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Meet new friends groups near Swindon, P8

Swindon Social and New Friendz

Swindon, P8

Swindon Social and New Friendz
We are a relaxed social group catering for people of all walks of life from around the Swindon area.  We arrange social activities includes meals, drinks, bowling, cinema, theater, concerts, quiz nights, and lots more. Come and join the fun! :-) Thank you for applying to join our Meetup group. Meetup does cost money to operate, roughly £180 a year. We are making a charge of £10 one off fee to join the group. Please make payment to the following account:- Account Number: 21678060 Sort Code: 30-90-85 Please pay the joining fee and use your name as a reference. We reserve the right to delete your membership until you have paid the joining fee. If payment is not forthcoming we will delete your membership. Many thanks. This fee is used to cover the cost of running this meetup group. Any questions please kindly message the group on This group is organised and run by a group of organisers, and no one individual has total control. We have a committee which meets regularly, to decide the direction the group takes.  The organiser name, "Wiltshire & Swindon Organisers" isn't a single person, but a collective of organisers who have access to this account. You might think it odd that no one person is in control, and we are not here to mislead people. It is merely to prevent any one person having a monopoly of control, as well as ensuring that one person doesn't do all the work as is often the case. Also if one organiser wants to move away, dies, leaves the country or whatever, the group is sustainable.
899 members · Private

Swindon 20s and 30s Social Activities

Swindon, P8

Swindon 20s and 30s Social Activities

A group for people under the age of 40 who want to undertake social activities which are either only possible or better as a group. 40 is not a rigid cap but is designed to show the kind of things this group is about and prevent it being dominated by an older generation like other social groups.

The plan is for this group to organise group social activities at least twice a month across both weekday evenings and weekends. The group will be a pay for what you participate in.
Please ensure you RSVP and pay for activities well in advance to allow things to be booked. Activities will NOT be booked until I receive sufficient funds from attendees. Please note a number of activities have minimum numbers and will be cancelled if this amount is not reached.

Meetups will be organised with sufficient notice to receive payment beforehand. Places will only be booked for those who have paid and no refunds offered unless someone else is willing to pay for the place.

Meetup charges for the running of such groups therefore in order to recoup these costs a small admin charge will be added to bookings however I hope to receive group discounts where possible. The price offered reflects this fee

Examples of such activities could be: <br>- Ten Pin Bowling <br>- Board Game evenings <br>- Crazy Golf <br>- Foot Golf <br>- Escape Rooms <br>- Pub Quizzes <br>- Stand up paddle boarding <br>- Paintball <br>- Airsoft <br>- Ice Skating <br>- Archery <br>- Beer Tasting/Brewery Tours <br>- Days Out <br>- Watching sports games <br>- Go Karting <br>- Laser Quest

Depending on interest in activities this could also involve trips out of Swindon or breaks away.

Couples and groups of friends are welcome as long as they are open to meeting new people. Please note this is NOT a singles or a party/clubbing group

645 members · Public

Swindon IVC Social Club

Swindon, P8

Swindon IVC Social Club
Swindon IVC are a group of friends from all walks of life who enjoy socialising. Members are individuals or couples with a mix of ages, generally 40 upwards. All are welcome. If we want to go to a film, or for a day or meal out, we invite the others so we can enjoy events together. We are book worms, theatre addicts, walkers, cyclists, and lots more. Although there is a committee in the background, events are organised by members for members. We have a regular pub night twice per month and we would encourage prospective members to come along and meet us in this informal setting. Would you like to meet people and try new things? Fancy going to the Cinema but have no-one to go with? Like eating out with friends? Then you need us! If you attend some events and then decide to become a full member, subscription is £12 per annum. There is an option for an initial 3 months membership at a cost of £3. Please note that for us to administer this we ask for the following: your full name, a contactable email address and some form of photo ID (and the subscription!) The subscription covers club running costs including Meetup fees. We produce annual accounts for members to show how our funds are spent. Swindon IVC is a non profit club and the subscription rate is reviewed annually at an AGM. Swindon IVC is a member of the AIVC network of national clubs, first started in this country about 70 years ago by a group of ex-graduates, then known as the Inter-Varsity Club. We have been an active club in Swindon for more than 40 years. We look forward to welcoming you to our club and seeing you soon at one of our events.
58 members · Private

Data Swindon

Swindon, P8

Data Swindon
Data: Swindon has been formed to offer knowledge sharing and networking opportunities for data professionals, techies, researchers or simply those with an interest in data applications and technologies. We aim to have an open, friendly and informal setting for meetings covering a wide range of data related topics, events generally cover the following subject areas: - • Data/Big Data Technologies • Business Intelligence • SQL/NoSQL • Advanced Analytics • Cloud Computing/IoT Meetings provide an opportunity for established and new speakers to share their experience, knowledge and thoughts to the benefit of all members. Attendees are encouraged to socialise, ask questions, network and learn from other members. The organisers of this meetup abide by a Code Of Conduct, because it's the nice thing to do. We think our members should too. ### Code of Conduct for group leaders As event and experience organizers, we seek to provide a **respectful, friendly, professional experience for everyone, regardless of their gender, sexual orientation, physical appearance, disability, age, race, or religion**. We do not tolerate any behaviour that is degrading to any gender, race, sexual orientation, or disability, nor do we tolerate any behaviour that would be deemed harassment or discrimination. Individuals are responsible for knowing and abiding by our standards and we encourage everyone to assist in creating a safe and welcoming environment. Please report any concerns, suspicious activity, or disruptive behaviour to the team at so we can address issues immediately. ### All group members should follow Throughout each interaction: * Be friendly and welcoming * Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences. * Ask yourself how you can make someone life easier. * Be patient * Remember that people have varying communication styles and preferences. * Recognize that not everyone is using their native language. Meaning and tone can be lost in translation. * Be thoughtful * Think about how others will interpret your words. Aim for clear and productive communication. * Remember that sometimes it is best to refrain from commenting. * Be respectful and inclusive * Respect differences of opinion. * Seek to understand and build bridges, not condemn or criticize. * Make a conscious effort to include people who differ from you. * Be open and curious * Assume good intent and interpret others’ statements or questions in good faith. * Ask questions to understand, not denounce. * Focus on continuous learning. Improve upon the things you already know, tackle new things, and ask others about their expertise to deepen your own knowledge. ### Summary * Treat everyone with respect, kindness, and empathy. * Use welcoming and inclusive language. * Be thoughtful in how you communicate in person and online. * Don’t be destructive or inflammatory. * Gracefully accept constructive criticism. * Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences. * Reach out to the organizers if you need anything. Please report any concerns, suspicious activity, or disruptive behaviour to the organisers.
624 members · Public

Cotswold And Surrounding Area Hiking Group

Swindon, P8

Cotswold And Surrounding Area Hiking Group

Hello Hikers!

Welcome to our group.

We intend on leading walks around the South West area of the country; with predominant focus on the Gloucestershire area and often branching out within Wiltshire (primarily Swindon and Cirencester areas for evening walks) and the Cotswold (and other) areas for the more challenging day hikes.

Evening hikes will, typically, be between 4 and 8 miles.

Day hikes will, typically, be between 15 and 26 miles.

We may also investigate weekends away and foreign holidays.

We will try to put on walks with regular frequency, however, we are totally reliant on our volunteer leaders. If you would like to become a leader, please message one of the organisers.

When signing up to walks, please be mindful of your hiking ability as many walks will have to maintain an average pace of 3 mph to cover the distance within the allotted time. This will be re-emphasised on each event, dependent on the hike leader. Most walks will have an Ordnance Survey route attached to the event. Not all of our walks will have been pre-walked, therefore, slight deviations may be made.

We cannot accept any liability for any injuries caused whatsoever. Each member is responsible for their own health and safety. By becoming a member of this group, and by RSVP’ing, you are to take your own responsibility on each hike.

We organise walks as a group of friends.

We are not a profit-making group.


**A Meetup fee contribution of £5 is required before being accepted to the group.


Please make payment to:

Name: Richard Hickman

Sort Code: 07-01-16

Number: 46958189



Our walks start on time; please be mindful of this and be “walk ready” for the start time of the walk. We cannot be expected to wait for any late arrivals. To assist with this, always look at the Meetup pin which takes you to the exact starting point.

Always come prepared for the forecasted weather as our walks are unlikely to be cancelled unless there are exceptional conditions. Always check the Meetup event comments section before setting off – any alterations will be advertised at least 5hrs before the event start time where possible!

We are following Covid-19 guidelines, in-line with government policy. As group sizes are restricted, “no shows” will be removed from the group on their second “no show”. No exceptions.

Usually well behaved dogs are welcomed on most walks but check with the leader first. Also dogs are the responsibility of the owner and the walk leader is not liable for any damage caused by dogs.

We look forward to hiking with you!

411 members · Private