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Meet new friends groups near Shrewsbury, L6

New Friends in Wrexham

Johnstown, Z4

New Friends in Wrexham
Welcome to New Friends in Wrexham. New Friends in Wrexham is a group of like-minded people, who want to explore their surroundings. The main ethos of this group is to develop new friendships, and to participate in varied functions with other people. New Friends in Wrexham will gather for: walks, theatre, concerts, hiking, comedy, lunches, evening meals, weekends away, days out and more! This group is perfect to offer diversity, culture, history, but most of all to meet new people from all corners of life. This group is a non-profit organisation, so we're asking for a small donation of £3 per year to join this group. This group encourages organisers to put forward any new ideas to the group, so if you feel you have an inspiring event, please feel free to contact an organiser, and suggest forthcoming events to them. When attending events, please show respect to other members, and if you have committed to an event, but to due personal circumstances you can no longer attend that particular event, please out of curtesy inform the organiser as soon as possible that you are unable to attend. We also advise members to not put guests immediately on an event who are not in New Friends In Wrexham. are aims are to prioritise events to New Friends In Wrexham members first, however, if surplus spaces do become available for events, then bringing a guest or guests would be more practical. Approval of membership is when your £3 has been paid, alongside a clear an up-to-date photograph of yourself. Account details will be provided on approval of your application. DISCLAIMER - THIS GROUP DOES NOT HAVE ANY INSURANCE COVER FOR ANY OF THE ACTIVITIES OFFERED. IT'S UP TO THE INDIVIDUAL TO COVER THEIR INSURANCE IF NECESSARY, AND WEAR THE APPROPRIATE CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR FOR EVENTS, ESPECIALLY FOR OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES.
81 members · Private

The Original (and best!) - Shrewsbury Social Meetup

Shrewsbury, L6

The Original (and best!) - Shrewsbury Social Meetup
We are the original exclusive members-only Meetup group for Shrewsbury. We were the very first Meetup group in the area. We are now ten years old and still going strong! We welcome anyone interested in social activities in Shrewsbury and the surrounding border country. We are a group for people who want to meet with other like-minded people. We are not a singles or dating group and we do not generally allow members to bring guests along with them. But single or married, we welcome everyone. Our activities tend to include coffee mornings, pub nights and meals out, either lunch time or evening. We also do occasional country rambles but nothing too strenuous! We encourage our members to put forward their own ideas and organise their own events if they want to. But there is no obligation! So, if you want to make new friends and do things together, this is the group for you. Come and join us ! Our membership fee is a one-off payment of £10 within 14 days of joining. With nothing else to pay. Why not join and have a look at our activities? It doesn't commit you to anything. **Shrewsbury Social Meetup - Terms and Conditions of Membership. (The small print. October 2023) B*y continuing to be a member of this group you agree to the below terms and conditions of membership. Please leave this group if you do not agree. The organisers reserve the right to change the terms and conditions without notice as they see fit.*** *Failure to comply with any of the following terms and conditions may result in cancellation of your membership without notice and with no return of membership subscription.* ***1.  Welcome*** Welcome to ShrewsburySocial Meetup. We look forward to meeting you at an event soon. If you feel uncomfortable about attending your first event, please let us know and we can arrange to meet you outside the venue, take you in and introduce you to other members. The organisers do not receive any payment. All monies received go into the running of the group. We all give our time freely and willingly because we believe in what we are doing. Therefore your cooperation and support is appreciated to ensure the hassle-free management of events. ***2.  Inappropriate Behaviour*** We have a zero-tolerance policy towards inappropriate behaviour either to a member or any other person, whether a group member or otherwise. Inappropriate behaviour WILL result in immediate cancellation of membership. ***3.  Membership*** You must show a clear photograph of yourself on your profile. The joining fee fee is a one- off payment of £10.00 The fee is non-returnable should you decide to leave the group or if you are removed from the group for failing to comply with the terms and conditions. The fee must be paid at your first event or within 14 days of joining. (whichever comes first). It is not our policy to 'chase' members for payment as this is too time-consuming. Our bank details are Sort Code 09 01 28 a/c number 56909806 at Santander bank. The account name, if you need it, is "Robin Jasper/Janet Dale" For reasons of safety and security fees, deposits etc., will in general only be accepted by bank transfer or cheque. If paying by bank transfer please include a reference so we know who you are and what you are paying for. We accept online payments. We do not accept Pay Pal. ***4.  Guests*** Unlike most groups, with few exceptions, we do not allow members to bring guests to our meets. Our group was created to enable members to come along and make new friends. Not to bring friends along with them. ***5.  Events*** Please RSVP if you want to attend an event. If you RSVP 'yes' to an event and then find you can't attend please change your RSVP to 'no', as soon as possible, even if you are on a waitlist. It is essential that you do this. Please don't leave it until the last minute to cancel - you may cause other members on the waitlist to miss out. You must confirm your attendance at ALL events so please DO NOT turn up at an event you haven't RSVP'd for. ***6.  Refunds for pre-paid events*** Most of our events are free but sometimes events require advanced payment. We collect your payment and pay the venue. We do like to make refunds if you are unable to make the event. BUT, once the venue is paid, your money is committed to it. If you cancel your attendance after the venue has been paid we will be unable to offer you a refund unless we can sell your place on to another member, usually on the waitlist. ***7.  No Shows and Late Drop Outs*** No shows and late dropouts can cause inconvenience to other members. Event hosts and organisers invest their time and effort into giving a good experience and can also be inconvenienced by a members lack of consideration. If you don't attend an event you have booked onto by changing your rsvp you may receive a 'no show'. Likewise, if you drop out of an event at short notice you may receive a 'no show'. Three no shows will result in your membership being cancelled. Repeated late dropouts may result in loss of membership without refund of subscription **8.  Cliques** We discourage cliques from forming within our group. All members are welcome and cliques may make members feel excluded. If you have a tight circle of friends you want to socialise with, do it outside the group. **9.  Member hosting events.** We encourage our members to host events.If you have an event you'd like to arrange and host please contact an organiser for advice.   Please report all no shows/ incidents to an Organiser.
59 members · Private

Shrewsbury Social Networking

Shrewsbury, L6

Shrewsbury Social Networking
We are an activities and Social group for Shrewsbury Shropshire and the surrounding area. Our aim is to organise events to get people out and about and socialising with each other. If you want to meet new people or expand your circle of friends and activities then come along and join us. Activities will range from pub meet ups, music and dining events, walking, cycle rides to coffee mornings and chilled afternoons. if you enjoy meeting people for friendly banter and fun sharing and enjoying good times then this could be for you. YEARLY FEE - This app isn't free to run. There will be a £6 yearly fee. Shrewsbury Social Networking Sort :- [30 99 50](tel:309950) Account :- [59322268](tel:59322268) \*please reference your name so we can identify you\* This account should also be used for any payable events unless stated differently by the organiser. THIS IS NOT A SINGLES OR DATING GROUP - (although accidents do happen !) This group's prime aim is to organise fun activities for people to enjoy and to enable people to socialise together. Most of our members tend to be single but we also have many couples within the group too. The main aim is to create a community of people who support each other To get the most out of your membership please join the Shrewsbury Social Networking Facebook page which you will find here: CODE OF CONDUCT / BEHAVIOUR \*We expect everybody to treat others with respect. We will remove any member showing inappropriate, abusive or antisocial behaviour. The group is also private, which means non-members cannot see who is a member - so you should feel safe joining us\* AGE RANGE Our group is for all people of working age, We have events to suit everybody. ATTENDANCE We recommend that you try to come along within the first 6 weeks of joining. If your shy or reluctant for whatever reason, contact any of the event hosts and we'll help you take that first steps, we have all done that 1st meetup and are aware how it can feel for some people to walk in alone, but you wont be as soon as your in the door, please remember that we actively manage our members list and do remove inactive members - this is to keep our membership count real. You will always be able to re-join at another time. A FEW HINTS A profile picture should be real ones of yourself, it helps at meet ups for organisers to recognise you and you recognise others. if an event is full join the wait list, things happen and people change plans, please don't take a place then drop out at short notice because you have had a better offer, others may miss out or business's loose out, be considerate of your fellow socials, the organisers and venues. We have a dedicated group of organisers within In Touch but are always looking to encourage new organisers/hosts to join the leadership team. Members can also add single events as suggestions once they have established themselves within the group. If there's an event going on somewhere and you'd like company - then add it as a suggestion on the site or tell one of the group event organisers about it. The involvement of members helps the group continue to grow and offer a large range of events to suit all. Looking forward to meeting you all. All the event organisers.
488 members · Private


Shrewsbury, L6

Welcome to Pathfinders, our established walking group, primarily based in Shropshire. What we aim to achieve is to provide walks in the countryside and give people the opportunity to meet up, enjoy each other's company whilst reaping the benefits of regular exercise. We welcome enthusiasts of all fitness levels. We intend to provide a variety of walks of varying lengths to promote health and wellbeing. We positively encourage our members who may have a favourite walk to share it with the group. If a member isn’t confident in leading the walk themselves then one of our leaders can help facilitate. All suggestions are welcomed. Primarily this group is about walking with friends and exploring the beautiful countryside of Britain. Walks will be in Shropshire, the surrounding counties and parts of Wales. All of our walk leaders are volunteers and although all walks will have been risk assessed, members are reminded that attendance is entirely at your own risk. Update July 25th 2021 Group Funding Arrangements: For many months now the leadership team have been considering how to finance the running of the group. We have also looked at what other groups are doing regarding funds and the majority of them levy a charge per walk of between £1:00 and £2:00. We have looked at Pathfinders running costs and feel this level of charge per walk is not required. Our decision is to levy an annual charge of £2:00 per member. So that this can be managed efficiently with full traceability of collection and use of funds we have put in place the following. We have appointed a treasurer who will manage all aspects of this funding and record keeping and we are very grateful to Paul Lamare for his help so far in this capacity. We have opened a Business bank account with HSBC. Details will be sent with a welcome message once new members are approved. Finally, please be assured Pathfinders remains a "not for profit" organisation and its leadership team are and will remain unpaid volunteers. We also hope you agree that the £2:00 annual levy represents exceptional value. Thank you for your continued support. Eirlys, Paul, Roger Our contact details: Roger Whitehouse 07340 402933 Eirlys Howard 07761 206945 Paul Lamare (Treasurer)
256 members · Public

Shamanic Voices: Experiential Shamanism

Shrewsbury, L6

Shamanic Voices: Experiential Shamanism

Shamanism is an ancient practice and a beautiful path of the heart which brings clarity, connection and confidence to life. At the centre of this practice is working with our own spirits to find personal empowerment and balance.

Working with shamanism can provide answers to very important questions and help you make decisions  about your next steps.

It offers new ways of being in the world which can bring deep healing, and connection with nature's natural rhythms.

Shenoah Taylor  

Shenoah has been working with shamanism since 1990 and has trained extensively with a number of inspiring shamanic teachers.  When she started working with shamanism it was the next step on her own journey of self discovery and healing.

Shamanism is the path of her heart and through it she has come to know her gifts and their place in the world. It has helped her to be in the world in a more present, fulfilled and focussed way.

With the help of the spirits she now supports others to find their own way to empowerment, connection                                           and healing through one to one work and workshops.

Lisa Sture
Lisa has been working with Shamanism since 1990 for both herself and others. Lisa offers one to one shamanic work.

Lisa has been at the cutting edge of the raw food movement since 2007 and offers workshops and one to one mentoring. 

Shamanism can help with Personal healing, Life changes, Empowerment, Decision making, Problem solving, Transformation, Relationships, Health/illness, Connectedness, Bereavement, Emotional Issues and Spiritual Development.

The benefits of working with shamanism can be found on emotional, physical and spiritual levels. One of the paradoxes of shamanism is that by working in the spirit world it enables us to live more fully in this reality.

289 members · Public

Telford Socials

Telford, L6

Telford Socials
Welcome to Telford Socials. Please check you have the ‘chat’ option on, so that we can message you with joining details This is the group for you, if you like going to the cinema, ten-pin bowling, meals out, watching live bands or just meeting up for a drink. You don’t have to be single to join, just over 18. . There is an annual membership fee of £7 each year. The membership fee is paid in advance and is non-refundable. Payment is via an online payment link which is sent to you. Thank you in advance for paying promptly. There will be at least 3 events per month for you to RSVP Yes or No to, all we ask is that you stay active and reply. We ask all members to put a profile picture of them self on when they join, this helps us find you when you attend events. Also we ask all members to list their first name and surname (initial is acceptable) on their profile. Lastly we want all members to be active members and take part in events and look at event details each month. For any members who are completely inactive for 8 months or more, we will remove you from the group and you are more than welcome to re-apply when you are able to be more involved. Click on ‘Request to Join,’ now if you are interested. Group terms and conditions will be sent to you. **If you fail to pay your £7 membership fee, you will be withdrawn from the group.** Hope to see you soon! Code Of Conduct. [!AqXKsvxRSxE8h_JNcjDfYoT](!AqXKsvxRSxE8h_JNcjDfYoT)...
102 members · Private

Telford Walkers

Telford, L6

Telford Walkers
This is a friendly group for people who enjoy going on short walks (3-8 miles) in Telford and surrounding areas of Shropshire and Staffordshire. Telford is surrounded by countryside and has lots of green space, so nature and industrial heritage are quite accessible. If you want to meet people and engage in a healthy pastime, why not join us for a walk? We charge a subscription of £2.00 (renewable every January} to cover the Meet Up administration costs and public liability insurance and we are a not for profit organisation, Annual Subscription to be paid by Bank Transfer Nationwide Sort Code 07 44 56 Account No. 38078457 Account Name Diane Riley If paying from a Nationwide account, please message either Tony or Diane when you do so, as Nationwide only quote the payee's account no. and not their surname. The same applies if you have only used a first name or pseudonym on the Meetup app so that we can allocate the bank account name to your quoted details on the meetup app. RULES We are a friendly group who rarely experience problems, but some rules are important so that the walks are enjoyable and safe for everyone. Walkers are also reminded that they assume their own risks and responsibilities when participating. *1\. Booking* The walk leader will decide how many members can go on a walk, The number will reflect the number of stiles, the difficulty and the number that the leader is comfortable with. When that number is reached, any further walkers will be put on a waiting list and will hopefully get on the attending list as members drop out. With this in mind, would members only book on walks if they fully intend to participate. *2\. Changing your mind and cancellations* Walks can be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions. You should check the page for the walk on the morning before setting out. If you have RSVP'd yes to a walk but you find you are unable to attend, then please let us know by changing your RSVP, or leaving a message on the page for the walk. If this happens within 2 hours of the start of a walk, please text or call the walk leader (see below). *3\. Lateness and getting there* Directions to the start point will be posted on the site, together with a link to a map. Postcodes can cover a wide area in semi-rural locations, so you should not totally rely on satnavs. If you are going to be late please ring or text the walk leader to let them know. The number will be posted on the page for the walk. The number for the group organiser (Tony) is 07711 950964 *4\. Footwear and clothing* You should check the page for the walk for any special advice about footwear and clothing. Most of our walks are short and on proper paths, but some walks may be very muddy. If there is nothing to the contrary on the walk page, you should be ok wearing walking boots, strong trainers or other good footwear. Flip-flops and high heels are examples of footwear which are unsuitable. It is your own responsibility to ensure you are adequately clothed (and have brought waterproofs if it is a rainy day or rain is forecast). Anyone deemed to be wearing inadequate clothing or footwear may be excluded from the walk at the discretion of the walk leader. *5\. Dogs* You may bring well-behaved dogs to the walk, but they must be accompanied by a responsible adult and kept on a lead at all times. *6\. Age range / children* Children may attend the walk, provided they are at least 10 years old. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult (aged 18+). There is no upper age limit on our walks. *7\. Medical and fitness* It is your responsibility to decide whether or not you are fit enough to attend the walks; you should read the page for the walk, which should give you an indication of the difficulty and length. In the very unlikely event that someone is obviously incapable of completing the walk, then they may be excluded at the discretion of the leader. If you become unwell or have an accident during a walk, please notify the leader immediately. Leaders are not medically trained, do not have first aid kits, but they will carry a mobile phone. *8\. Photography* Photographers are welcome on our walks. However, you should obtain permission if you photograph other members of the group or their guests (and if that person is a child, you must also obtain the permission of their accompanying adult). *9\. Alcohol and drugs* You are not permitted to attend our walks if you are under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Anyone who appears to be impaired by alcohol or drugs may be removed from the walk at the discretion of the walk leader. *10\. Leaving the walk early* It is acceptable to leave a walk earlier than the agreed end point, however you must ensure you notify the walk leader. *11\. Following the leader* Participants should follow the route set by the leader. *12\. Racism and Sexism Discrimination* We are a multicultural group open to members of all races, genders, sexes and personal beliefs. Members must not discriminate or make comments that can be construed as offensive by other members. If this should occur and a complaint is made to the group leadership, the offending member may or will be asked to leave the group. *13\. Miscellaneous* Anyone who refuses to comply with the reasonable requests of the leader, disrupts the walk, or whose behaviour is grossly offensive or dangerous to others may be removed from the walk at the discretion of the walk leader. After receiving several comments from members concerning people asking for lifts; would all walkers please refrain from either personally asking or phoning other members for lifts to walks. If you should require a lift, would you please post a request on the meet up message board for that walk. This will then ensure that no member feels obliged or embarrassed into giving someone a lift.
184 members · Public