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Meet new friends groups near Lake Forest, CA

The New "Friend Zone"- Orange County

Newport Beach, CA

The New "Friend Zone"- Orange County
Please Note- If you are new to the group, please contact me with proposals for events. I work out of the country for 2 months out of every 3 months, and I'd like to hear your idea! Tired of the single life and all the dating drama? You’re not alone, and it’s time for a fresh approach. The NEW Friend Zone is a group dedicated to redefining how we interact and connect with others—by focusing on fun, group activities rather than the pressure of finding “The One.” This isn’t the typical "friend zone" you may have heard of—it’s about relearning how to enjoy life with like-minded people, taking the pressure off dating, and embracing friendships first. --- Imagine flipping the dating scene on its head! The NEW Friend Zone is a concept I created to bring charm, class, and values back to meeting new people. After years of being single, I discovered something hiding in plain sight: the value of building genuine friendships before diving into relationships. Even if you don’t join, I encourage you to think about this concept and share it with your friends. Here’s how it works: When I meet a woman (whether I’m attracted to her or not), we start as friends. We hang out and have fun—no pressure, no rush. For 4-6 months, we remain friends without talking about feelings or intimacy, allowing us to truly get to know each other. In that time, we can see what would or wouldn’t work in a relationship, and guess what? Even if we aren’t a match, we stay friends! No more awkward encounters or ghosting after a couple of dates. In the NEW Friend Zone, it’s all about transparency and friendship—with the understanding that we’re taking our time. And yes, that means no intimate contact for a while! It might sound crazy, but giving someone time to show who they really are is worth it. By the end of those 4-5 months, you’ll know if it’s meant to be, and if not, you’ve gained a great friend. The idea came to me when I was studying to become a Christian minister. I saw so many friends meet great people, only for the connection to fizzle out after one or two dates. I knew there had to be a better way. The truth is, relationships don’t have to start with romance—they can begin with friendship and respect, where both people take time to really understand each other. Here in Orange County, we can surf, hike, paddleboard, or just hang out—without the pressure of dating. I’ve met so many amazing people, and I’m excited to share this concept. Women seem to get it, but guys struggle with waiting. But after seeing countless relationships crash and burn, I’d much rather just enjoy time with friends and see where things go naturally. Think about it—what would the dating world look like if we all took the pressure off? Less drama, fewer breakups, and more focus on living life. Finding the right person is about timing and patience, not forcing things to happen. So, let’s get out there and have fun while staying respectful and intentional. And to help with that, I’ve come up with a few guidelines I like to follow—simple rules that help maintain healthy boundaries and avoid the typical pitfalls of dating: RULE #1: Never talk about other women in front of the woman I’m spending time with. Stay present and respectful. RULE #2: Give a compliment and move on. It’s not about making a move; it’s about showing respect. RULE #3: No talk about feelings for at least 5 months. It takes time for the real person to show up! RULE #4: Introduce all NEW Friend Zone friends to each other. Building a positive network is key. RULE #5: Treat the ladies like princesses, even on their off days. Many women have been hurt in the past, and it takes time for them to adjust to being treated well. RULE #6: Don’t over-text or call. Keep communication balanced. RULE #7: Find someone who shares your interests. For me, opposites don’t attract. And most importantly—make the most of your single life! Now is the time to work on yourself, explore new interests, and live out your dreams without anything holding you back. I call this “While We Wait for Love.” While we’re waiting patiently for our moment, there’s a whole world out there to discover and plenty of personal growth to pursue. I’m here to answer any questions and would love to hear your thoughts. Let’s change the dating game together!
646 members · Public

OC Fun and Social Friends

Tustin, CA

OC Fun and Social Friends
**About Us:** The OC Fun & Social Friends Meetup group is a group that was established on December 3, 2023. Our group is for individuals and couples who live or work in Orange County, California and vicinity; and who are 40 years to 100 years young looking to enhance their social lives, meet with existing friends, and establish new friendships. **This is a Social Group for everyone... couples** **and individuals who are single** to make friends and socialize.  With that said, for the individual members in our group who are single, we have Singles specific event for you. Singles are also welcome to attend the in-person events, but those events are only meant for socializing with all members (individuals and couples). If a friendship develops into relationship, then you have our blessing. This is also a private Meetup group. Events and your membership are hidden from public view and non-members. Only members of this group are able to view our Meetup group’s full contents, events and members.   **\*\*\* Please Read the Entire Description Including the Terms of Membership, Before You Request to Join \*\*\*** **Our Mission:** Our mission is to create Fun Social Activities and Events where we can enjoy the fellowship of other members and develop and maintain healthy friendships. Social events may include: dining, hiking, walks in the park, picnics, taco Tuesday, a celebration, attending fairs and festivals, church fairs, parades, live music events, online Zoom video events, tea and coffee, boards games, Christian events, watching sports, car shows, happy hour, day trips, day at the beach, and train rides. We are open to your ideas and suggestions for other social events. **We Need Event Organizers:** We value your ideas for events, so we encourage you to become an organizer. For a meetup group to be of value and to grow, creative volunteer organizers for the group is necessary. **Terms of Membership** – Updated 07/02/2024 *These Terms of Membership are placed for the safety and security of our members; to protect them from scammers, disrupters, stalkers, and predators. To keep these people from attending, participating, and disrupting events. These Terms of Membership also preserve the quality of this group and events; and ensure that members the follow membership policies.* 1. **Safety & Security Policy:** We must be able to identify all members, so our members must have a current clear unobscured profile photo of themselves (NO SUNGLASSES, hats, scarves, group shots, blurry photo, animals, nature scenes, or anything that would prevent us from identifying you). Also, no shirtless, or sexually provocative profile photos. Profile names must be your real first name (no titles, nicknames, abbreviations, letters or numbers). Your memberships to Meetup Groups must be unhidden before you submit your request to join this group. After you become a member, you can re-hide your group memberships. 2. **Location Policy:** This group is located in Orange County, Southern California. People who live or work in Orange County, and work or live in the vicinity within **17 miles from Orange County** (L.A. County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, and North San Diego County) may join this group. People will be declined membership who are outside the 17-mile range, out of state, out of the country, in another area outside the counties mentioned above, or on a military base outside the continental United States. 3. **RSVP / No Show Policy:** Everyone who attends an event must RSVP and be on the "Going" list to attend. Those who are on the "Waiting List" or not on the "Going" list, will not be able to sit with the group unless there is an opening. Please keep in mind that when someone RSVP’s for an event, they are counted as an attendee. No shows create problems when making reservations at restaurants and venues. If you can’t attend or change your mind, please update your RSVP to “Not Going”, or notify the Host via text message or Meetup. Members who violate this policy will be removed from the group. Occasionally confirmation may be requested even if you already have RSVP’d. This is so that we can have an accurate head count for our reservation with a venue. Those who do not confirm will be moved to “Not Going”. What this means is that you can still go to the venue on your own, but not sit with the group. Please have your Meetup notifications turned on and have access to your email for notifications. For help from Meetup, please visit this link: 4. **Sexual Harassment/ Stalking Policy:** Sexual harassment is prohibited and will not be tolerated. This includes unsolicited physical contact (touching) without the other person’s consent, making suggestive verbal comments, leering, telling sexual jokes, using explicit language, and stalking. Stalking includes unsolicited communication via Meetup messaging (email), attending an event specifically to pursue, harass, annoy, taunt, or contact a specific person or people. Anyone who sexually harasses or stalks another member will be removed from the group. Sexual crimes will be reported to the police. **If you are harassed, stalked or receive an unsolicited message on Meetup from another member, please notify the group organizer.** 5. **Health Policy:** We request that if you’re not feeling well, have symptoms of any contagious disease (cold, flu, Covid, cough, sniffles, etc.) we respectfully ask that you not attend this event to prevent the possible spread of infection. 6. **Discussion Policy:** As a good practice, we request that our members refrain from discussing "hot" topics that will create arguments, disruptions, or discord. Examples are discussing or debating about politics, religion, other member’s personal beliefs, Covid-19, current wars, or any other "hot" topic that would disrupt the group or an event. Profanity (AKA cussing, cursing) is also prohibited. We ask that everyone respect the privacy of this group’s members. As a good practice, we request that members refrain from promoting their business. If you would like to promote an event, then please ask the Group Organizer if you can promote it, and possibly host that event with this group. 7. **Fees and Dues:** We currently **do not** charge annual membership dues but sometimes will charge a fee for members to attend certain events to cover the costs of a venue, private event, resources needed for an event, entertainment, the organizer's time, and other related costs, which is a small price that allows you to enjoy an event filled with entertainment, fun, adventure, and friends. These fees range from $5 to $45 depending on the type of event. 8. **Disclaimer:** By RSVPing and attending events you (the member) agree to attend at your own risk. The group’s organizer(s), assistant organizer(s), event organizer(s) or group member(s) are NOT responsible, or assume liability for any injury, loss, damage, harassment to your own person (health, mental, physical, covid-19) or any members of your family, friends, acquaintances, children, pets, or property (vehicle, clothing, jewelry, accessories, electronic devices, etc.), arising directly, indirectly or as a consequence from a group activity (event). With that said, we do take compassion and consideration for your well-being and situation, in that we are here to assist you in any way possible if any of the above happens. You also agree that your membership of this group is based on an "at will" basis.   **Albert Lucero** Group Organizer
51 members · Private

Conservative Liberal Jewish Friends

Irvine, CA

Conservative Liberal Jewish Friends

"Conservative Liberal Jew" means that your *Judaism* is liberal (you're not Orthodox in your beliefs and practice), but you are not politically and socially a liberal. Maybe you didn't vote for Trump, but you're pretty sure he's not Hitler 2.0 either. You're compassionate, tolerant, and open-minded, but you're also distressed that your liberal rabbis respond to terrorism with peace platitudes and victim-blaming. Maybe you believe that Judaism has a few social standards that are worth conserving that are not identical to college campus left values. Maybe you've noticed that college campus left values have been the home for antisemitism in America for years, and that evangelical Christians aren't a threat to your family.

Maybe you have children and you're trying to figure out how to give them the Judaism that is meaningful to you, but without the Social Justice Warrioring that has become entangled with most Jewish groups. Maybe you're single and you would like to have a relationship with someone who is Jewish but not a Social Justice Warrior.

This chavurah -- Jewish friends group -- might be right for you. We will have social activities, religious activities, and political activities. These will be separate, and you won't be expected to participate in all 3 types. Agnostic and atheist Jews that value Judaism are welcome. Non-Jews that are seriously considering Judaism are welcome. "Messianic Jews" will be happier with your Messianic church groups than with this group.

121 members · Public