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Zürich Forex Trading Meet-up Group

Zürich, ch

Welcome to our Trading and Finance Community! This group is for anyone with an interest in trading and finance—whether you're a beginner eager to learn or an experienced trader looking to refine your strategies. Our goal is to build a supportive community where we can learn from each other, share insights, and improve our trading and investment skills together. Who is this for? Beginners: If you're just starting out, this is a great space to ask questions, learn the basics, and receive guidance in a friendly and non-judgmental environment. Experienced Traders: If you already have experience, you’ll find a group of like-minded individuals with whom you can exchange strategies, discuss market trends, and continuously grow. What to expect: Free Learning and Sharing: We believe in sharing knowledge, so you’ll have the opportunity to learn for free, as well as contribute your own expertise. Tailored Interactions: After our initial meetup to introduce ourselves and get to know each other, we’ll organize sessions based on your experience and interests. This could be one-on-one mentoring, group discussions, or workshops. Collaborative Environment: Whether you’re looking to improve your technical analysis, learn new strategies, or just keep up with financial trends, this is a collaborative space where we support each other’s growth. Join us for an introductory meeting where we’ll discuss our interests, goals, and how we can best help each other on our trading and investment journeys!
14 members · Public

Zürich New In Town Social (1900+)

Zürich, ch

Zürich New In Town Social (1900+)
**Welcome to Zürich New In Town Social!** This is a group for people who would like to find new relationships and make new friends in one of the most vibrant cities! Zurich is a glorious city but it is notoriously difficult to make friends in. Everyone else seems to be super busy and no one seems to invest time and effort in finding like-minded people and arrange social events with them. It is time to change this. Let us get together and create a social community where we can meet and make friends without pressure and undue ceremony. Let us get together for drinks and dinners, music and dance, walks and day trips, holidays and festivals. This is a group for singles and couples of all ages, colors, races, religions and everyone is welcome. All you want to do is to make friends in this glorious city! **Click on the link to have a look at some of our past events** - [Photo Album]( Here you can see everyone from different cultures and races meeting and having a great time and this is what we tend to achieve everytime we host! **Here is how we will do things differently -** Ever since covid has occurred the world has changed ways in how we function and operate. Meeting people of various cultures has become difficult with various restrictions and with online events people rarely have the opportunity of meeting face to face and this results in not getting the right opportunity to meet in person. We will always have hosts at all our events. You will always be greeted by someone at all our events and introduced to others. (Warm & welcoming hosts to help you mingle!) **Click on the link to know**[ 6 key reasons why you should attend our meetups!]( We will minimize no shows by requiring attendees to pay a deposit in advance. No shows are misleading and not fun for organizers nor for members. We will not disguise organization costs in opaque ticket prices, commissions from bars or inflated set menu prices. We will instead ask for a small charge to help us manage the group and its activities. (Very transparent) We will strive to attract a high quality membership who prefer higher quality venues and events. We will not be driven by happy hours, free food etc (as all of these are eventually balanced out by much higher prices later) We will constantly request members to help us host events and take a lead on activities so that we have energy and variety. **Click on the link to our website and have a look at our other cities that we host in -** []( I very much hope that you will join us and create a vibrant social community!
1867 members · Public

Single & Friends

Zürich, ch

Single & Friends

Our members come from, live in or are somehow related to Greater Zurich Area, Switzerland! Whether you are new to the area or not, our Zurich area events assist in providing people with an atmosphere that is relaxing and friendly, where people can enjoy the event activities and the pleasant company of others.

Our events cater to all age groups, although we host events which specifically include 20’s & 30’s, as well as 40+ age range. Like minded people are most welcome.

We offer limited but helpful support to the single lifecycle. Via our choice of partners we can support you in the following fields (write PN to the organiser):

- Legal Support / Marriage-Contracts / Separation & Divorce- / Mental-Support

- Single-Travels / Dating-Coach / VIP-Matching / Event-Planning

It's not free but our experience could help you out or safe you a lot, if you most need it.

We host a variety of social events in greater Zurich area, to include happy hours, wine tastings, bar crawls, parties, outdoor activities, seminars, upscale galas, casual social events, wine tours, beer tastings, sporting events, adventures/adventurous activities, party cruises, and club openings! Our events bring together friends and friends to be.

Come join us, at one of our upcoming events and meet people who want to get out and do a variety of activities and adventures. It’s all about having a good time and enjoying good company. Join us to experience new and exciting venues, while meeting new people and making new friends.

Our webpage:

3688 members · Private

IOTA Switzerland (Crypto Meetings)

Bern, ch

IOTA Switzerland (Crypto Meetings)
Wir organisieren die grössten IOTA Stammtische der Schweiz und gehören damit auch zu den grössten regelmässigen Altcoin meetups. Die IOTA/Krypto Stammtische wurden ins Leben gerufen, damit sich die IOTA / Krypto Community regelmäßig treffen kann, um über aktuellen Entwicklungen zu diskutieren und philosophieren. Auch wenn du noch nicht viel über Kryptos und IOTA weisst, bist du bei uns herzlich willkommen! Lerne mehr über IOTA & Kryptos indem du dich bei einem kalten Bier und/oder einem guten Essen mit Krypto-Enthusiasten, Trader & Investoren, Entwicklern und Unternehmern austauschst. **Der offizielle *IOTA Bern Stammtisch* findet immer am 2. Freitag des Monats um 18:00Uhr statt.** **Der offizielle *IOTA Zürich Stammtisch* wird zukünftig immer am letzten Freitag des Monats um 18:00Uhr statt finden.** \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Weitere Informationen zur Gruppe \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Auf Grund von Limitierungen der Meetup App musste diese Gruppe umbenannt werden. Die Mitglieder dieser Gruppe beschäftigten sich bereits mit Investments daher ist die Thematik mit Kryptos nicht all zu weit entfernt. In dieser Gruppe geht es um Bildung, lernen und Netzwerk. Wir verkaufen hier nichts. Sollte sich dennoch jemand durch die Umstellung gestört fühlen bitten wir die jeweilige person einfach aus der Gruppe auszutreten. Besten Dank fürs Verständnis. ##################### ENGLISH ##################### We organize the largest "IOTA Stammtische" in Switzerland and are also one of the largest regular Altcoin meetups. The "IOTA / crypto Stammtische" was created so that the IOTA / crypto community can meet regularly to discuss and philosophize about current developments. Even if you don't know much about cryptos and IOTA yet, you are welcome to join us! Learn more about IOTA & cryptos by exchanging ideas with crypto enthusiasts, traders & investors, developers, and entrepreneurs over a cold beer and/or a good meal. **The official *IOTA Bern Stammtisch* always takes place on the 2nd Friday of the month at 18:00 CEST.** **The official *IOTA Zurich Stammtisch* will, in the near future, always take place on the last Friday of the month at 18:00 CEST.** \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Further information about the group \-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\-\- Due to the limitations of the Meetup App, this group had to be renamed. The members of this group already dealt with investments, so the topic of cryptos is not too far away. This group is about education, learning, and networking. We do not sell anything here. If someone feels disturbed by the change, we ask the person friendly to leave the group. Thank you for your understanding.
494 members · Public

New Ways Of Working

Zürich, ch

New Ways Of Working

Wir brauchen neue Formen der Zusammenarbeit. Bisherige Ansätze bilden die heutige Komplexität der Arbeitswelt ungenügend ab und führen zu Leerläufen, Wiederholung des Bestehenden und Misserfolg. Es fehlen Modelle zum Experimentieren, Emerging und Good Practices und Empfehlungen fürs Do-It-Yourself. 

Mit diesem Meetup bieten wir einen Raum, um verschiedene Facetten und Perspektiven von neuer Arbeit zu erleben, entwickeln und mit neuen Werkzeugen zu spielen. Wir möchten dazu eine Vielfalt an Themen und Experten zusammenbringen, ganz im Sinne einer Learning Community.  

Unsere Themen:

• Collaboration-Tools - MS Teams, Slack, Trello, Jira, etc. 

• Agile Teams - XP, Kanban, Scrum

• Virtual / Augmented / Mixed Reality und Devices

• Corporate Digital Selling

• Neue Denkweise und Haltung

• Responsive Organisation - Holacracy, Sociocracy 3.0, Spotify-Modell...

• Neue Rollen im Arbeitsumfeld - Data Scientist, Influencer, Customer Experience Engineer, Tribe Chief...

• Collective Leadership - Empowerment, Wertebasiert, Vertrauen, Safe Spaces

• Facilitation - Art of Hosting, Effektive Meetings, Effektive Kommunikation

• Sinn, Vision, Mission - Purpose-Driven-Work

• AI und Automation

Ablauf des Meetups

• Check-in Runde

• Input

• Teamwork

• Review

• Open Space

• Retrospektive

• Check-out Runde

• Networking mit Apéro

Diese Meetups finden in Winterthur, Zürich und Bern statt. 

343 members · Public

Zurich Friends 🌻 (age 18-35)

Zürich, ch

Zurich Friends 🌻 (age 18-35)
🇨🇭Schwiizertüütsch • 🇩🇪 Deutsch • 🇬🇧 English **•** 🇨🇭 **Schwiizertüütsch •** Tritt üsem läbige Hangout-Grüppli bi, für Lüüt vo 18 bis 35, grad hie in Züri! Ob du jetzt Cocktails schlürfsch oder Mocktails gnüssisch, üsi gsellschaftliche Anläss sind de perfekte Ort, um Fründe z'finde, mit de Hiesige z'vermische und dich in ere gmüetleche Atmosphäre z'entspanne. Verbind di, lach und schaff Erinnerige mit üs – di nächscht grossartigi Fründschaft wartet scho! **WhatsApp** • Zurich Friends 🌻 []( (optional) **Spänd** und hilf dabe, d Meetup-Gebüehre z decke ❣️ TWINT: 076 565 96 09 Revolut: []( Bar: Arno **•** 🇩🇪 **Deutsch •** Tritt unserer lebhaften Hangout-Gruppe für 18- bis 35-Jährige in Zürich bei! Ob du Cocktails schlürfst oder Mocktails genießt, unsere gesellschaftlichen Veranstaltungen sind der perfekte Ort, um Freundschaften zu schließen, mit Einheimischen zu mischen und in einer entspannten Atmosphäre abzuschalten. Verbinde dich, lache und schaffe Erinnerungen mit uns – deine nächste großartige Freundschaft wartet! **WhatsApp** • Zurich Friends 🌻 []( (optional) **Spende** und hilf dabei, die Meetup-Gebühren zu decken ❣️ TWINT: 076 565 96 09 Revolut: []( Bar: Arno **•** 🇬🇧 **English •** Join our vibrant hangout crew, ages 18-35, in Zurich! Whether you’re sipping cocktails or enjoying mocktails, our social events are the perfect place to make friends, mingle with locals, and unwind in a relaxed atmosphere. Connect, laugh, and create memories with us—your next great friendship awaits! **WhatsApp** • Zurich Friends 🌻 []( (optional) **Donate** and help cover the Meetup fees ❣️ TWINT: 076 565 96 09 Revolut: []( Cash: Arno
415 members · Public