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Meet new friends groups near Cottonwood, AZ

Gather the Women

Sedona, AZ

Gather the Women
**This is a place for** deeply grounded, spiritual women who want to enjoy everything life in Sedona has to offer. **They want** friendship & laughter. **They are tired of** the fluffy, surface intellectualisms & fantastical new age thinking. **They are over** the overly serious. They don't want another women's circle. They just want to have fun! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* **We do NOT:** * call each other “sister” or “goddess” or any other label - we are allergic to new age platitudes * use this group to get clients. This is a friendship based group. Connection and networking are great. Pushing your services is not. * wax poetic about how “sensitive” we are or how “empathic”. And then use it to judge somebody’s 'vibe'. * give each other “intuitive hits” or “channel the 107th dimension” - unless expressly asked to do so and given consent by every member present. * tolerate disrespect, gossip, or judgmental “spiritual” projections. We are unafraid to ask such a crazymaker to leave. Buh byeee! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* **We Do.....** call each other by name. We celebrate a lot. We celebrate often. Some days we work together. Some days we pray. Other days we drink the reddest wine. And still other days we watch a movie. We may hike. We may be couch potatoes. We may eat potato soup. We may have doggie playdates. Ahhh! **We care not for the form our meetings take. We measure the “success” of our meetings by the deep feminine connection we felt and how much fun we had.** \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* **Please do this now:** Turn on your notifications for this group. New events are released at random depending on what's going on. Since we keep our events small and intimate, you will want to be notified when they are released! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* **Inactive, Late Cancel, or No Show Members Are Removed From the Group:** 1. By joining this group you agree that if you RSVPed to an event, and you're a **no show or a late cancel** (under 24 hours without explanation), you will be removed from this group. You will have the option to rejoin. 2. Please note **inactive members** (folks who joined the group but never attended an event in 3 months) are removed from the group. They are able to rejoin when they're ready to join an event. This ensures we keep the group intentional with women you can actually be friends with! \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* **Types of Events:** 1. New Moon Events 2. Full Moon Events 3. Wine Night, Whiskey Night, Beer Night 4. Coworking events at different coffee shops 5. Brunches 6. Book Club 7. For hiking events please join the[ Sedona Hiking Meetup Group](
53 members · Public

The Sedona Spiritual Experiences Group

Sedona, AZ

The Sedona Spiritual Experiences Group
Have you experienced intuition, dreams of flying, or déjà vu? Have you always felt there was something more? Are you looking for inner peace and wisdom? The purpose of this Meetup group is to provide a common meeting ground for all who have had, or would like to have, a life-changing spiritual experience. Other goals of this Meetup group are to help people • validate and gain insight into their own spiritual experiences, • understand what their experiences really mean, • learn new and advanced ways of exploring their inner worlds. This Meetup group, sponsored by Eckankar in Arizona, is a spiritual resource for people of all faiths and beliefs. Eckankar is the Path of Spiritual Freedom. It is an individual, creative practice to experience and explore past lives, dreams, and Soul Travel. Meetup-group activities may include • spiritual-exploration classes, • Sound of Soul events, • ECK Light and Sound Services.  For more on the resources offered by Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, visit For classes and events, visit or email  The opinions expressed in this site are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold Klemp. Copyright © 2022 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL, and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 USA.
612 members · Public

Sedona/Flagstaff Girlfriends Over 40 Social Group

Sedona, AZ

Sedona/Flagstaff Girlfriends Over 40 Social Group
Welcome amazing Flagstaff and Sedona women! Are you looking to make more female friends in Flagstaff and Sedona? This purpose of this group is to bring women together for friendship, support, socializing and fun activities in a warm, caring, supportive environment. Activities we'll do are dinners, happy hours, hiking, kayaking, paddle boarding, cross country skiing, movie nights, trivia, game nights, road trips, wine tasting, paint and sip nights, ceramic painting, pot lucks, and more. Since we live so close to Sedona we'll also attend events like sound healing concerts, drumming circles, pool parties, art classes, and hiking/meditating in vortexes, and more. The ideal people for this group are women who are kind, friendly, supportive, fun, open minded, inclusive, willing to try new things, genuinely interested in others, strive to be positive more often than not, are okay with people who might be different than you, and who have time to participate on a regular basis. I'm going to keep events fairly small so everyone can talk and get to know each other, probably 6-10 people at each max. Here are some basic rules: 1. If you RSVP for something and can't go, just change it to Not Going before the 2. Talk about what you want, but if someone disagrees with you, just be respectful to them. 3. Gossiping and backstabbing. Just don't do it. I'm trying to create a friendly, supportive environment and can't have this kind of energy here. 4. Please include a clear, recent picture on your profile so we can find you at events. 5. Attendance. I'd like people to attend on a regular basis. Once every 4 months is the bare minimum. Please note that while I'd hate to have to remove people, I will if anyone continuously violates the rules. I'm just trying to create something really great for us, and minimize the negativity that unfortunately goes on in some of the other groups.
85 members · Private

Morning Hikes in Sedona

Sedona, AZ

Morning Hikes in Sedona
**What we do:** Connect with the land AND the people through hiking activities in the early morning. **The intention of this group** is to make friends & have fun, while connecting with the beautiful land of Sedona we are so grateful to live on. **May 3, 2024 announcement:** My name is Dilshad and I just signed up to manage this group when we lost our last group manager Mark. I have lived in Sedona since October 2023. I have a passion for magical hikes with the least crowds. **THINGS TO KNOW:** 1. Please **turn on notifications** for this meetup. Spots fill up within minutes sometimes so you want to be notified when a new meetup is announced. Groups are maxed at 10. 2. If you **cancel within 48 hours** (unless you have an emergency) or you’re **a no show**, you will be removed from the group immediately. No second chances. Waitlists are long for meetups and groups are small. So please be considerate of other people who can commit and really want to come. 3. If you don't attend a meetup **within 6 months of joining**, you will be removed from the meetup 4. We always **leave for the hike exactly at the start** of the meetup. You can catch up with us along the way if you’re running late. 5. **Enjoy whatever comes!** Remember that organizers are volunteers who are paying $200 every 6 months out of their pocket for this group. Organizers are not professional tour guides. They're not responsible for any attendee’s safety or experience. Any disrespectful behavior to an organizer or any member of the group will get you reported immediately and banned permanently. 6. **Well behaved dogs are welcome.** They must NOT be excessively vocal or be aggressive with other dogs. Please be sure to bring everything they need. Dogs overheat easily - I recommend a [cooling vest]( For a list of best things to do in Sedona, go [here]( We’ll be doing some of this stuff in the group as well. So keep a look out!
264 members · Public

Empowerment Crew:Harness Your Sensitivity for Joy &Happiness

Sedona, AZ

Empowerment Crew:Harness Your Sensitivity for Joy &Happiness
This group is for people seeking to feel joy and magic in their bodies so that they can live the life they’ve always wanted! In this group, we host free + exciting webinars with Jenny Xie and other knowledgeable hosts that will arm you with the **KEY SKILLS** you need to meet your life with inspiration, confidence, and unstoppable energy by focusing on your relationship with your mind, body, energy, and your ancestors! In addition to these powerful webinars, we also have a monthly community building social event because we are committed to creating community. In summary, here’s what you will gain from joining this group: **Educational group events to** -Introduce you to new healing skills to help you live your best life -Provide a first-hand understanding of the interconnectedness of your mind-body-energy-ancestral wisdom -Experience shared learning and growth which accelerates the healing process **Networking events to provide a way for group members to** -Connect with others on a healing path to share insights and resources to help one another on your healing journey -Support + encourage one another -Hear diverse perspectives + insights -Feel validated and not alone as others may be facing similar challenges **Guidance on how to** -Apply what you’ve learned in the group in your daily life so you can take an active role in your own healing, feel confident in your choices, and meet challenges confidently Amplify the energy of growth + transformation through the new skills you’ll learn in this group -Encourage accountability + commitment/dedication to the work -Have a social impact and contribute to collective change by inspiring others + becoming agents of change Please join our group and RSVP to our next event. **Here’s some of the key takeaways people have had from our events:** –“I realized that I don’t have to avoid paying attention to my body! I can pay attention to the area of my body that’s hurting and be curious about what it’s doing and what might’ve triggered the response that it’s giving!” –”I have already practiced being unguarded while looking at my anger using the skills I’ve learned from the event, and my anger no longer feels scary to look at” –”I appreciated the non-judgmental energy and felt more clarity around my challenging situation. This event gave me a different perspective to consider.” –”I can see myself integrating the info you shared about tapping into the guidance of my ancestors. In fact, yesterday in my prayers, I spontaneously found myself thanking my ancestors for simply being available to me like they were when I was at the event, and I felt peaceful, at ease, and connected to something bigger than myself. I even cleaned my whole house, which I’ve been putting off for weeks!” Please join our group and we will make you feel welcomed. We are a structured community with rules and guidelines for each meeting, which are explained in each of our event descriptions. We combine these rules with warm friendliness to ensure you have a great experience. Hope to see you soon, Jenny Xie, Organizer
10 members · Public

Sedona Multidimensional Embodying Mastermind

Sedona, AZ

Sedona Multidimensional Embodying Mastermind
A playspace for multidimensional abilities, embodying, materializing objects, levitation, mastery over matter. You exist beyond time and space. Your attributes are consciousness and bliss, and in your depths, you form reality. Looking for a support group for moving into New Earth, upgrading your blueprint or model of operating with reality? **Foundation** We will use a "mastermind" (as introduced by Napoleon Hill) as a jumping off point to align with our multidimensional goals / desires. You will also want to understand the basic premise of visualizing and acting as if. You are the one steering your reality from within, from what you project. * Visualizing and seeding are described in "Mindpower into the 21st Century" by John Kehoe, available in [E-book]( The topics in the first 4 chapters provide a good start. * This discourse / [video by Neville Goddard]( is also an excellent primer. **Next Level** We will also be using: * Support from our multi-dimensional selves * Moving viewpoint outside of linear time, space and separation * Changing vibration and/or expansion as a daily practice I also recommend [Regan Hillyer video]( to practice operating outside of linear time. From there, I share about how reality is formed, with activations to the causal and astral planes of existence. Then you can explore and partner with your limitless multidimensional nature. The format for each meeting: * Participants have a daily practice around goals, higher consciousness mastermind, and using astral/causal versions to accelerate goals and mastery * We use the Atman Technique to change the vibration of every cell and atom in your energy field, opening a portal to the inner realms. It is a quantum integration of all the planes, in harmony with the rhythm of nature and the Earth * Our focus is embodying this nature, and reshaping reality * We explore how to change the model or circuit-board forming your reality I started this group to embody as the canvas of reality, to create or alchemize what is in experience to match your dreams. To bring an astral model of living into this realm.
45 members · Public