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Meet new friends groups near Chelmsford, E4

Greenwich Borough Friends Meetup Group - New and Improved

London, 17

Greenwich Borough Friends Meetup Group - New and Improved
**Greenwich Borough Friends Meetup Group** **Introduction** Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is a community based social group facilitated by the social networking portal MeetUp. Established in 2012 the group has members from within Greenwich and further afield. The primary aim of the group is to offer opportunities for members to attend social events in and around the Greenwich area. These events are held in public places and commercial establishments open to the public. The group does not have its own premises and does not hold events in private dwellings. The purpose of the Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is to be an open and inclusive social group and as such the group welcomes members regardless of background, beliefs, or circumstance and no restrictions are placed on membership. As a group we are proud to embrace a large and diverse membership.  Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is run by volunteers who are not professional event organisers. The group is not funded by any other organisation and all events are offered at no cost (Members are responsible for the purchase of their own tickets for any event such as theatre trips) and no charges are made for membership. To ensure that the group retains its open and approachable ethos a number of house rules and courtesies have been created to ensure that all members have a safe and enjoyable experience when attending one of our events. **General Conduct** 1.  Attending events. The group understands that members have busy lives and that things happen that mean it is not always possible for a member to attend an event for which they have signed up. All we ask is that people to change their RSVP on the Greenwich Friends Meetup page if they are unable to attend. This helps to host to manage the event more effectively and allows members on a waitlist to attend. 2.  Behaviour towards other members. As an open and diverse group it is to be expected that members will have differing opinions on a wide range of matters. While this is an interesting and valued aspect of the group, members must at all time respect the beliefs and values of all other members and refrain from making personal or abusive comments about other members. Any breaches of this behaviour could result in a member being barred from the group. To ensure that respect for members beliefs are upheld within certain events such as a topical debating forum a specific set of guidelines has been drawn up. See Debating Rules for details of these. 3.  Behaviour towards organisers/hosts. Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is run by volunteers who at all times aim to provide an enjoyable and sociable experience for members. The organisers are not responsible for the quality or content of events such as theatre productions or restaurant meals. These things are out of the group’s control. Hosts are always happy to receive constructive feedback from members on an event but negative and personal criticism of the group and it’s hosts is of very limited benefit and not in the nature of this MeetUp group. **Access Statement** To assist any members of the group with disabilities in accessing our events an access statement has been published to clarify the position of Greenwich Friends Meetup Group. This gives details with regard to access into events and support before, during and after these events. The statement covers issues concerning the responsibilities of the organisers and hosts with regard to members with disabilities and their corresponding responsibilities. For more detailed information please refer to the Access Statement on these pages. **Commercial Enterprise** The purpose of the Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is to provide opportunities to attend local social events in and around the Greenwich area. It is not a commercial organisation and is not funded or sponsored by any third party. Such external event are beyond the control of the group and the inclusion of advertisements could be construed as an endorsement of, or other form of support for, the event.  For this reason it has been agreed that this forum is not an appropriate platform for advertising commercial ventures of any kind regardless of their nature or purpose. Requests for such postings will be refused and any which are displayed will be removed. **Disclaimer** Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is an open and inclusive social group who welcomes all to become members. As the group meets in a wide variety of public locations the hosts and organisers cannot be responsible for the welfare, safety or access needs of any member who chooses to participate in any event organised by this group. While all reasonable steps will be taken to offer inclusive and accessible events ultimately not all events will be suitable for all members. Every member is responsible for their own health, safety, comfort, enjoyment and welfare and retains the responsibility for this throughout any event. Please also be aware that this disclaimer includes, incorporates and applies, where relevant, the whole of the term of service agreement which specifically states that members join Meetup and attend all Meetups at their own risk and cannot hold or its organisers and other members liable for damages.
2720 members · Private

Brentwood/Billericay Social Group 30s+

Brentwood, E4

Brentwood/Billericay Social Group 30s+

If you’re fed up going to the same old places and seeing the same old faces or simply have friends/family that are not really up for going out and enjoying themselves or you would like to try different activities and events but haven’t yet found people to go with who are likeminded… this group is for you! Its not just for single people its open to anyone (married, single, mums, dads, nans, granddads) who would simply like to go out and make new friends.

There will be a yearly subscription membership fee of £10 required (which is less than 85p per month), which should be made payable by paypal to (friends & family) please enter your full name in the reference section in order for me to mark you down as paid. If you would prefer to pay by bank transfer, please private message me and I will send you my bank details. This covers the cost of my yearly meetup fee along with time and effort in organizing events. 

Watch out for the special fund raising / local charity events which are due to be posted on the events page. I am open to charity choices (not International), just close to home. 

If any members have ideas of something they would love to do but just haven’t got likeminded people with the same enthusiasm, please feel free to let me know your ideas. Please don’t feel embarrassed or scared about coming to any events as I’m sure everyone who joins will be in the same boat, we all newbies together but will be very friendly and are all looking for the same thing… to meet new people and make new friends.

Always check out details i.e. meeting up at various events - myself and event hosts will always try to meet up with people at the front entrance of clubs, pubs and restaurants so that you don’t feel uneasy about walking in alone.

Looking forward to meeting you.

Sue & The Team x

838 members · Private

Dance Parties Plus! Essex Parties for Over 30s,40s,50s & 60s

Pilgrims Hatch, E4

Dance Parties Plus! Essex Parties for Over 30s,40s,50s & 60s
1130 members · Public

The Talliston Games Club

Dunmow, E4

The Talliston Games Club
A monthly social night for board games at Britain’s most extraordinary home. Book a table. Bring a game. Order food & snacks. And experience a gaming venue unlike any other. This is a monthly board gaming group in a unique location. On or around the last Monday of the month. For all levels of talent and experience. Either to bring and host a game, or join a game looking for players. We are a group of gaming enthusiasts who enjoy exploring new and favourite board games. Join us for our monthly meetup where we gather to socialise, strategise, and have fun. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or new to the hobby, everyone is welcome to come play, meet new friends, and escape into exciting adventures. YOUR HOST John Tarrow is an author, award-winning games master and creator of Britain’s most extraordinary home; Talliston House & Gardens. THE VENUE The meetings are held in a unique and amazing house and gardens. Talliston was a 25-year project that took the UK’s most ordinary house and transformed it, room by room, by ordinary people on an ordinary budget, into Britain’s Most Extraordinary Home. Starting as a three-bedroomed, semi-detached, ex-council house in Essex, today not a single square centimetre of the original house remains. In its place is an extraordinary labyrinth of locations, each set in different times and places. Talliston is a once ordinary house and gardens in Essex where its thirteen rooms have been transformed into extraordinary locations each set in a different time and place. Magnolia living rooms have been recreated as Welsh watchtowers. Garages as log cabins in the woods. Box-rooms as 1920s investigator offices. A former pink bedroom is now a dark and haunted Scottish chamber. Talliston – a name that means ‘the hidden place in the wood’ – in the medieval market town of Great Dunmow, just minutes from Stansted airport, is another world hiding on a perfectly normal street, inviting you to step inside and discover its secrets.
21 members · Public

Pranic Healing Essex Group

Basildon, E4

Pranic Healing Essex Group

Pranic Healing every Thursday for the popular Meditation on Twin Hearts. A safe, fully guided, and self-healing technique that encourages deep relaxation and peace reduces stress and anxiety, and increases mental and emotional clarity; so easy and simple, that anyone can do it! In every Twin Hearts Meditation, there is a blessing for the earth, family, friends, loved ones, and even pets. All levels welcome, come and learn to meditate! After the Meditation, you will have the opportunity to receive a Pranic Healing session! Pranic Healing is a gentle, no touch, and powerful form of energy healing that uses Prana or Chi to balance, harmonize, and transform the body’s energetic, emotional, and physical processes. Prana is the life force energy that is essential for the human body to survive. Pranic Healing is based on the principle that by applying this energy or Prana in specific ways, the natural healing process of the body is accelerated. Come by and experience it yourself! The Meditation begins at 6:30pm, arrive early, join in on the fun and meet new people. These events are run by volunteers; a minimum of £5 donation is gratefully accepted to help support future events and local charities in the area. For questions about this event and other events like it please feel free to contact me.

Benefits of Pranic Healing:
• Physical Health – Easy step by step protocols to heal anything from simple ailments like a common cough or cold to severe illnesses like asthma, diabetes, and more. • Emotional Health – Simple and practical ways to reduce stress and increase vitality. Effective tools are available for relationship healing and psychological ailments. • Spiritual Development – Experience inner peace, stillness, and Divine union through Meditation on Twin Hearts and other advanced spiritual techniques. • Financial Well-Being – The system of Pranic Healing teaches you practical techniques to fill your life with Abundance and Prosperity. The last healing begins at 8:00pm

202 members · Public

Chelmsford Book Club

Chelmsford, E4

Chelmsford Book Club
**Welcome to Chelmsford Book Club!** We are a friendly and inclusive group who meet once a month to discuss a book we have collectively read over the previous month. We invite suggestions for books to read and ask the group to vote on those which are nominated.  We try to cover a wide range of genres including classics, fiction and non-fiction and seek to make membership as inclusive as possible. From time to time we try link the reading of plays with broadcasts by the National Theatre and showing at the local cinemas, arrange social meals and gatherings.  Previous events include a walk at Wivenhoe to coincide with reading The Essex Serpent, a history trip to Manningtree in relation to The Witchfinders Sister, and a walk along the Essex Way referenced in A House for Essex at Wrabness and a link with the reading of Grayson Perry’s Portrait of the artist as a young girl. **Book Club Admin** Because we are a group run by volunteers we seek to minimise administration burdens and ask members to pay a yearly subscription of £10, which helps cover the Meetup website fees.  Payment options can include either £5 every 6 months or £10 per year and we ask for these to be paid in June and December. If you are new to the book club, we invite you to attend 2 meetings before paying the subscription fees providing you an opportunity to see if this is a group you would like to regularly participate in. We request new members pay £2 per meeting for subsequent meetings prior to the June or December subscription being paid. Please note that any money we receive over and above the cost of Meetup fees is given back to the book club and either put towards the cost of our Christmas and summer outings or spent on Meetup drinks during book club events.  We do not aim to make a profit from the group. **Book Club events** We ask members who have nominated books to run the sessions, so that the nominee has an opportunity to explore aspects of the books which they feel are important, and to share the running of the group.  This is not compulsory.  Please contact one of the organisers in advance if you either cannot make the session your book was nominated for, or if you do not wish to run the session. The meetings are very informal and we often go off topic. We do not aim to be a high-brow set of intellectuals – just a group of friends doing the things we love. **Similar groups you wish to explore** Please see other local meetups including Chelmsford Ladies’ Book Club.  There are also several reading groups and writing groups in the local public libraries (visit  and search under Event type: Book Groups).  Or you could start a book club yourself?  You are welcome to contact us if you would like advice on this. Thanks for taking a look at Chelmsford Book Club.  We hope to see you soon! Paul, Becky, Jill and Maria, your Chelmsford Book Club organisers
50 members · Private

Chelmsford Friendship Group

Chelmsford, E4

Chelmsford Friendship Group
Welcome to Chelmsford Friendship Group. As we move into our fourth year, the club is all about making friends and having fun. We now number over 800 members! Over the last three years we have created a happy and safe environment where people can meet and have fun. We have hosted many events, from restaurants evenings to pubs, clubs, and local events. Our more popular events are the mid-week and weekend hosted walks, pub quizzes, cocktail and drinks evenings and fish and chip picnics which are always great fun. We also have a book club and many interesting and highly enjoyable walks, several meals out for all tastes and plenty of informal weekend drinks gatherings. Open to anyone of any age although the bulk of our members are in the 40/50 age range. Be involved as much as you wish, be it suggesting and hosting new events or sitting back and just enjoying yourself with new friends. We are always looking for new hosts so if you would like to join our team please get in touch with one of the leadership team and we can guide you through the process. As a club our number one concern is safety and we operate strictly within our Code of Conduct and we expect all our members to agree to this. We are very welcoming and value inclusivity whilst having a zero-tolerance policy for any unacceptable behavior from our members that would make anybody feel uncomfortable or excluded. To cover the admin costs there will be a small, one off fee of £5.00 (payable by all new members) into our (Community/Business) bank account: **Bank**: MetroBank **Account Name**: Chelmsford Friendship Group **Account No**: 44126710 **Sort code**: 23-05-80 This fee is mandatory to all new members after your first event. Our organisers generously give their time free to administer this, so please assist them in actioning this payment promptly. We are incredibly proud of our club and the 100’s of fantastic friendships it has made. Going into 2024 this is going to be our best and most active year so far, so come and join us, we can’t wait to meet you all. The Leadership team ———— **CODE OF CONDUCT** Our group is about friendship and fun, our organisers willingly give their time to ensure all our members get the most out of the group and it is with this in mind that we have a few simple codes we would expect all of our members to adhere to. **1\. Subscription \-** This is just £5.00 when you join the group and this covers the group's administration. We would expect all new members to pay this after you have attended your first event. It would be unfair to make our leadership team have to chase this, as failure to pay this after a reasonable amount of time would result in your membership being put on hold. **2\. Age range \-** Although this group is open to anybody, it is ideally suited to people aged 40 and above. **3\. Event booking \-** Most of our events are very popular and have large waitlists attached to them. If you booked one and do not turn up or cancel at the very last minute, it is very disappointing as another member on the Waitlist would have happily taken this spot and the organiser can waste large amounts of time waiting for you to arrive. All you need to do is change your RSVP to 'Not Going'.  We realise that things happen unexpectedly and this is sometimes unavoidable. However, if a member consistently does not turn up to events they will automatically be removed from event lists. **4\. Profile Photo \-** We do ask for your profile photograph to be a recognisable likeness of yourself, as this aids our organisers finding you at busy events. **5\. Photo and Video \-** We all like capturing and uploading memories from many of the fun events we have. Out of courtesy we would advise you to ensure the subject of your pictures are aware and give you their permission before uploading or tagging them in social media posts. **6\. Unsolicited use of the database \-** As a group we are able to direct message each other through the MeetUp platform. Please do not abuse this facility and note that we have a zero tolerance policy for the following: * Promoting goods and services via the app * Unsolicited approaching of members for personal relationships * Using the database to directly message members and organise events outside of the Meet Up Group. In all cases the member will be removed from the group once a final warning has been issued. **7\. Personal details \-** We actively encourage using this group to develop closer friendships. However, please use caution when disclosing personal contact details with another member. If in doubt please see one of the leadership team for guidance **8\. Respect and courtesy \-** We are all ambassadors of the group and as such we expect everybody to be polite and respectful to staff at venues where we have organised events. Many of the venues we go to are regular events where we are well known to the staff, who very often go the extra mile to give us a great event. It is with this in mind that we ask that if you have an issue with food or service, please offer that feedback in a polite and respectful manner. If you have any questions regarding any event please contact the host and not the venue. Also, our organisers give up their free time and often put a lot of work into these events. If you feel the event was not as you expected, please feed that back in a respectful and constructive way. Once again, we take a zero tolerance to this and persistent or serious breaches of this will result in the member being removed from the group following the issue of a final warning. **9\. Behaviour** - Safety and comfort of our members is our number one concern. Below is a list, although not an exhaustive one, of what will not be tolerated. * Aggressive behaviour/bullying * Degrading comments around race, politics, culture, sexual orientation, and gender identification * Any unwanted behaviour or comments towards a member that would make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe * Failure to comply with government guidelines around the control of COVID 19. If you require further clarity around any of these points, please contact one of the group leadership team. As this is a private group the Organiser reserves the right to remove a member if they are deemed to be having a negative effect on members within the group. Leadership team
988 members · Private