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Chennai Single Parents Meet

Chennai, in

Chennai Single Parents Meet

This is for Single Parents from Chennai to meet up.

This meetup group is an extension of a larger online community for Indian Widow(er)s and Divorcees. We call it 'The Phoenix Family'.

Who are we?

We are a group of widow(er)s, divorcees and separated individuals who have taken up this initiative to form an online community. The community is named ‘The Phoenix Family’, the name is derived from mythological bird phoenix which is cyclically regenerated or reborn like most of us. Why this initiative? The community is formed with the base that people who have the same emotional setbacks/upheavals connect better. When a person is entering this phase, they are always daunted by questions like what next, why me, how to cope. Some learn it the hard way. This “family” as we love to be called will help in the transition with their experience. All and any help is welcomed here be it emotional or any other advice. Needless to say a light hearted talk with trusted friend is a welcome break, at any time.

What do we do? We function as one big family. A family where you could say ‘when my spouse was alive, we used to go on trips regularly’ and still not get that pitiful look. A group where you could say ‘I feel a bit lonely these days’ and don’t get the regular ‘find a guy and get married’ advice. You could confess that ‘you do not have time for your kid and not comfortable stepping out alone with the kid’ and hear back ‘most of us are in the same boat, let us get together and go out somewhere’. So in short you could say and share your feelings without any qualms.

Where are we? We have members from all over India in our secretive Facebook group. Members are added after screening and through invitation. Our blog site is Currently organizing face to face meets and events in Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi/NCR and Pune. Details of which can also be found in Meetup site( ,,, ,

You can mail us at or join us on our meetup site as well.


But I do not need any emotional support… So do most of our members! We do not turn to our family only for support right? You could help others or just be with a trusted group.

How secure am I in this … This community was founded in February of 2014. We are currently around 130 members (as of March 2018). This should show that we do not have any commercial inclination of growing us by taking in random members. In fact the administrators block at least 3 fake requests to join the group every week. We have core members who act as spy to keep tab of ‘suspicious online Romeos (and juliets??!) ’, fortunately we have not got any one who has sneaked in so far. We take our members security very very seriously.

27 members · Private

New Ways of Working - India

Chennai, in

New Ways of Working - India

In today’s VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) world, every individual, big or small organization have been disrupted and we need to find the new ways of working to handle uncertainties and respond to change. 

This open platform is for anyone who wants to be a part of the community to Contribute, Share, and Learn new ways of working. We believe this is the need of the time from a social, economic, and humanitarian perspective. 

Our community learning is through talks, workshops, experiments, sharing of success stories, etc. 

You can also get involved as a speaker volunteer, sponsor.
Become a Speaker/Volunteer/Sponsor:

As a start, we cover the following topics.
Design Thinking | Agile Mindset | Innovation | Lean Startup | Teamwork | Business Agility
Digital Transformation | Agile Transformation |
Automation | DevOps | Cyber Security | Enterprise Architecture
Scrum | Kanban | Lean | System Thinking
The topics will continuously evolve through community contribution.

“Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is an Insanity”
-Albert Einstein 

Let’s bring the change together in the way we work to build a future-ready (Safe, Happy & Healthy) society.

215 members · Public