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Meet new friends groups near Gilroy, CA

Make New Friends - 20-40s/all

San Jose, CA

Make New Friends - 20-40s/all
Welcome to the "Make New Friends" Group! This group is for meeting new people for friendships and/or networking. The members of this group are generally in their 20/30s (most members are 25-35). There are no age restriction for joining this meetup group. There are a variety of different activities going on and you're welcome to suggest and host an event. We are looking forward to exploring the Bay Area with everyone. :) Here is our facebook group: Feel free to suggest a meetup if you want to do something. No paid advertising is allowed. I will never charge a membership fee, but donations are welcome. Feel free to PM me if you’re interested in donating. Now for the rules! I’m not big on a lot of rules so here are some... * Be respectful to everyone! * All events are welcomed! It is up to the host to decide what events they want to host. If you're going to host an event that's mainly for your business, please contact me first for approval. If you don't like an event that's posted, simply do not attend. * If you're not going to show up to an event, please change your RSVP, comment or text the event host. Each events have certain rules and restrictions, please make sure to read each event descriptions. * **Also, this is NOT a dating or singles only meetup group. There are both couples and singles here so if you start to get creepy or make others feel uncomfortable, I will have to remove/ban you. Do not harass or message people for their photos. If you get reported, you will be deleted, banned and reported to Meetup.** **Disclaimer: By attending any events in this group, you and any guest(s) you bring agree to follow the meetup and group’s rules, including COVID guidelines. Also, you will not hold the organizer or event hosts liable if you choose to attend an event. I have the right to remove and/or ban you without any explanation. Feel free to create your own group if you do not agree.**
17240 members · Private

Southbay Friends: Boardgames & More

San Jose, CA

Southbay Friends: Boardgames & More

This group has many types of activities: Boardgames, Karaoke, Hikes, Dance, Theatre Outings, Sport Events, Metaphysical (Meditation, Tantric Learning, Reiki, Massage, etc.), Poker, Sharing Cooking & Baking, Movie Night, Improv Night, and Anything else you suggest.

Really! Suggest something!

And when it comes to Board Games...I am often asked "What kind of Games do you play?"
A pretty accurate answer to "What kind of board games do we play" is:
"Euro-Strategy games, as found on"

That is not necessarily the most helpful answer, tho.  The actual range of games vary from super-simple (learn in 5 minutes, play in 10 minutes) to very involved (learn in 45 minutes, play in 4 hours, takes a dozen games before you really "get it")...So, chances are if you think to yourself "I like playing board games"'ll probably find someone here who likes what you like :-)

***Check our Calendar!***

There's so many events per month, it's the only way to know what's coming up! We're all busy professionals, normal people, who want to make the most of our time away from work. We want to do more with our evenings than just sip a drink and check out the cuties in a bar. We want to take a break from trying to hook-up and just have fun together. Since we're not focused on trying to hook-up, single people and coupled people and even N-tupled people can freely join in and we'll all enjoy greater fun.

Many Events are in private home venues, for a very relaxed and comfortable interaction. These events include food, drink, and always interesting people.

If you have an interesting event you'd like to run or host, please contact me (Paul++) and we'll find a way for you to run an event.

3195 members · Public

Aventuras de America

Gilroy, CA

Aventuras de America
**Hello** **With Martha's support, I accepted taking over this Meetup group. Given my experience leading other Meetup hiking events, I will do my best to lead this group's members in hiking and other events in the Bay Area. Overtime, I hope the group members sustain an inner excitement to get out for a hike and explore, making an adventure of each event. Hopefully, there will be other members that may want to be assistant organizers and lead events. I would like to see the group extend group events beyond the Bay Area - other parts of California, the US, and America. To sustain the group's foundation with encouraging and uniting folks of Hispanic (Latin) culture in hiking among themselves and others, I encourage members to invite friends to become members of the group. With this in mind, I thought it would be appropriate to change the name of the group to reflect a new chapter going forward.** **Aventuras de America** **Look forward to meeting you.** **Tom** **Hiking/Trail Etiquette** **** * Stay on the trail. Do not cut switchbacks or take shortcuts. * Stay to the right on wider paths. * Pass on the left. * When overtaking someone, let them know you are approaching and will be passing on their left. You may hear a biker call out, "On your Left!" as he comes up from behind. That means you should stay to your right. * Whenever you stop for a view, a rest, or to yield, move off the trail * Hikers going uphill are working hard and should be given the right of way * Greet people you meet :) * When hiking in a group, yield to single or pair hikers. * When hiking in a group, hike single file or take no more than half of a wide trail. * Avoid loud voices. * Read trailhead guidelines. There may be specific rules for the trail you are on. * Pack It In - Pack It Out. (don’t litter). **"Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints".**
682 members · Public

Girlfriend Circle

Morgan Hill, CA

Girlfriend Circle
Welcome friendly ladies of Morgan Hill and the close by towns ! The GIRLFRIEND CIRCLE is a social group for women in their late 40's ,50's , 60's . We are here to have women connect with each other and form meaningful relationships . Have you ever wanted to go to a restaurant, winery ,concert, etc... You wanted to go but didn't want to go alone ? When you become a member of the GIRLFRIEND CIRCLE , there is no need to go alone any longer. If you feel that you could increase your circle of girlfriends and would like to know others that have the same interests as you or perhaps get involved with new activities , lost a few friend by moving , or need a refreshed new circle , then Please JOIN the GIRLFRIEND CIRCLE ! You will then know what it feels like to have new girlfriends to do a variety of fun things together ! What seems to bind us all together is a positive attitude , a sense of humor, and lively conversations. To begin in making real friendships, it begins with You. Show up to events , be friendly and welcoming , and have a positive attitude . If you're somewhat timid and shy , don't worry , I'll make sure that you feel comfortable and welcomed here. Our fun activities vary ,and I will do my best at keeping the socials posted weekly or monthly . Our social activities will take place in Morgan Hill , Gilroy and the surrounding close by towns . Some of the socials that you can look forward to are enjoying some of the wonderful restaurants for lunch or dinner , wine tastings , music events , theme parties , movie nights , pick nicking , crafts , karaoke , game time , spa day ,and more . Members that would like to host potlucks ,lunch and dinners at their home we encourage you to do so . On occasion we will venture out for a day trip or overnight stay. There is plenty of places to explore in our area and of course you're ideas are always welcomed . Policies of Girlfriend Circle : \# 1 \) Profile Picture Is Required to become a Members of this Group\. Please upload a clear face head photo of the both of you \. A clear Profile Picture makes it easier for the organizer and other members to find you at the events \.No Sunglasses \. If you upload a photo of animals , landscape , or anything else , then you will not be granted access entry into this group. #2 ) No Shows : If you have a emergency that requires you to cancel within the last couples of days before a social event , kindly let the organizer know. You will be Removed from the group for late cancellations , no -shows , or disrespectful behavior . This is a Three Strike Rule , which means if you continue to not show up , cancel the last minute , sadly you will be removed from this group. I will not be held liable or responsible if something comes to you in harms way . You are responsible for yourself . By Joining Girlfriend Circle , you understanding these simple rules .
64 members · Private

Social Sisters

San Martin, CA

Social Sisters
Hello from Social Sisters. Our mission is to provide a place for like-minded women to meet for fun and friendship at private events in a collaborative atmosphere. Membership Requirements 1.       You must use your true name. 2.       You must upload a photo of yourself. 3.       Members have a 30-day free membership to get acquainted with the types of events offered and with other members.  Dues will be billed at some point after a 30-day trial for new members at the rate of $1.00 per month in a single, non-refundable payment. Dues will be prorated to end in April when all members will pay dues for the upcoming year at a $24 annual rate. Dues are not refundable for any reason.  Group organizer will pay the Meetup fees out of the dues collected. 4.       Upon payment of dues, membership will be upgraded to “Event Host”. 5.       It is preferable that members live within 15 miles of San Martin for the sake of participation.  Exceptions are made based on discussion with the group organizer.  6.       To maintain membership, each member must attend 4 events per year. This does not apply to legacy members with complimentary memberships. 7.       Members must host 1 event annually.  The event may be located at the member’s home, at a clubhouse, a public space such as a winery or restaurant, etc.  Members must commit to a hosting month upon payment of dues and it must be within a year of her membership anniversary.  If hosting is not possible, please contact the group organizer. This does not apply to legacy members with complimentary memberships. 8.       If an event host schedules an event to be held in her home and she has not met you, you must clear attendance with the host *before* submitting your RSVP. 9.       If there is an attendee-limited, recurring event each participant must host one of the events in rotation unless otherwise noted in the description.  To participate, member must sign up to host one of the events upon submission of her *first* positive RSVP.  *If member finds she cannot host on the date she selected, it is her responsibility to find someone else to host.*  Member will be removed from the event series to make way for those that can commit to a hosting date if no date is chosen upon her RSVP.  Substitutes are not required to sign up for hosting within the event series. 10.   Although there are times it can't be avoided, dropping off an event within 2 days of the event for which you've signed up doesn't work for hosts and waitlisted members counting on you to help make events successful.  Members who repeatedly change their RSVPs close to the event may be removed from the Social Sisters. 11.   Member hosts will determine what conditions of attendance related to Covid. Proof of vaccine should be submitted to the group organizer. Guests, if allowed, must meet these requirements. 12.   Women guests are welcome to attend events with a member if the host has opened the event to guests. Guests must meet the same Covid vaccination rules mentioned above. 13.   If not stated explicitly, events are for women only. 14.   If a member has not viewed the group in 3 or more months, the member may *(not will)* be removed from the group.  The exceptions to this include: a.       The member moved out of the area and may return from time-to-time at which point the member may join us for an event.  Relocated members are not subject to dues since their benefit is limited. b.      The member is traveling for an extended period. c.       The member or a family member living with her is experiencing a critical life challenge. d.      The member is grieving the loss of a close friend or family member.  e. Member has a complimentary membership. f.      There may be other exceptions – please contact the group organizer. 15.   Members may not promote her business or sell goods or services to the members. Although it is rare, members may be denied membership or removed from the group due to location, behavioral issues, or compatibility reasons at the discretion of group organizer. If you are unwilling to meet the spirit of the above membership criteria, please do not request membership So there you have it.  We hope to meet you soon!
25 members · Private

South Valley Equine Trail Riders

Gilroy, CA

South Valley Equine Trail Riders

Bring your horse and join us for a Trail Ride!

This group is for adult equestrians:

• who own or lease horses, or have access to horses.

• who like trail riding safely with others.

• who are new to area and want to meet like minded riders.

• who want to find people near them to ride with, who are interested in horseback riding in the South Valley - South Bay, Morgan Hill, Gilroy, Watsonville, Salinas, Hollister, etc:

* Individuals interested in picking up others who do not have a truck and trailer may voluntarily do so.

* Any breed of horses and riders are welcome.

* Members are encouraged to schedule trail rides.

* Want to lead a ride in your area? Just ask. I'm always looking to get more people involved in the group.

* All skill levels are welcome.

* The purpose of our group is simple. We want to get people out riding whenever and wherever possible. I’m dedicated to helping people get out on the horse more often. I don’t care if you ride every day of the week or just a few times a month. I don’t care if you only ride with us or if you ride with lots of different groups.

* Horseback riding for me isn’t a popularity contest, it’s a way of life. We’re not out to have the most members, nor are we interested in telling people who to ride with. we all love to ride and share the ride with others.

* We ride all the local favorites, i.e. Mt McDonna County Park, Coyote Lake Harvey Bear Ranch, Anderson Lake County Park, Henry Coe State Park, Open Space Preserve area, etc. as well as all the popular spots further outside our immediate area, and the many State parks nearby. As the years progress we will undoubtedly be adding even more exciting and fun places to our ride portfolio.

* All of our rides will follow a no-drop policy. If you show up for a ride we’ll make sure you get out with us. Don’t worry about coming out and slowing people down. That sort of fence sitting will never get you out with a group. Come on out with us and we’ll look out for you. No one will be left behind on our rides.

* I will always go out of my way to make my members feel welcome and appreciated. I also promise to never kick you out for not making it to a ride, I understand things happen. If you have idea to help the group become even more awesome let us know. Our forum is updated and checked regularly and we're always looking to be better.

* Above everything else I just want people to get out and ride.

* Please email the admin if you have any questions, thank you.


107 members · Public