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Gweddwon Ynys Môn a Gwynedd - Anglesey&Gwynedd widowed group

Pontrug, Y2

Gweddwon Ynys Môn a Gwynedd - Anglesey&Gwynedd widowed group
*Bilingual message* *Os ydych yn weddw, dros tua 55 (awgrym oed yn unig!) ac yn byw yn Ynys Mon neu Gwynedd, ymunwch a ni i ddechrau mwynhau bywyd unwaith eto. Mae nifer dda ohonom yn Gymry Cymraeg. Byddwn yn cyfarfod am baned o goffi a sgwrs Gymraeg dwywaith y mis. Byddwn hefyd yn cyfarfod un gyda'r nos y mis am swper a sgwrs Gymraeg a byddwn yn mynd i gyngherddau a mae croeso I chi ddod a un ffrind weddw hefo chi. Bydd nifer o ddigwyddiadau uniaith Gymraeg a dwy ieithog, a byddwn yn mynd am wyliau hefo’n gilydd - dilynwch ein digwyddiadau ar y wefan am y manylion diweddaraf. Dim dating seit ydi hon.* ***This is not a dating site***. It’s a bilingual, informal, friendship group for people who have been through the loss of a spouse or long term partner, who can empathise with each other but are ready to start really enjoying life again. This is NOT a support group. The organisers are volunteers and the group is not a charity. It is a fully bilingual group for Widowers and Widows living permanently in Anglesey and Gwynedd, meeting for regular get-togethers for coffee, lunch, pub quiz, book club, days out, leisure activities, walking (sorry no dogs), evenings out, theatre, concerts, festivals, coach trips, holidays, cruises, dog walking group and general fun things. **Regular** **Meetups** as follows, which must be pre booked through this site:- 1\. Wednesday afternoon for coffee and chat in Holland Arms garden centre twice a month\. Also a coffee morning for Welsh speakers twice a month in Victoria Hotel Menai Bridge\. Advanced learners are very welcome\. 2\. A supper meeting is held once a month on the third Saturday evening for Welsh speakers\. This is open to advanced Welsh learners as well\. 3\. On the first Saturday every other month we have a bilingual supper\. 4\. On the alternate month we meet for a bilingual Sunday lunch on the first Sunday\. 5\. Every month we try to organise our own walk subject to weather or we join in with Menter Fachwen bilingual historical walks\.  ***\*\* We go to the theatre, concerts and even holiday/cruise together but we holiday as a group and if that is not for you, please DO NOT book a holiday with us.*** **PLEASE USE THE RSVP FACILITY HERE TO LET US KNOW IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND AN EVENT. \*\*\*\*\* NOT ON THE GROUP WHATS APP CHAT.\*\*\*\*\* WE MUST KNOW 24hrs BEFOREHAND IF YOU ARE ATTENDING SO THAT WE CAN LOOK OUT FOR YOU/BOOK YOUR SEAT FOR A MEAL.**  Please note that we have many requests to join our group so we regularly review our membership. Any members who don't pay the membership fee within 2 weeks of due date or don’t attend any meets for over 3 months will be removed. The Annual Membership fee is £20. Until you decide to become a full member, the fee to attend group meetings is £2 and you are welcome to come to try the group out twice.When you have decided to join up, we will explain to you how the group works. You can pay by internet banking if you prefer; please transfer £20 to Anglesey and Gwynedd Widows Group account sort code: 40 09 03 Acct: 92133792. Annual membership fees are due for renewal 1st June (if renewals not received by 15th June, your membership will lapse and your name will be removed, although you can re-apply later if you wish. When making the payment, please put your name as the Reference, to help us identify whose payment it is. Our treasurer is Menna Gilbert. Once you become a member you must abide by the rules or you will be asked to leave the group and your fee will be refunded. Fees are used to pay for the meetup facility on this page and for public liability insurance etc. If there’s money left over we use it for a summertime afternoon tea for members. We organise local sub-groups for members in outlying areas of Gwynedd and Anglesey who find it hard to travel to the regular central meetings. At the time of writing, there is a sub-group called the Western Anglesey widowed group, for example. If you are interested in this sub group, please contact one of the co-organisers, Cadi Evanson or Lin Houston, we all work together under the same banner. The Western Anglesey group have lunch once a month and only widowed guests allowed. Soon there will be one in Porthmadog. **\*\*\*\*** We consider safety to be our number one priority and while we never take unnecessary risks, we do recognise that any outdoor activity involves a danger of personal injury or death. Remember that you should be aware of and accept these risks as you are responsible for your own safety and you should not undertake anything beyond your abilities. It is also your responsibility to be correctly equipped for the weather and activity you have chosen to participate in. **In joining this group you accept full responsibility for your own safety.** **RULES** **It probably goes without saying, but we expect all members to treat others with courtesy and respect and not to bring the group into disrepute, or create ill feeling among members. If you have concerns or complaints about the conduct of another member, please bring it to the attention of one of the organisers to look into. Conduct unbecoming of members and failure to embrace the group ethos will result in membership being terminated. It is a really lovely friendship group. Tension, spite and bullying will not be tolerated or negativity towards events offered.(remember, we don’t all like the same things). Aggressive texts on group chat will be deleted instantly and the writer will also be removed instantly from the chat group, without warning. SAVING SEATS FOR FRIENDS IS NOT ALLOWED. WE OPERATE ON A FIRST COME BASIS. That’s how You’ll get to know more people and make more friends and be more welcoming to new members. Please use the rsvp facility on meetup to let us know if you’re attending an event. \*\*\*\* We do not need to know on what’s app chat if you’re not attending or don’t like what we organise. We are trying to offer events to suit all members. Suggestions welcome\*\*\*\* This is a lovely, friendly little group and it’s really unfortunate that we have to have rules. We’d prefer not to have them but we have to because of a very small minority. We need your suggestions for events. We don’t know what you’d like to do if you don’t tell us. We’re all here because we’re widowed. We want to enjoy life again. Be very kind to each other** *Please note, you may bring **one** widowed guest with you to two Meetups then they must decide if they want to join the group and become a fully paid up member.*
43 members · Private

Llandudno Meetups

Gyffin, X8

Llandudno Meetups
THIS IS WHAT WE ARE. A small ‘mature’ group of ordinary people, mostly 58+, based in Llandudno but we operate in Conwy County area, with a few Events outside. Our aim is to bring people together, socialise, exercise, and enjoy the company of friends.   Last year we scheduled some 100 events and to those some 900 attendances. (Hill Walks 31 @ 3-7 mile; Flat Stroll 18 @; 2-4 miles; Dinner 15; Coffees 14; and 20 odd events like bike ride, theatre and games.) You are informed that we are nothing more than friends, inviting others to participate. We have no Leaders, no qualifications, no insurance, & no liability. It is up to you to make yourself aware, decide whether you are able or fitted to join an Event, and if you wish, to maintain suitable insurance. We do however recognise our duty of care to you, so be assured we will look after you to the best we can. We do need our members to be able to readily participate, therefor we don’t accept applications from further afield than North Wales. We reserve the right to terminate any membership at any time, without explanation, if for any reason, three existing members make representation to do so. All applications require an ‘identification’ photo. We require a **Subscription of £5 upon Application.** This will be refunded in the unlikely event of non-approval for membership, or you request same within ONE month, and have NOT attended an Event. **HOW TO SUBSCRIBE** Subscription is **£5** and lasts till 30th December, this year; even if you join mid-term. Payment to:- 1\. Bacs \(internet\) LLOYDS BANK\. Llandudno Meetup\. Sort Code 30\-65\-64 A/c 22420560\. \(please put ref: like your **name + ??** so we can identify payment). 2\. Alternatively\, Cash to DavidS Treasurer\. either on walk or a coffee morning\. We do NOT accept cheques or Paypal.
50 members · Private