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Meet new friends groups near Crayford, G5

Greenwich Borough Friends Meetup Group - New and Improved

London, 17

Greenwich Borough Friends Meetup Group - New and Improved
**Greenwich Borough Friends Meetup Group** **Introduction** Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is a community based social group facilitated by the social networking portal MeetUp. Established in 2012 the group has members from within Greenwich and further afield. The primary aim of the group is to offer opportunities for members to attend social events in and around the Greenwich area. These events are held in public places and commercial establishments open to the public. The group does not have its own premises and does not hold events in private dwellings. The purpose of the Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is to be an open and inclusive social group and as such the group welcomes members regardless of background, beliefs, or circumstance and no restrictions are placed on membership. As a group we are proud to embrace a large and diverse membership.  Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is run by volunteers who are not professional event organisers. The group is not funded by any other organisation and all events are offered at no cost (Members are responsible for the purchase of their own tickets for any event such as theatre trips) and no charges are made for membership. To ensure that the group retains its open and approachable ethos a number of house rules and courtesies have been created to ensure that all members have a safe and enjoyable experience when attending one of our events. **General Conduct** 1.  Attending events. The group understands that members have busy lives and that things happen that mean it is not always possible for a member to attend an event for which they have signed up. All we ask is that people to change their RSVP on the Greenwich Friends Meetup page if they are unable to attend. This helps to host to manage the event more effectively and allows members on a waitlist to attend. 2.  Behaviour towards other members. As an open and diverse group it is to be expected that members will have differing opinions on a wide range of matters. While this is an interesting and valued aspect of the group, members must at all time respect the beliefs and values of all other members and refrain from making personal or abusive comments about other members. Any breaches of this behaviour could result in a member being barred from the group. To ensure that respect for members beliefs are upheld within certain events such as a topical debating forum a specific set of guidelines has been drawn up. See Debating Rules for details of these. 3.  Behaviour towards organisers/hosts. Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is run by volunteers who at all times aim to provide an enjoyable and sociable experience for members. The organisers are not responsible for the quality or content of events such as theatre productions or restaurant meals. These things are out of the group’s control. Hosts are always happy to receive constructive feedback from members on an event but negative and personal criticism of the group and it’s hosts is of very limited benefit and not in the nature of this MeetUp group. **Access Statement** To assist any members of the group with disabilities in accessing our events an access statement has been published to clarify the position of Greenwich Friends Meetup Group. This gives details with regard to access into events and support before, during and after these events. The statement covers issues concerning the responsibilities of the organisers and hosts with regard to members with disabilities and their corresponding responsibilities. For more detailed information please refer to the Access Statement on these pages. **Commercial Enterprise** The purpose of the Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is to provide opportunities to attend local social events in and around the Greenwich area. It is not a commercial organisation and is not funded or sponsored by any third party. Such external event are beyond the control of the group and the inclusion of advertisements could be construed as an endorsement of, or other form of support for, the event.  For this reason it has been agreed that this forum is not an appropriate platform for advertising commercial ventures of any kind regardless of their nature or purpose. Requests for such postings will be refused and any which are displayed will be removed. **Disclaimer** Greenwich Friends Meetup Group is an open and inclusive social group who welcomes all to become members. As the group meets in a wide variety of public locations the hosts and organisers cannot be responsible for the welfare, safety or access needs of any member who chooses to participate in any event organised by this group. While all reasonable steps will be taken to offer inclusive and accessible events ultimately not all events will be suitable for all members. Every member is responsible for their own health, safety, comfort, enjoyment and welfare and retains the responsibility for this throughout any event. Please also be aware that this disclaimer includes, incorporates and applies, where relevant, the whole of the term of service agreement which specifically states that members join Meetup and attend all Meetups at their own risk and cannot hold or its organisers and other members liable for damages.
2721 members · Private

Newham Mindfulness Meet Up Group

London, 17

Newham Mindfulness Meet Up Group

Welcome to Newham's Mindfulness Meditation Meetup Group where we will practice secular mindfulness meditation with the intention and motivations around improving the health and wellbeing of ourselves and others.

A key focus of this group will be the cultivation of mindfulness and compassion for the benefit of ourselves and others we connect with. The group will provide the opportunity to learn and practice mindfulness in a safe environment. 

We will run drop in sessions on alternating Saturday mornings at 10.30am -12.30. 

Each drop in session will start with a welcome and mindful movement exercise. We will then do a guided sitting practice. This will be followed by open enquiry and sharing to facilitate development, learning and understanding. At the end of the session, there is a short dedication.

Venue: The Red House, 13 Upton Avenue, Forest Gate, Newham, London E7 9PN.

The sessions are suitable for complete beginners and the experienced.

Blankets, chairs, cushions and mats will be provide. However, please feel free to bring your own meditation comforts if you have an established practice. To keep this group going there is a suggested minimum donation of £3 per session for Members of the Urban Mindfulness Foundation and £5 for non members.

From time to time we will also run the 8 week mindfulness based living course and retreats. Please note it may not be possible to run the free drop in classes when courses are running.

The sessions are run by authentic practitioners who have been committed to their own mindfulness practice for at least 5 years or more, as well as teaching mindfulness to the wider community. Each of the leading facilitators are in year three of the Masters Degree in Mindfulness Studies offered by the University of Aberdeen and the Mindfulness Association. We also follow the UK Network of Mindfulness Teachers Guidelines and continue a detailed CPD programme that includes gaining  cherished teachings from the Authentic Tibetan Buddhist Kagyu Lineage and Samye Ling and Samye Dzong Monastery's, The Mindfulness Association and Oxford Mindfulness Centre. If you are looking for a  place to deepen your practice and understanding of mindfulness you have come to the right place.

We look forward to practising with you.       

382 members · Public

Bexley Area Circle of Friends - For Ladies

Crayford, G5

Bexley Area Circle of Friends - For Ladies
We are a friendly group of ladies from Bexley, Crayford, Dartford, Sidcup and surrounding areas. This group is aimed at ladies in the 50 plus age group who feel they would like to make new friends, chat over a coffee, go for a walk, see a film, dine out, or a number of other activities. The majority of our events are during the daytime so this may not suit ladies that work full time, though some events are at weekends and occasional evening, anyone is welcome to join. Occasionally some venues are small so numbers will be restricted, we normally have a waiting list for these events in case someone can't make it, so click on the rsvp anyway and that will add you to the wait list, and check back near the time to see if you have been added to the event. If you can't find something to fit in with your commitments, why not host an event? Please speak to one of the organisers. **Membership fees are used to pay the costs that Meetup charge for us to use this site.** Membership fee is £5.00 per year due by 1st December each year. Any members who haven't renewed by 31st December risk being removed. New members have **7 days** to look at the type of events we do before membership will be due if you decide to stay with us. Members may bring a friend (+1) along to 3 meetups as a guest if the event allows. After this they would need to join and pay their membership fee before attending more events. **Please note that popular events will be available to members first, therefore I would urge you to encourage your +1 to join otherwise they could miss out!** We look forward to meeting you all. **The Rules** If you RSVP yes to an event and then for some reason you can't make it please change your RSVP to not going at least **24hrs** prior to the event starting **preferably 48hrs**, **this includes the waiting list**, as it's unfair when people don't show up or cancel at the last minute, it holds up the group waiting for someone who's not coming, plus may prevent others from attending an event that's full. If you are on a waitlist for an event you must check right up until the morning of the event as you could be accepted in at short notice if someone drops out. If this happens and you do not attend you will be listed as a no show. If you are on a waitlist and make other arrangements for that day, please remove yourself from the waitlist. Also anyone who repeatedly RSVP's to events and then cancels will risk being removed from the group, as this prevents others from joining in. DO CHECK YOUR DIARIES BEFORE SAYING YES TO AN EVENT!!!! **To remain a member you will need to have attended an event in the last 6 months, this is to enable new members a chance to join.** Sorry but if you RSVP yes 3 times and then don't show up without changing your RSVP to not going you will be removed from the group. Please note that if you have not RSVP'd to attend an event there is no need to say that you are not going to an event. All members are required to have a **profile picture of their face not views, pets or other family members!** That's it for the rules, so we look forward to seeing you all and building our circle of friends. x
65 members · Private

Zero-Point Universe: Friends of a Unified New Physics London

London, 17

Zero-Point Universe: Friends of a Unified New Physics London
⚛️❌ NO physics background required! ❌⚛️ 💡 Just be sure to bring your curiosity =] 💡 \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- "Did you ever get the feeling that **conventional physics was just too contorted to be correct?**" — *Ray Fleming, The Zero-Point Universe* \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- \- I certainly did. I've always been fascinated with **what constitutes our experience of reality** — complete with all of its textures 🪵, its colours, its vibrancy 🌈, and its oddity. So... just what is all this... *stuff*?? When I went to school to find the answer to such a question by learn about humanity's cutting-edge understanding of nature (y'know, that science-y subject we call *physics*) I was told that there were * *four* fundamental forces in the nature *(electromagnetic, strong nuclear, weak nuclear, and gravitational)*... but **why four**? — *[and why won't gravity play nice with the other three??]* * *six* types of subatomic particles called quarks (*up,* *down, top, bottom, charm, strange*)... **why six?!** * our BEST model of the universe can only explain <5% of energy / phenomena we observe in the universe... the other inexplicable >95% we have given the moniker ***dark energy*** / ***matter / gravity***. Much like medieval cartographers, not knowing what lay in the world's oceans deep, they drew sea monsters and said *"Here be dragons!! 🐉"* * *General Relativity (i.e. Gravitation)* and *Quantum Mechanics (the rest)*, the two most successful and fundamental theories that we have in physics, are totally incompatible with one another. **And neither make intuitive sense**, giving rise to the popular phrase *"Shut up and calculate!"* Thankfully, in Dec 2023, I found out that we can do better than this. Much, much better. **... okay... so you wanna meet up and talk about... science?** Um, kinda! It doesn't matter whether you're a professional physicist, or you are a spiritual truth-seeker, or you're simply curious as to what the 'true' nature of what physical reality is, **this group is for you**! **Ray Fleming**'s 30+ years of scientific inquiry has produced a unified model of physics that had previously been hidden in plain sight. He is yet unrecognised by academia, but his work holds untold potential not only for advancing in our understanding of nature, of energy and of matter, but also of technology, philosophy, society, mythology, spirituality, and perhaps even of human consciousness as well. For this reason and much besides, **I *just* think it's worth getting our physics right**. **... so... what happens at these Meetups?** *🪐* We meet in a pub in Wapping, and we talk about life, science, the ways we experience reality (about 80-85% of the time) and about 15%-20% I throw in some ideas as outlined in Ray's book *[The](*[ ](*[Zero-Point Universe](* — all over bevvy ☕️ or a beer 🍻 or food 🍛 or whatever you like. I'd like to think of this group as a **super informal reading group / hang out** =] I'm really looking forward to seeing you in the upcoming events! Hok 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 *p.s. 🪷 with a very heavy heart that I was informed that Ray Fleming passed away 4 months ago. May he rest in eternal peace, unified once more with the quantum zero-point energy field that he has dedicated his life studying.* 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 p.p.s if you're interested in discussing Ray's work with people, I'm building a community around ZPU. Please connect with us via these [ZPU WhatsApp / Telegram groups](! =] **Mini FAQ:** *▶ Is this meetup is about pseudoscience, then?* Short answer: NO. Long answer: *it depends on what you mean by pseudoscience*. Zero-Point Energy is a scientifically established and verified concept used to describe the immense amount of energy found in the vacuum of space by Albert Einstein himself (as *Nullpunktsenergie*), which is often ignored in conventional physics research. Ray's work simply asks the question: "*What* *kind of physics do we get if we STOPPED ignoring zero-point energy?*". His resultant quantum dipole model of the quantum field unifies all forces (including gravity) under the Electro-matter Maxwell force, and much more besides. Despite being a remarkable body of work, it must be considered fringe physics as it is not widely accepted yet. *▶ By 'unified' are you referring to the search for the Grand Unified Theory (GUT)? or the Theory of Everything (TOE)? But that's the Holy Grail of physics!* Short answer, YES, absolutely I am. Long answer: please watch this video titled [\[The\] Theory of Everything is Quantum Field Theory]( *▶ Wow. Big claims! How do I find out more about Ray's work?* I've gathered all his online resources [in this Linktree]( Take your time, and enjoy. =]
56 members · Public

London Social Badminton Meet Up

London, 17

London Social Badminton Meet Up
**Enjoy playing badminton and meeting new friends? Join us at the London Social Badminton Meet Up!** We are a friendly and fun group with people from all around the world. We love badminton, we love socialising, we love socialising while playing badminton - you get the idea. So come along - keep fit, meet other badminton players, and have fun! We play several days a week, each session has 4 courts and we use nylon Yonex Mavis 600 shuttles: ***Note: New prices as of 08/01/2024*** * **Mon** - 7-9pm (2 hrs) - Chobham Academy, E20 2EG - Stratford - £8 * **Weds** \- 7\-10pm \(3 hrs\) \- Chobham Academy\, E20 2EG \- Stratford \- £10 * **Thurs** - 7-9pm (2 hrs) - Chobham Academy, E20 2EG - Stratford - £8 * **Sat** - 2-5pm (3hrs) - TBD We also run **coaching sessions** from time to time, please see our events details for the latest sessions. Grace & team x \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ **NO SHOWS AND LATE CANCELLATION POLICY** We need your help to make it fair for others who want to play. These rules will apply to you: * **All** **no-shows or late cancellations** (24 hrs or less) will be charged if your spot is not taken by someone else - you will have a title next to your name with the amount and date owed. * Members with 3 no shows/late cancellations will be removed from the group unless outstanding payment is received * **The late cancellation policy** is set up to discourage last-minute cancellations and therefore applies with or without the presence of a waitlist * **Note:** If you are on the Waitlist and a spot becomes available, you will automatically be bumped onto the On list provided the event has not yet started. It is your responsibility to **[remove yourself from the Waitlist](** if you can no longer make it to avoid being charged a no-show if someone cancels late. \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ **FAQs** **IS THE CLUB OPEN TO BEGINNERS?** * Yes - for our Monday and Thursday sessions. The majority of members are intermediate level but we have beginners and advanced players as well. It would be helpful if you have looked up the rules and basics before you come though! You can view what each of the **[Badminton Levels](** mean on our board. **HOW DO I PAY?** * We are currently cashless! Please pay the session fee by 5pm of the session day * If no payment is received by 5pm on the session day, you may be removed from the list to allow for someone on the waitlist to take the spot * Please use “your meetup name + date of event” as payment reference * **Account name:** Thomas Lam * **Sort code:** 04-00-03 * **Account number:** 7478 8608 **CAN I BRING A FRIEND?** * Yes! Currently we allow you to bring a +1 with your RSVP. The +1 feature is intended to be for partners or friends that are attending for the first time or don't have their own meetup account. * It is not supposed to be used to book for other people at the club or used to offer spots to other people on the waitlist. * **Note:** If you are on the waitlist with a +1, the meetup system won't offer you a spot unless 2 spots are available at the same time. It is suggested that you only join the waitlist as an individual to ensure you are not skipped over. **THE LIST IS FULL, CAN I COME?** * No, but you can add yourself to the waitlist so that when someone cancels, you WILL get a spot in the order of RSVP. (Just make sure to check if you've been 'given' a spot to avoid being charged No Show and if it's too short notice for you to attend, remove yourself from the waitlist/on list.) **I DON'T HAVE A RACKET, CAN I HIRE ONE?** * We are currently not hiring rackets out due to the pandemic as it is not sanitary to do so. **CAN I PUT MY BIKE SOMEWHERE?** * Unfolded bikes are not allowed inside the sports hall. The bikes can be stored at the bike rack near the bridge stairs. This is at the back of the sports hall, which you can access through the glass doors at the end of the corridor. Under no circumstances must anyone ride through the school corridors. **IS THERE CHANGING ROOM & SHOWER?** * Yes, both. **DO I NEED TO BRING MY OWN SHUTTLECOCKS?** * No, it's included in the price, we use Yonex Mavis 600 Nylon shuttlecocks. **IS THERE ANY MEMBER DISCOUNTS FOR STUFF?** * Yes, we negotiated a discount for sports equipment at []( There are **[two codes to use](**. * 5% off - Use **Username: 61068** / **Password: discount**. This should give you 5% off selected items. If it does not, it means the item is not eligible, so use the next code. * 2.5% off - Use the code **FAT9IGYJ** at check out in the Promotional Code field. This should apply to everything. **Re Insurance:** *We are an informal, social group so are not covered by any insurance. So please note we are not responsible for any injuries or losses that occurred as a result of your participation. Please arrange your own if would like to be covered. You are advised to always do (and please do!) warm-up before playing.*
6044 members · Public