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Meet new friends groups near Northampton, J1

The Ramblers Northampton

Northampton, J1

The Ramblers Northampton

We're a group of mostly mature people, from in and around Northampton, who enjoy walking, socialising, and exploring the great outdoors.  We welcome people of all ages and aim to provide a comprehensive walking programme and to be as inclusive as possible.

We offer half day walks on Saturday afternoons; day walks on Sundays and a morning walk on Wednesday with the chance to stop for a meal afterwards.  In the summer months we put on a weekly evening walk.  We are developing our range of shorter walks, which currently take place on the first Tuesday of the month. Short walks start at 3-4 miles, half day walks are usually between 5-7 miles and day walks 10-12 miles.  These walks are usually in the county but we do venture further afield to neighbouring counties and Derbyshire.  There is a chance to book onto group walking holidays, which have included in recent years the Coast to Coast Path, The Yorkshire Wolds Way and The West Highland Way. We also have weekends away, recently staying in Essex, the Isle of Wight and Kent.

So if you like walking, want to get a bit fitter, or would like to try out a new activity whilst meeting new friends along the way, you've found the right group!

Try us for free

We will welcome you on any walk; just choose one suitable for you. RSVP to one of our walks on Meetup and just turn up. The published time is the one we leave at so please turn up at least 10 minutes before in order to get kitted up. We were formed in 1969 and are run completely by volunteer leaders and committee members.  Further details can be found on our website which is

We are part of and funded by the Ramblers (, Britain's walking charity who are working to create a Britain where everyone has the freedom to enjoy the outdoors on foot. You are free to join us for several different events before we ask you to consider joining Ramblers as a member.

Joining Ramblers

All our walks (and those of all other Ramblers groups) are free for Ramblers members. Joining Ramblers costs approximately £34.00 per person per year or £3.25 per month and £45.00 or £4.25 per month for a couple. Discounted membership is available for the unemployed, full-time students and people on means tested benefits. For more information and to join please visit

We look forward to meeting you at one of our events soon.

733 members · Public

Coffee,Chill,Chatter Brunch/Breakfast Group (inc.Club Vista)

Earls Barton, J1

Coffee,Chill,Chatter Brunch/Breakfast Group (inc.Club Vista)
Hi there and a warm welcome from our Organisers, David, Vee, Michelle and Alison. We are a fun loving group of all ages and from all walks of like who enjoy coffee, chilling and chatting and those extra special events - theatre, museums, concerts, dining etc. etc. In fact anything and everything that life has to offer and is best shared with friends We have lots of lovely interesting events, locally and nationally, and please do feel free to ask any questions you may have about any event. We don‘t have lots of “rules and regs” but would ask that you do please take the following important points “on board” : 1. We are NOT a dating group 2. Courtesy, consideration and respect is the "order of the day" 3. When possible we aim to keep membership numbers to 60/65 max. to better facilitate long term friendships 4. **If you have RSVP’d an event and then find you cannot make it *then you let us know as quickly as possible* as our groups are very popular and almost always have a “Wait List” for others wishing to attend our events. *Members who fail to show up and don't let us know will need to be removed from the Group.*** 5. If we have not heard from or met you within 3 months of you joining the Group we will need to remove your membership to make room for others waiting to join. However you will be free to rejoin once you are ready to participate in our events. 6. After your first event, and since Organisers fund these groups personally, a small NON-REFUNDABLE membership fee of £6.00 per year (which equates to around 12p per week !) will become due to cover, in part, some of the expenses incurred by the Organisers in sourcing venues and arranging events So, all that said, we look forward to welcoming you, to having lots of fun and laughter and chatter, making lots of new friends and occasionally doing something extra special.   **Best wishes and bibi4now.** **David, Vee, Michelle & Alison** **Group Organisers**
50 members · Public

Club Vista (formerly "We Love London") - Special Events

Earls Barton, J1

Club Vista (formerly "We Love London") - Special Events
Hi there - welcome ... pleased to meet you :-)   Our Organisers, David, Vee, Michelle and Alison have managed our 3 highly interactive MU groups for the past 14+ years. 1. We don‘t have lots of “rules and regs” but would ask that you take these important points “on board” : 2. We are not a dating group and when possible keep membership numbers to 40 max to better promote friendships rather than “memberships” 3. Courtesy, consideration and respect is the "order of the day" 4. **If you have RSVP’d and then find you cannot make it that you let us know as quickly as possible as our groups are very popular and almost always have a “Wait List” for others wishing to attend our events** 5. Organisers like to meet up with new members “newbies” for coffee and a chat (if possible) so that you get an idea of how we run our groups, so one of us will be in touch to try and arrange this.  Having an initial coffee and chat goes a long way to making “newbies” feel much more comfortable when attending their first event with us as you will already know a least one or two other people 6. Once we have met with you and you are comfortable with us, and since our Organisers fund these groups personally, then a small NON-REFUNDABLE membership fee of £6.00 per year/50p per month (which equates to just over 12p per week !) will need to be paid **before you attend any specific events**. So, all that said, we look forward to welcoming you, to having lots of fun and laughter and chatter, making lots of new friends and occasionally doing something extra special.   **Best wishes and bibi4now.** **David, Vee, Michelle & Alison** **Group Organisers**
30 members · Private

Moulton Organic Gardening & Permaculture Meetup

Moulton, J1

Moulton Organic Gardening & Permaculture Meetup
“This is a group for anyone interested in gardening, outdoor community, permaculture, anyone who is wanting to learn and share knowledge about gardening topics. All skills levels are welcome. We started this group to meet other enthusiasts. Looking forward to exploring the land with everybody. we will meet up on our small holding in the village. We will provide tea, coffee refreshments **• What we do** We gather on one Monday of each month Bringing vulnerable members of the community to farms is a way to tackle loneliness and social isolation and help people with their mental health, whilst sharing the benefits of the natural environment for the local community. The meetup taps into the growing trend of growing your own and will look at other issues of sustainability, such as reducing waste and providing an opportunity to buy zero waste products. There will be experienced volunteers on hand who will be on hand to teach essential skills to people to be able to reduce waste and develop ideas. It is a great way of connecting with friends and making new ones, it's filled with like-minded people all sharing wisdom, knowledge, love and laughter of nature, the great outdoors, growing - all through a very informal evening and shared table. Jeff will be with us who is a permaculture expert and is a great person for conversations, sharing notes and brainstorming ideas and plans in and around the garden. **• What to bring** Any questions they wish to have answered Any ideas you have or subjects you would like to know more about **• Important to know** The meeting is very informal and held in the yurt Here are is our website for more information [Sol Haven Website](
118 members · Public