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The Jerusalem Business Networking Forum (JBNF)

Jerusalem, il

The Jerusalem Business Networking Forum (JBNF)

JBNF (the Jerusalem Business Network Forum) is focused on developing Jerusalem business. Our vision is to make Jerusalem rival Tel Aviv and Herzliya!

We now have our own expanded website. See:

In the last five years since we started, we have succeeded beyond our wildest imagination. We have over 2000 members , members have made $25 million of deals between between themselves through networking and found over 150 people jobs. Most important is that many JBNFers have reported that their first business deal was made through our JBNF networking activities.

For BioMed and BioTech professionals, we have a JBNF subgroup (please join both groups):

We meet approximately once a month and have four types of activities:
(1) Meeting with important contacts in Israeli business or government
(2) Tutorials and talks on marketing and business development
(3) Meetings with foreign businesspeople or delegations
(4) Mega-networking events where using speed-dating techniques gets every participant to meet 20-30 new JBNFers - these serendipitous events create surprisingly a lot of opportunities for our members. During such events, business development experts give presentations on elevator pitches, first contact strategies and meetings followup.

The formal presentations at the JBNF events are kept short and we always offer ample time for plenty of networking among the event participants.

Our target is that in the next 4-5 years, JBNF will grow to 5000 members and create $500 million of new business for JBNFers. We welcome all the help and support we can get to achieve these goals.

The JBNF promotes business networking among primarily English speaking professionals in business, high tech and investment fields in Jerusalem. Each meeting features a speaker or panel of speakers on a different topic relating to business in Jerusalem. Even if you don't live in Jerusalem (or even Israel) or never come to the lectures- it is still worthwhile to join our membership and post your profile up. Joining JBNF is free of charge. Meetups are free of charge unless announced (depending on the venue.)

Speakers at our events have included:

    Dr Orna Be'eri, vp, EMC & Gemini Capital

    Prof Yakov Zerem, CEO and founder, Ophir,

    Yochi Slonim,

    Jonathan Medved, founder of Israseed and CEO of Vringo

    Dr Eyal Shekel, CEO, Civan

    Jack Katz, Managing Partner - Grant Thornton

    Nir Barakat, Jerusalem City Council and now mayor, founder of BRM

    Simon Eckhouse, founder and CEO, Syneron and founder, Lumenis

    Michael Oran, GTU (Global Technology Unit) leader, IBM

    Barbara Shaw, CEO, the Women's Business Development Network

    Shai Tsur - Microsoft

    Libbie Affen, COO of Matrix Global

    Menachem Shoval - Intel TME EMEA, Strategic Ptograms Office (TSPO), Intel

    Former Minister and MK Michael Eithan,

    Boaz Dolev,

    Paula Stein, CEO, Writepoint

    Shmaya Reichman, CEO, BH comm

    Dahlia Meggido from 7 Health ventures

    Pinchas Lachover, CEO of Verisense

    Julie Rouzaud from the Glazier group in France

    Miriam Schwab CEO, Illuminea

    Brian Bloom, CEO, Bloggerce

    Ben Goldfarb, owner, PSC

    Ayala Matalon, the MIT Forum

    Eli Feldblum, CEO, Rankabove

    Hillel Porath,

    Daniel Farb, CEO, Leviathan Energy

    Yossi Fisher, Solaris

    David Wayman, CEO, Cequesta

    Rabbi Izzy Ginzberg

    Debbi Zylberstein

    and others - Click the Past Meetups link on the left

See our page, Networking Effectively at JBNF Events FAQ for tips on networking.

2530 members · Public

Israel's BioMedical Management Community

Jerusalem, il

Israel's BioMedical Management Community

Bio-Medical professionals, entrepreneurs, managers, scientists & investors who seek to learn and share knowledge.

The porpuse of this group is to create a community of Bio-Med professionals to network and share knowledge. The main theme of the meetup's will be freee, open-to-all, lectures by the senior professional who teach at the Bio-Med program.

The life sciences, biomedical industries and healthcare sector in Israel have evolved very rapidly in recent years, playing an increasingly important and leading role in the Israeli and global healthcare. Now this important field has reached the stage where there is a high demand for professional high quality leadership and management which is a must in order to bring this field to full maturity. Establishing such professional high level leadership will better enable exploiting the contribution of Israel to its people and to the world. Such leadership will also enable Israel to take a greater advantage of being a leading “start-up nation” and having a larger impact on the biomedical community and the economy in Israel.

The group main sponsor - The Hebrew University of Jerusalem through its School of Business Administration has responded to this large challenge in order to fill this gap by opening a unique academic program of BioMed-MBA. The program launched two years ago - October 2016 as the first university MBA program in biomedical management and entrepreneurship (BioMed-MBA) in Israel. This program will teach and train the future leadership and management of companies and people of the health sector across the spectrum of the biomedical medical technology profession, including biotechnology, pharmacy, diagnostics, medical devices, eHealth, research and service laboratories of hospitals and sick funds. The program includes an extensive training in all areas of business management, leadership and relevant aspects of public health along with in-depth sector specific training to manage and lead the biomedical world with its unique and large challenges. The students in the program will gain knowledge and tools in subjects such as R&D management, sorting and selecting suitable projects, intellectual property, legal, regulatory and ethical aspects of R&D and clinical work, the economics of healthcare as well as the skills required for professional leadership and teamwork.

Significant efforts have been invested during the last year to develop and determine the syllabus of the courses in the BioMed-MBA program and top level lecturers were selected. The Hebrew University is willing to offer as part of the program 10 brand new courses from the top leading managers in the biomedical industry to ensure the program is fully tailored to meet the needs of the sector for the future.

In October 2017, the second round of the program was opened with 26 students who began their studies in the program.

815 members · Public

Azure & DevOps JLM

Jerusalem, il

Azure & DevOps JLM
Welcome tech lovers far and wide! We’re an online and in-person tech-enthusiast group hosting live events about Azure cloud. Our goal is to share our passion for tech and our love for Jerusalem by combining them both! This is a group for anyone interested in learning about cloud computing - specifically Azure. You can join us in person if possible or on one of our live streams. Look out for our upcoming events! Code of Conduct throughout each interaction: * Be friendly and welcoming * Listen with purpose and create space for others’ communication preferences. * Ask yourself how you can make someone's life easier. * Be patient * Remember that people have varying communication styles and preferences. * Recognize that not everyone is using their native language. Meaning and tone can be lost in translation. * Be thoughtful * Think about how others will interpret your words. Aim for clear and productive communication. * Remember that sometimes it is best to refrain from commenting. * Be respectful and inclusive * Respect differences of opinion. * Seek to understand and build bridges, not condemn or criticize. * Make a conscious effort to include people who differ from you. * Be open and curious * Assume good intent and interpret others’ statements or questions in good faith. * Ask questions to understand, not denounce. * Focus on continuous learning. Improve upon the things you already know, tackle new things, and ask others about their expertise to deepen your own knowledge.
252 members · Public

מפגשי יוגה ומדיטציה להגשמה עצמית בירושלים

Jerusalem, il

מפגשי יוגה ומדיטציה להגשמה עצמית בירושלים

מדיטציה זו מודעות ללא מחשבות, זה אותו הרגע שהכל שקט ומאוזן בתוכנו, אותו הרגע שאנחנו באמת נמצאים בהווה.

יוגה זה החיבור עם הטבע, עם היקום, עם האנרגיה סביבנו ועם הרוח (הלב) והאנרגיה שתוכנו.

הגשמה עצמית היא חוויה פנימית, חיה ואמיתית שמביאה אותנו למדיטציה וליוגה, ועוזרת לנו לחיות חיים מאוזנים ושמחים יותר.

בואו לחוות את ההגשמה העצמית שלכם, ללמוד על עצמכם ועל הדרך לחיים מאוזנים ושמחים יותר !

המפגשים מתקיימים במתנ"ס בית הכרם, בימי ראשון, בשעה 18:45.

התוכנית מועברת על ידי מתנדבים והכניסה חופשית לכולם :)

לפרטים נוספים:

1. כיתבו לנו כאן.

2. פייס: "סהג'ה יוגה ישראל" - 

Meditation is thoughtless awareness, it is the moment when everything is quiet and balanced within us, the moment we are truly in the present.

Yoga is the connection with nature, with the universe, with the energy around us and with the spirit (heart) and the energy within it.

Self-realization is an inner, living and real experience that brings us to meditation and yoga, and helps us live a more balanced and happier life.

Come experience your self-realization, learn about yourself and how to live a more balanced and joyful life!

Meetings are held in Beit Ha-Kerem community center, on Sundays, at 18:45.

The programs are hosted by volunteers and free of charge to everyone :))

For further details:

1. You may write us here.

2. Facebook - "Sahaja Yoga Israel", 

566 members · Public