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Meet new friends groups near Haydock, 28

Meet New Friends in Merseyside & Local Areas

Liverpool, 28

Meet New Friends in Merseyside & Local Areas
**ONLY £10 ONE-OFF JOINING FEE....NO ANNUAL CHARGES:** **YOUR FULL MEMBERSHIP WILL BE ACCEPTED AS SOON AS I HAVE RECEIVED YOUR £10 JOINING FEE, YOU CAN THEN ENJOY ALL OF OUR EVENTS.** ***(Joining fee has been updated to match the increase in what charge organisors for use of their website).*** This payment helps to cover costs towards website fees (which is charged to each individual group) and to contribute towards the time taken to run and organise the group. **PLEASE NOTE: From 17/07/22, once you are a full member of this group, if you do not join us on an event within six months of joining, your membership may be cancelled.** This group is a well established group and has been running for over 10 years. We've held many fantastic & fun events with many more planned for you to join in with. This group is about creating a mixture of events to suit all tastes. Examples of what we do ... Holidays, theatre shows, plays, cinema, museums, art galleries, local tours of our amazing Liverpool buildings we walk past everyday without noticing, pub quizzes, varied walks, coffee afternoons, afternoon & evening pub crawls, quieter pub drinking times and even racing days. Occasionally our meetup events will be as a group event with our Sister groups: []( You may be new to the area or just want to go out more often. Is a great opportunity to meet new friends of **ALL AGES** however, **you may like to know that members ages of this group is average of 40's to over 70's, however anyone over 18 is welcome to join.** **Don' t waste anymore time, come and join in the fun!** **= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =** **YOUR PROFILE PHOTO...** Please display a current and clear headshot photo of **JUST YOURSELF** as your main profile photo. Ensure you are NOT wearing sunglasses or a hat as this could make it difficult to recognise you at meetups. It is important that you can easily be recognised by everyone. If your main profile photo isn't acceptable your membership request will be declined and you will receive an email requesting you to change the photo and then re-apply. **YOUR PROFILE NAME . . .** Is your profile name unique? Lots of members have similar forenames which makes it difficult to identify payments for events etc. (Please add some initials or numbers to your first name or just add your surname) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ***New event organisers are welcomed*** *and greatly appreciated. So if you have some ideas you'd like to suggest or even organise yourself, then you've come to the right place. (Any events that require payment, all payments will always be collected by myself or on occasions from from members who have the status of Co-organizer only).* Thanks and look forward to meeting you soon! Sheila (Group Founder & Organizer)
439 members · Private


Liverpool, 28

CREATIVE WRITING GROUP("QUEER THE PAGE") BOOK GROUP. *** BOTH GROUPS ARE SAFER SPACE GROUPS: you must identify as LGBTQ(and be over 18); the books/writing need not necessarily be lgbtq in content! {NB the Q in LGBTQ refers to anyone under the umbrella of queer, NOT questioning. All our groups are for people who are at the stage where they feel comfortable enough(with our support, like meeting you at the door!)to actually ATTEND a real-world meeting; they are NOT for people who just think they MIGHT be lgbtq: there are resources(eg Sahir House) for people who are at the very START of their journey of questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. PLEASE READ INDIVIDUAL EVENT DESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY. 1. **CREATIVE WRITING**: IS THE FOURTH SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH, 1.-3.(check individual meeting listings), at QUAKERS(FRIENDS) MEETING HOUSE, 22 School lane, off Hanover St (entrance in School Lane), Liverpool L1 3BT 2\*\*..BOOK GROUP\*\* : ALWAYS SECOND SATURDAY OF THE MONTH(check individual meet listings); 12-2 PM. Also, at QUAKER(FRIENDS ) MEETING HOUSE, 22 SCHOOL LANE,off Hanover St, Liverpool L1 3BT *** 1. **CREATIVE WRITING GROUP**: We read aloud any genre of our own creative writing(eg poetry, scripts, fiction,cross-genre). 2. We do NOT allow the use of AI apps(eg Chat gp) 3. .There is also the chance to PERFORM your own work in a safe space:) SUITABLE FOR NEW/EXPERIENCED WRITERS/PERFORMERS(of your own work) NO PRESSURE TO READ AT YOUR FIRST meet ; you can just get a taster! Members have to identify as lgbtq(this is a SAFER SPACE) but the content does not have to be lgbtq-related! MINIMUM AGE:18+ **FORMAT** : 1.Read in turn, with time limit, then CONSTRUCTIVE (only) feedback and discussion related to what has been read. This is pre-prepared material (including your WORK-IN-PROGRESS). We usually have a theme, but writing about this is NOT compulsory! 2.We also do **on-the-day WORKSHOPS** AND "Writing Adventures",based on a PROMPT:eg words/an object. The group is facilitated by published authors, usually group members. Occasionally, we have a GUEST FACILITATOR,who may offer a certain skill. **But it is, primarily, a PEER- FEEDBACK BASED GROUP, not a course!** We ask that all members respect each other(this is especially true for creative writing, which is often very personal). If you cannot agree,agree to DISagree £5 per meet, per person, to cover room rental cost, \*\*payable at the START OF the meet itself, to the Organiser (Steve).\*\*No profit is made. The fee covers the room rental and goes towards the Organiser's "Meet Up' subscription cost. *** 2.**BOOK GROUP**:Attendees must identify as LGBTQ, as this is a safer space group; and be over 18. We only read fiction(including short stories):eg thrillers,literary fiction,comedy dystopia, Young adult etc etc. Lgbtq content or non lgbtq content. **PART ONE:** We discuss a fiction work, chosen in turn by attendees. You can choose when you have attended twice! **PART TWO**: **THEME**,choosing pieces of writing that reflect that theme(the theme may, or may NOT, be related to the "set" book for that month); a theme could be genre, content or style related AND/OR here you can talk about **books you have recently read and might recommend to others.** Finally,**LGBTQ Noticeboard**!(not just book-related events; anything you want to advertise/mention THROUGHOUT THE MESREYSIDE LGBTQ COMMUNITY) No obligation to attend more than one meeting(you can just have a taster!). Respect guidelines apply; if you cannot agree, agree to DISagree! IT IS £5 PER PERSON, payable to Organiser, Steve, at the meet itself, preferably cash; if not, bank transfer. **PAYMENT TO BE MADE AT THE START OF THE MEETING**. No profit will be made. The fee is just for room rental cost, and towards Organiser's "Meet Up' subscription *** **RE BOTH GROUPS** Please note, we signpost people with sexual identity and gender identity, and with sexual health issues to,e.g, Sahir House, as they are specialists in the field; it's not that we do not want to help people; just that they are the experts! But you can obviously attend our groups in parallel to these specialist support organisations:) PLEASE NOTE, re all MERSEYSIDE(18+)GROUPS: As these are private groups(meeting on the premises of others' venues;we have no premises of our own), anything that occurs between attendees or members is a private matter between them; and should be resolved between individuals. We ask that members and attendees are respectful of others' sexual, emotional and physical boundaries in every way. As these are private groups,with guest-lists,the Organiser reserves the right not to admit people to ,or to remove people from,the groups without explanation. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel/postpone the event, including at short notice, for Acts of God, eg Organising team illness, power cuts, etc *** We also have a friendly LGBT(18+) SOCIAL GROUP ; AVERAGE NUMBER OF ATTENDEES:40-60 here []( You can also contact me, Steve, the Organiser, re ANY/ALL of the groups:). Thanks for joining:)
539 members · Public

Just Good Friends

Chorley, H2

Just Good Friends
Welcome, we are here to Make new Friends! \ This is for Male & Female Adults. \ Dining & Drinks, Theatre, Cinema, Afternoon Tea, Coffee, 10 Pin Bowling, Crazy Golf, Dancing, Live Music, etc \ Outdoors, Walking, Camping/ Glamping, Kayaking, Sailing, Outdoor Swimming, Kipping on the Beach, etc \ We are open to new events/ Activities. Sadly Corvid 19 has stopped/ curtailed many activities and we are looking for new guide lines/ rules all the time to manage our events safely and inline with local and National Rules as and when they change. **The Aim of "JUST GOOD FRIENDS"**, (henceforth referred to as The Group) is a means for people to take part in various social activities in a safe and friendly atmosphere. The Group is open to anyone who is a fit and proper person. Our activities are typically eating out, going for a drink (Coffee / Alcohol), walking (with dogs or without) etc. If a Member has a particular interest, they are free to propose or even organise an Event via a Committee Member of which there are 4: **• Peter Walmsley - Chair** **• Robert Jackson - Treasurer.** **• Vacant - Secretary.** **• Lorraine Green - Member Co-Ordinator.** **Membership.** A person may attend a maximum of 1 Event as a Guest before deciding whether or not to join The Group. *(Anyone can apply to join The Group, however, The Committee reserves the right to refuse/ exclude any person who is deemed unacceptable for whatever reason, and their decision is absolute.) Annual membership is £10.00 and is due on the 2nd Event and then annually there after.* **Members must conduct themselves** in a proper and appropriate fashion, with due regard for the feelings and sensibilities of others. As the name indicates, The Groups function is to create friends, not acrimony and ill-feeling. If a member has a problem, there is a complaints procedure (see below), and it should be taken up with the Member Co-Ordinator. **First and Surnames** (or initial), as well as a recognisable photo on the Meetup Website, are always helpful for the purposes of recognition at an Event and subsequent communications. (if you do not feel comfortable with this - Its okay, but bear in mind that if 2 Members are using the same first name only, this may cause confusion). Please note that this is a "Closed Group" and therefore Photographs are not public; they are visable to The Group Members only. A phone number and email address are also useful for the purposes of contact by The Group only. **When Booking on** to an EVENT and you subsequently find that you cannot make it for a whatever reason, please change your RSVP to "Not Going" and let the Event HOST know ASAP please. There may be a waiting list and this will allow someone else to use your place. If you are shy and find it difficult to meet strangers, let the EVENT HOST know and they will meet you are the EVENT entrance to provide reassurance and effect introductions to the other members. **COMMITTEE members and EVENT HOSTS** meet on a regular basis, at least once a month, to discuss any pertinent issues and matters which may have arisen.  **The Group is an informal one**, and as such cannot take responsibility for individuals attending EVENTS This is particularly the case at EVENTS involving physical activity such as walking, travelling etc. It is beholden on individual members to take responsibility for their own safety and conduct themselves in a fit & proper fashion. **Complaints Procedure:** A complaint should initially be directed to the Member Co-Ordinator (or their delegate). Should the complaint not be satisfied, it will be taken to the COMMITTEE for a Resolution. If the issue is still unresolved, the chair (or their delegate) will make the final decision which is absolute.
166 members · Private

Chorley and Horwich Walking Friends

Chorley, H2

Chorley and Horwich Walking Friends
This group started with a few friends who liked meeting up regularly for morning walks locally, in Chorley and Horwich countryside. Walks can be on various days (weekends and weekdays), usually countryside around Chorley and Horwich. Normally walks are 10am-1pm, are between 5-9 miles, have fewer than 8 walkers, and will go ahead whatever the weather. To be eligible for membership, you would live in Chorley/Horwich area, drive yourself to countryside locations for the start, and walk with us at least once every 3 months. To apply to join, you would need answer these 4 questions :- 1. Whereabouts do you live - first part of postcode plus village/area name 2. Maximum number of MILES you have done on a recent walk 3. Would you be bringing a dog on walks - Yes / No / sometimes 4. Which mornings can you usually walk - e.g. weekdays/weekends/variouswould 5. FEE TOWARDS MEETUP COST - £3 for any number of our events within 4 months; please pay the Walk Leader in cash at the start of your second walk, your first walk is free! Disclaimer - Everyone who takes part in our events does so entirely at their own risk. Our event hosts are not qualified leaders/guides or first-aiders. Everyone attending has a general responsibility for taking care of their own safety, other attendees, and of those around them, including taking responsibility for their dogs, and for making sure that the event as described is suitable for their current capability. Group organisers accept no liability in the event of accident, injury or other loss. When you RSVP Yes, you agree to these terms and conditions.
42 members · Private

St Helens and Surrounding Areas Social

St Helens, 28

St Helens and Surrounding Areas Social
If you are looking for a varied selection of events and you live in the St Helens, Knowsley, Liverpool, Wigan and Warrington areas, come and join us. We've held over 3,400 fantastic & fun meetups with many more planned for you to join in with. This group is about creating a mixture of events to suit all tastes. Examples of what we do ... Theatre , Live music,cinema,Dining, museums, galleries, local tours , pub quizzes, varied walks, coffee afternoons, afternoon & evening pub crawls, quieter pub drinking times. You may be new to the area, shy or just want to go out more often. This group is a great opportunity to meet new friends of all ages. To join us we ask the following : Please check your profile name is unique. Other members may have similar forenames, which can make it difficult for us identify payments for events etc. To have your membership request accepted for this group, please display a current and clear photo of JUST YOURSELF as your main profile photo. This is so you can easily be recognised by organisers, event hosts and other members. Follow us on: Facebook []( Your one off £3 membership joining fee will be due by 3 months after your joining date. There are 3 payments methods, In person to a Co Organiser at an event or; • £3 PAYPAL direct to @michaelbarrow1748 using FAMILY & FRIENDS option • £3 BANK ACCOUNT Direct into Mike's bank BANK DETAILS: Sort Code: 77-32-20 Account number : 61838368 To identify yourself when making payment please state your "PROFILE NAME" against the transaction so I know who it is from. Thanks and look forward to meeting you soon Michael (Co- Organiser)
493 members · Private

North West Friends

Chorley, H2

North West Friends
We are a social group with members in Preston, Chorley, Wigan and surrounding areas. We are all about enjoying activities together, having fun and forming new friendships. **We have one simple aim which is to bring people together by organising social events.** You may be new to the area, lost touch with your circle of friends or just want to add to your existing friendship group. We know it can be tough meeting new people, so this group will provide you with the opportunity to meet people with similar interests. The group is open to any age group. We offer diverse events ranging from meeting for drinks, meals, music, walking, theatre and much more. How it works - our hosts post an event and invite people to join them. If the events on offer are not to your liking, you can suggest your own event and we can help you to host the event or host it for you. We will ask you to make a contribution to the cost of running the Meetup site by paying a small annual subscription fee of £10 after your first meetup. We do not intend to make a profit on any monies that we receive. If any additional funds remain after the costs are fulfilled, they will be added to a group fund so that we can use them for the benefit of our members. So, there is nothing to lose! It costs nothing to see if the group is for you and only a tenner a year to access some great events! Please come and join us for a wonderful year packed with fun, friendship and happiness! Hope to see you soon! By applying to join as a member you agree to the following rules: • Show respect for your fellow members • Provide a photo of yourself so we can identify you at meetups • Pay a small annual subscription fee of £10 after your first meetup
21 members · Private

Wigan & Leigh Social Hub

Wigan, H2

Wigan & Leigh Social Hub
**Hi,** **Thanks for looking at our meetup group.** We are a community group that based around the **Wigan & Leigh & surrounding** areas. It's a social group not a dating group. We offer wide range of events, and always will try something new. We appreciate good music and a good film. We dine, we drink we try have a great time meeting old and new friends. We set this social group up to help enjoy having social life instead being all alone looking at four walls. We always make you feel welcome and safe.. We are out to enjoy ourselves just have a laugh and are not scared of laughing at ourselves but we always have a good time. **We are a bunch of friendly people always looking to welcome new people, if you think you good at dancing or quizzes or laughing with us your the person we want to meet.** **It's really simple to join just click the request to join button and we will do the rest. Just make sure picture is just a portrait picture of just yourself, please no pets, children or something that the host will not be able to recognise on any event you attend and this private only to group members.** ***If you have a question message me and i promise to reply.*** *By the way its free to join so hit **request to join button** and get ready to meet some new friends* *We try to put events on 2 month in advance so plenty notice given to organise various events you may like to come too.* Our events include: Cinema, Variety of Meals, Tribute Bands, Quizzes, Walks, Comedy Nights, Sports Events and Theatre and much, much more. Come and join us, we are a bunch of friendly people always looking to welcome new people and who knows you might enjoy yourself and probably end up having a great social life. Once you join you wonder while you didn't do it sooner.
165 members · Private