROFILE PHOTOS: We ask that members have a photo of themselves on their profile to avoid bots and spammers. If a member does not have one or it is anonymous, they will be contacted to comply. This is especially important for in-home or private gatherings. If they don't comply, they may be removed from this group.
- PICTURES: Pictures are typically taken at events by members and are uploaded to Event Albums on meetup or other social media platforms. Members are always encouraged to take pictures to share. Be sure to inform members and guests when pictures will be taken, in case someone does not wish to be photographed. Please either take the picture for the group or step out of the area during that time.
- RSVP: Please remember to check in with the event host to events members RSVPed to. We work hard to have fun, successful meetups and ask back that events marked for GOING are treated as a commitment. Hosts are allowed to change meetup event member status at their discretion. Members may be marked as NO SHOW if you do not communicate in the event that you won't be able to attend, which could warrant for group removal. We understand life can change members' scheduling, so we ask you to change your RSVP or make a comment in the event regarding your attendance.
- SAFETY: This group is for friends to socialize platonically, not for dating purposes. There is no problem if members get together upon meeting one another in the group, as long as it is reciprocal. Please do not add drama.
No physical fighting. If verbal fights ensue, take it outside and sort it out.
Besides the organizers, only direct message members if their profile allows such options or you have a verbal agreement in person. Soliciting, harassment, or baiting in terms of services/dating in our members direct messages will not be tolerated. If someone sends such a direct message that makes members feel to be unsolicited, inappropriate, or questionable, please notify the organizers or host of particular event.
This pertains to event comments/group chats and discord as well. If members find such comments posted, they can report to the organizers. Warnings or bannings will be issued if members do not follow guidelines. - DONATIONS: Donations in cash, PayPal, Pledge, etc. are accepted. Please be aware that monetary donations are used to cover meetup funds, theater screenings, space rentals and such to keep hosting great events for the group. Note, donations are greatly appreciated, but never mandatory or expected and does not entitle donor to dictate group activities and should not be regarded as consideration in exchange of promises. Donations are understood to be gifts, given freely and without strings, with the understanding that funds will be used in good faith to improve the experience of out group members.
- SUGGESTIONS: Meetup suggestions are welcome!