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Meet new friends groups near West Covina, CA


Long Beach, CA


Pet Parents and Furry Babies along with other who desire to socialize and meet new friends.  Don't own a Furry Baby?  No worries, plenty of doggies ready for belly rubs.  Thinking about a doggie? Join the group and hang with all types of doggies with personalities while asking Pet Parents about their loved ones.

Do you have a product or service for humans, doggies, all??  Please let me know and I'll put you in the Sponsor section, FREE.

We attend many doggie events, parties, parades, fundraising events for doggies/humans, Martini Fundraisers, FREE Yappy Hour at Healthy Spot, Mutt Mingle, and other locations.  Most events are FREE while some events you pay the Vendor, Fundraiser.  I never take any money because the event is FREE or you pay fee to Vendor.  Fee events are Tax Deductions.

Because I took over group March 10, 2014, please get an idea of future activities for this meetup group,please view  & join my other groups & up to 75lb doggies-Westside Beach areas Bar doggies Bay doggies 4 doggies-Beverly Hills of Los Angeles


Dedicated to its promotion of the humane treatment and care of cats, dogs and all other animals through the education of the public as to responsible pet ownership. Friends of Long Beach Animals supports laws and legislation that make animal abuse a serious crime.

3128 members · Private

Los Angeles County Kirtan By Spirit Soul And Friends™

Whittier, CA

Los Angeles County Kirtan By Spirit Soul And Friends™
Hello spirit soul! Welcome to Los Angeles County Kirtan Mantra Meditation By Spirit Soul And Friends™ We are delighted that you have visited us today. This wonderful MeetUp group is created to keep you in touch with Kirtan Mantra Meditation events in Los Angeles County and surrounding areas. We look forward to chanting with you at the incredible events that are forthcoming. **WHAT IS KIRTAN?** *Kirtan* is when more than one person gets together to joyously sing or chant various Mantras.  *Man* means mind, *Tra* means that which frees; A mantra is a sound vibration that frees or delivers the mind from its attachment and preoccupation with worldly matters, and focuses it on the Supreme.  Every day we hear sounds that increase our attachment and preoccupation with worldly matters, so obviously not just any sound is a mantra. Only words that have the spiritual potency to free us from material conditioning are Mantras.   The only words with that spiritual potency are any sound coming from God such as His Names and Words because they are nondifferent from Him, and are as pure and purifying as God Himself. Kirtan is completely non-sectarian and non-denominational because the universal principle for spiritual reawakening through singing the Names of God is recommended in the Bible (both Old and New Testaments), Koran and Vedic Scriptures. Kirtan is a spiritual tool to purify one's consciousness and bring the soul real peace and happiness; *Peaceful individuals create a peaceful society.* **THERE SHOULD NEVER BE A CHARGE FOR KIRTAN** According to Yoga texts, it is forbidden to charge for Kirtan and teaching spiritual truths because these should be freely available to everyone, not just those who can afford it. Therefore, we do not list on Orange County Kirtan/Mantra Meditation MeetUp any kirtan events that require payment for admission. Taking part in or learning about Kirtan has nothing to do with having enough money, having a melodious voice, or becoming a professional kirtan leader, singer or musician.  Anyone can chant, sing, dance and participate in Kirtan at no cost—so bring yourself, children, family, friends and musical instruments! We look forward to seeing you and your family at one of the many upcoming events. Kirtan is universally recommended Kirtan is a joyous celebration Kirtan is a living, moving meditation Kirtan is the path to Peace Kirtan opens the door to Love Aloha and Namaste Patita Pavana - Director Of Community Events for [Spirit Soul And Friends™ - A Musical Peace Troupe](
88 members · Public

Friends With Epilepsy Support Group Meetup

Whittier, CA

Friends With Epilepsy Support  Group Meetup
  Philippians 2:4  " ... do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." Hi , My name is Dave and I decided to start this group as the result of seeing the needs of my best friend who has epilepsy.   Please join if you have epilepsy, are a friend or relative of someone with epilepsy, or you wish to volunteer and help with the needs of those woth epilepsy.   There are various areas and topics one can address concerning epilepsy as a support group so all must feel free to engage and address whichever are of concern to you. One area of concern that I see needs to be addressed much more is isolation prevention.   My observation  is that, on the whole, this is not being addressed enough with focus and resources. It appears that not enough focus and resources are being directed for isolation prevention for those with epilepsy. This is an area which I would like to  address in a significant way here.   This would include fall prevention : Developing/finding resources and promoting help for it.   As I learned from realizing and knowing my friends needs - the organizer of the Orange County Epilepsy Alliance confirmed and said : isolation is a common problem with folks with epilepsy. This is because folks with epilepsy cannot drive an automobile as the rest of us can; we can go anywhere and do what we wish.   Purpose of this meetup is to identify and help get the following needs met for those with epilepsy - encouragement, social, companionship of friendship, and activity needs : To address and solve the common problem of isolation by fulfilling and getting those needs met mentioned above by developing solutions for those needs.   Who should join : Those with epilepsy, friends and family members of those with epilepsy, church members, community organization members, leaders and upstanding folk interested in helping those with epilepsy.   Goals : A. All of the above - Searching for and providing immediate solutions for isolation prevention for those with epilepsy. Some solutions may be simple, beginning, small step solutions that make a real difference at the start.  B. Eventually To start fundraising for those, such as my friend, who need aides and friends to accompany them in their daily life for fall prevention and help in their daily lives for the purpose of getting needs met that all people have: 1) Encouragement, 2) Social :  A. Reaching out. B. Having regular social activity. C. Fun things to do and getting to them and being able to participate safely with the awareness and help of aides, friends, family preventing and stopping falls in case of seizures.  3) and Self actualization needs meaning : Having daily constructive activity to engage in, whether having a job or volunteering in a safe environment where falling from seizures is prevented and seizures are handled properly. Helping friends and family to be  aware of isolation and it's effects, and seeking help from them.   4) Stress reduction. Among other seizure triggers, too much stress is a cause trigger of seizures for people with epilepsy. Teaching and promoting less stress is a goal, including stress which can be caused by depression caused by isolation,  thus the main goal : Isolation prevention for those with epilepsy.  Sincerely , David K. 6/3/11   
80 members · Public

Local Choir Needs New Members

Pasadena, CA

Local Choir Needs New Members
Hi! I am Sandy, and I am in a local choir (Towne Singers) in Pasadena CA. We are an established choir who has been around for about 20 years. Covid hit us hard (many local choirs didn’t make it through). Many people are still too afraid to sing together- even though the crisis is thankfully behind us. If you were in a choir that no longer exists, or even if you have never been in a choir, but want to sing in one- we are looking for you! We meet you “where you are” (in your vocal ability) and help you become a performer. We are a Non Audition Choir! There are no tryouts, and no expectations other than regular attendance. We will be adding New Members in every section, but we REALLY NEED MEN! Our goal is to meet weekly, and work together to learn chorale pieces. At the end of the season, we put on a professional show where we can all be proud of doing our part. We have a fantastic conductor, and each section has a section leader (I am one of the Tenor Section Leaders) who will help the singers in their “section”. We have a voice teacher who gives important information about how we can improve. If you are not sure what section is best for your vocal range, the conductor is happy to listen to you and let you know. If you join our choir you will gain confidence in your singing. If you can’t read music, that’s ok. Some members are great at sight reading, others have never even tried. We are doing our best to learn over time. There is no judgement. We value diversity, and are welcoming to members of all ages, ethnic back grounds, and orientations. Music does not discriminate! Our music selection includes classic, pop, folk, and many others. We have fun! Our members support each other. We work together and play together! If you are shy, and have trouble meeting new people- being in a choir gives you something “in common”. You can fit within the group at your pace. You will get to know people, and allow them to know you as the season progresses. Singing in a choir has some great benefits … 1) it keeps you mentally stimulated 2) you meet great people and make friends easily, because you are sharing an experience 3) you gain confidence in your own musical ability 4) you get to work WITH a group to create a beautiful performance 5) at the end of the season, your friends and family can come watch you perform in a professional musical production. There are dues, which are not high- they help us pay for the music, conductor, accompanist, and venue. We are a non- profit choir, and have some scholarships available to apply for based on your financial ability to participate. We will be starting our preparations for the holiday season soon. Practice is every Monday Night from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in Pasadena. Our first practice will be September 11, 2023. Our Concert will be 12/16/23. You will need to come to an orientation on one of the first 2 practices either 9/11 or 9/18 at 6:00 pm in order to find out more about us, ask questions, and decide if you want to join us! You do not have to pay dues at the orientation sessions, they are just a way to get to know about us before committing to joining.
80 members · Public