What we’re about
Meet some new friends while exploring the Bay Area together. This club is about providing value to the community, having fun, exploring new places, and meeting new friends. We are a social club of singles and couples who enjoy exploring the Bay Area of Northern California. We are the largest Social Meetup club/group in the Bay Area. Join us as we explore cool bars, night clubs, restaurants, museums, vineyards, hiking adventures, house parties, etc. We will also offer some community volunteer opportunities. We will LEVERAGE our group to receive discounts, extended happy hours, and other great perks that an individual cannot get. Note that we move the party all around the Bay Area to keep our events interesting and to continually attract new members. Join and you will meet some quality, new friends.
Adults 21 and over. Our members range in age from 21 to 80+. Single people and people in relationships are in this club. This is not a singles club. If you don't feel comfortable about being around people from different age groups, then you either are just trying to hook up or you haven't grown up yet. Note that we don't and won't tolerate any discrimination with respect to race, religion, age, sex, or gender. A profile with a name or name abbreviation is required. Web site names, member numbers, or phrases cannot be used in lieu of a name.
- Personal photo required where you are recognizable. No action shots, group photos, and topless pics are not permitted.
- Must be an adult age 21 and over.
- Read our club rules before joining the club.
- Be respectful to other members in the club.
- Read the event description and updates from the organizers before asking questions and/or attending an event to minimize the organizers' volunteer time.
- Only show up to an event after you have verified that you have secured an attending spot. Members who show up with only a waiting list spot are subject to removal from the club.
- Any behavior that causes a problem for another member of the group. Not limited, but including the following: being touchy, overly aggressive, creepy, excessive gossiping or any behavior that causes bad drama.
- Excessive no shows in relation to the number of events attended. Note that we take attendance at most events. Members are responsible to monitor their own registration status. When you are on a waiting list, don't assume that you won't get into an event. If a member makes other plans, they are responsible to change their registration from either the attending list or waiting list to the not attending list.
- Repeatedly bailing out of events on the day the event is scheduled. A high frequency of this behavior can lead to being removed from the group. Note that if you bail out the same day of an event, you will be marked as a "no show".
- Signing up to a lot of events and then bailing out of a high percentage of them is grounds for removal from the group. If you have more "not attending" registrations versus attended events, you are subject to removal.
- Sending emails to members they have not met before (non-connections) for the purposes of dating. This isn't a singles group nor is it a dating website.
- Sending spam emails to members to promote a business, event, etc.
- Freeloaders who take advantage of the generosity of others are removed from the group. This includes attending an event at a venue and not purchasing anything.
- Not having a picture where you are recognizable.
- Showing up to an event without securing a spot (crashing).
- Bringing former members as a guest to an event.
- Plagiarizers of our events and club rules.
- Any behavior that can be considered detrimental to the reputation of Explore the Bay (ETB), its organizers, or its associates.
In exchange for participation in the activities organized by the Explore the Bay (ETB) Meetup Group you agree for yourself and your guests (if applicable), to the following:
You are responsible for your own interactions with other members of the ETB Meetup Group. You understand that the group does not do background checks on any of our existing members or on new members joining the group. This site makes no representations or warranties as to the conduct of its members. The organizers & event hosts of this group are NOT liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, general, special, compensatory, consequential, and/or incidental, arising out of or relating to your conduct or anyone else's conduct in connection with or attending an event with the ETB Meetup Group or use of this site. This includes, without limitation, bodily injury and emotional distress. You agree to take reasonable precautions in all interactions with other members of the group, including if you decide to meet outside of an event. In addition, you agree to the group's terms and conditions noted above and to abide by them.
You agree to indemnify and defend ETB against all claims, causes of action, damages, judgements, costs or expenses, including attorney fees and other litigation costs, which may in way arise from your attendance or your guest’s attendance of an ETB event.
You agree to pay for all damages to the facilities caused by any negligent, reckless, or willful actions by you or your guests.
Any legal or equitable claim that may arise from participation in the above shall be resolved under California law.
You have read this document & understand it. You further understand that by joining this group or remaining a member of this group, you voluntary surrender the legal rights noted above.
Please note that our organizers are not getting paid for organizing events. Also, meetup.com charges the main organizer $19.99 per month to have this meetup group on the meetup platform.
Happy Exploring!