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Meet new friends groups near Bedford, A5

Bedford Geek

Bedford, A5

Bedford Geek

A quarterly event for tech professionals to come together, share knowledge and experiences, learn new things and network with others in similar fields - all in a fun environment.

Combining talks, hands-on workshops and discussion whilst socialising over food and drink - attendees will leave with new knowledge and ideas, new skills and new friends.

All you need to bring is a keenness to learn and share.

64 members · Public

Bedford Board Gaming

Bedford, A5

Bedford Board Gaming

We are a board gaming group in Bedford. We offer a chance to meet new people who share an enjoyment of board games. We're about having a bit of fun and spending an enjoyable and sociable time doing what we like best; which is ...obviously... gaming.

Come and enjoy your first meet-up with us for free. After that, we charge £2 on Wednesday nights and £1 on Friday night sessions. The money goes to covering our meetup fees, room hire and any spare goes towards games that can be won or used by members of the group. Tea and coffee is provided on Wednesdays and you can / should buy drinks at the bar on our Friday meets. <br>

If you're not a die-hard gamer, don't worry! We have plenty of games to start you off gently.... and are currently running some extra introductory sessions to lead you in gently. Our regular members tend to bring a good selection of games with them...but do try and sign up if you are coming so that we can cater for the right amount of people.

We never play Monopoly, Scrabble, Cluedo or Backgammon ;-) Chances are however that if you like those, you'll be blown away by the modern games that we adore. We don't have favourite games that get played every single week as we enjoy playing a wide variety of stuff...from quick 5 minute filler games to complex all-evening strategy games and everything in between. Worker placement, area control, deck building, hand management, take-that, tile placement, competitive or co-operative...we really do cater for most board game tastes. Don't worry if you don't know the rules. They will be run through at the start of the game. <br>

Any questions or worries? Just send us a message...we will happily answer any queries. We are a friendly bunch so don't be scared ... come and have some gaming fun!

1006 members · Public

Beds Sociable Walkers

Bedford, A5

Beds Sociable Walkers
This is a Meetup for people from all walks of life to meet and make new friends whilst enjoying the fabulous local scenery and walking at a comfortable pace. The majority of the group are 45 plus but there are no limits or restrictions.  Our aim is to walk at approximately 2.5 to 3 miles an hour, enjoying a mix of walks, which will vary from the relatively easy to more challenging. For those who have not walked with a group before, it is important you feel confident with your mobility and fitness, as we are not able to assess people before we start. If you are in any doubt please contact your GP before joining the group. We reserve the right to exclude at any time if you are not of adequate fitness.  Dogs are not permitted on any of our walks.  Sensible walking boots or shoes should be worn and appropriate clothing for the weather expected on the day.  We aim to stop for breaks so it's always a good idea to have a snack with you and essential to carry enough water as hydration is extremely important.  Each walk will display the start location and time, distance and expected duration. Please arrive in adequate time put your boots on and prepare yourself for a walk of a number of hours and miles. It is respectful to other walkers to not keep them waiting to start the walk. During the walk, please do not walk ahead of the leader and as we do not have a fast pace on these walks, we do ask that walkers try to stay within reasonable distance of the walkers ahead of you, 10 to 20 feet at most. As a very friendly group we usually go to a local pub or tea shop for a chat and a chance to get to know everyone. It is essential that every new member has a facial photo (OF THEMSELVES ALONE) on their application profile to permit organisers and other members to recognise you on your first walks - your application WILL BE DECLINED if you can not be recognised from your photo. Please also be aware that while you may change your profile picture at anytime, it must still conform to the requirements as indicated, i.e. a clear recognisable facial photo. We accept no liability or responsibility for safety on these walks, each member joins on the understanding they are responsible for their own safety. We are not qualified leaders or walkers, or able to offer first aid support, and therefore can offer no assurances. Walking can carry risks, especially across open fields and uneven terrain, and each walk is undertaken with full acceptance of these conditions by each member.  A charge may be made to cover the costs of hosting the Meetup site and out of pocket expenses such as maps and petrol costs for reccies, but as this is a non profit group, any remaining funds will be used for the benefit of club members.
1568 members · Private

Bedford Meetup Group

Bedford, A5

Bedford Meetup Group
Welcome to Bedford MeetUp Group! We are a social group and we welcome friends of all ages.  Emphasis is put on enjoying ourselves by getting out and about; laughing, dancing, listening to music, walking, eating and drinking etc, together.  We are not a singles dating site; we are a social group.  We do however realise that relationships develop from friendships. We want to host a variety of events, so please feel free to make suggestions.  If there’s something you’d like to do and we can at least find one other person to go with you, we consider it mission accomplished! Lifts and travel to events can be shared, so please don’t be afraid to ask.  Just post a comment on the event to see if anyone can help. This is a private arrangement between yourselves. Every Tuesday evening, we have a walk and a drink, in Bedford.  This is ideal for new members.  If you are nervous, about attending any event, please direct message Jane or Allan and we will chat with you and make sure you are welcomed and supported throughout the event.  You may also bring a friend to events, but you need to remember to add your friend, as a plus one, on the event page. **Membership** •      New members should pay £5 joining fee please, via PayPal to: This helps our community group pay annual fees to Meetup. * You will need an up-to-date photo of yourself to join the group.  This is so the hosts of the event are able to recognise you.  •      For events with restricted numbers, it is important that you don’t put your name down as attending, unless you are you are able to attend.  Likewise, if your circumstances change and you are no longer able to attend an event, please alter your attendance to ‘Not Going’ as soon as possible, so that another member can take your place. •      If you have a complaint about anyone in the group, please contact an organiser privately via direct message.  Anyone who cannot behave in an appropriate manner will be removed from the group.   The friendly, caring and welcoming culture of this group is very important to all of our members.
265 members · Private

Milton Keynes Sociable Walkers

Willen, B9

Milton Keynes Sociable Walkers
Milton Keynes Sociable Walkers Mark and Nigel would like to welcome you to the Milton Keynes Sociable Walkers Meetup group. We are a friendly group of walkers of all ages and from all walks of life. We enjoy walking between 5 to 7 miles every Saturday morning, whatever the weather! Meet like-minded individuals, make new friends, and enjoy the great outdoors together. Walking is great for your overall health and well-being. So come and join us for some fresh air, exercise, and good company, it’s a great way to start your day, walking at least 10,000 steps! We walk mostly in the areas of Milton Keynes and the near surrounding counties, enjoying the beautiful countryside, scenery, wildlife and green spaces, as well as some urban areas and local historical sites. Please note: • These are not gentle walks; our walking pace is 3 miles an hour. • Apologies, but dogs are not permitted on our walks. If you would like to join our group, please provide a clear photo of yourself so we can recognise you. (If this is an issue, please contact Mark on Tel: 07956 893 893). Please wear suitable clothing and appropriate footwear, and bring some water or refreshments with you. We sometimes like to meet up afterwards to have a drink, this is arranged by us if there is a local venue nearby, this is optional. If you are unable to attend, please edit you RSVP as soon as possible to avoid delaying our start time and give someone else a chance to join the walk. We expect everyone to be kind and respectful to each other. Disclaimer: • We accept no liability or responsibility for your safety on these walks. • You will need to assess your own fitness and capability for these walks. • Each member joins on the understanding they are responsible for their own health & safety. • We are not qualified walk leaders or first aider or have insurance. • Walking can carry risks, due to some of the terrain we will be walking on. • Each walk is undertaken with full acceptance of these conditions.
262 members · Private

Bedfordshire Walking Club

Kents Hill, B9

Bedfordshire Walking Club
Welcome to the Bedfordshire Walking Club, we walk most weekends throughout the year, whatever the weather, mostly around the counties of Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire and Hertfordshire. We also organise some great walking weekends away to some of the best hiking areas around the UK. Be aware that BWC walks are NOT gentle rambles, we keep to a good pace with few breaks, and our walks are at least ten miles long. So, if you are looking for a gentle stroll in the countryside with lots of breaks and time to take photos, we are probably not the club for you. However, if you are after some great exercise with friendly, like-minded people, have a reasonable standard of fitness, and like a walk that is a bit of a challenge then you have come to the right place. We are a relaxed and friendly group of all different ages, and we make everyone very welcome. Our hikes are a great chance to meet new people, make new friends and get to know the countryside. Many people come on their own, but you are welcome to bring along a guest if you want. Come and join us, make some good friends, get some great exercise and experience some of the fantastic UK countryside. **Before signing up please read the guidelines below:** • Our walks are between 10 – 20 miles long and at a pace of over 3mph with only a short break halfway. Please make sure you are fit enough to complete the distance before you sign up for a walk. The details page of each event will give a full description of the walk, what to expect and a recommended fitness level. If you are not sure that you will be up to the walk, please contact the walk leader for more information. • ALL members will require a name (not just initials) and profile photo that clearly shows your head, shoulders and face at a reasonably close distance, so you are recognisable. Group photos, photos of children or pets are not acceptable. This is for the safety and peace of mind of the other members, failure to comply may result in a delay in your application being accepted. • Please make sure we are able to contact you. Your profile privacy settings should be set so at least a walk organiser is able to get in touch with you to inform you of any possible changes. • We hold walks all year round, in all weathers. Please make sure you come suitably dressed for the terrain and weather conditions with suitable clothing, wet weather gear and sturdy footwear. We don’t always get chance to stop at a pub or café so you should also bring water, a snack and maybe a hot drink in the winter. •There will be a small charge for the walks, this is to cover the admin costs of the walk leader and running the website. Payment is made in cash at the start of each walk. • Hiking and hillwalking can be demanding. Each individual member is responsible for their own actions and involvement. Meetup [Terms of Service]( Section 6, which all members have agreed to, lays out the details of liability relating to a group or an event. Anyone attending one of our events is subject to those terms and conditions. If a member brings along a guest that is not a member of Meetup, they are subject to the above Terms of Service and attend at their own risk. Although the leaders of the club walks are very experienced hikers, we do NOT hold any official qualifications and neither the walk leader or the club accepts responsibility for any accidents or injuries of any member while attending a walk. • We limit the numbers for each of our walks to keep a small close-knit group. So, if you sign up for a walk and then cannot make it, please cancel your RSVP as soon as possible to give other members chance to come along. Those members who make a habit of changing their RSVP the day before or being a no show will be removed from the club. • Sorry but we do not allow dogs on any of our walks. If you have any further questions about the club, please don't hesitate to contact the organiser for more information.
1309 members · Public

Spiritual Friends Therapy Group in Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes, B9

Spiritual Friends Therapy Group in Milton Keynes
Meet your Spiritual Friends in Milton Keynes to share your truth, to be seen as the beautiful light you are, to allow your soul bee heard, understood, celebrated and so much loved. The Spiritual Friends Therapy Group in Milton Keynes is a transformative space dedicated to those seeking deep connections and holistic healing in a safe, sacred environment. In a society where nothing make sense for the pure souls, many times we feel hurt, isolated and misunderstood. Spiritual Friends need their Community where they can be themselves, feel supported in their Spiritual Journey and accepted for how they really are. Our gatherings offer you the chance to embrace your authentic self, supported by heart-centered meditation and meaningful connections with like-minded souls. Together, we explore mental, emotional, and spiritual health, guided by a compassionate community that understands and supports your journey. This group is a judgment-free zone where you can openly share your thoughts, feelings, and challenges, knowing you’re surrounded by those who truly care. Whether you’re dealing with loneliness, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, financial stress, addiction, or past trauma, you are welcome here. No experience is required—just bring your open heart. Beyond our weekly Circle Therapy sessions, we plan enriching activities like nature walks, empowering spiritual retreats, and community dinners to strengthen our bonds and enhance your healing journey. I'm Andreea Love, an instructor in the World of Wisdom & Spiritual Adventure, guided by my spiritual teacher and powerful shaman/healer Northern Deer Alexander, who has over 20 years of experience in global healing. I’m also a Coach in Sistership Circle with Tanya Lynn, bringing over 10 years of experience in facilitating group therapy and Sacred Circles. My healing journey began in childhood, influenced by early trauma. With a master’s in childhood psychology and training in Shamanism, Yoga, Plant Medicine, Sacred Circles, and the Feminine Freedom Method, I’ve healed much of my own pain. Now, I’m dedicated to supporting and guiding you on your healing path. ✨️ I'm looking forward to welcoming you into our community and meet you soon With warmth and light, Andreea Love Spiritual Guide & Healer, Shamanic Practitioner, Sacred Circle Facilitator, and Certified Feminine Freedom Method Coach
51 members · Public