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Meet new friends groups near Yorba Linda, CA


Long Beach, CA


Pet Parents and Furry Babies along with other who desire to socialize and meet new friends.  Don't own a Furry Baby?  No worries, plenty of doggies ready for belly rubs.  Thinking about a doggie? Join the group and hang with all types of doggies with personalities while asking Pet Parents about their loved ones.

Do you have a product or service for humans, doggies, all??  Please let me know and I'll put you in the Sponsor section, FREE.

We attend many doggie events, parties, parades, fundraising events for doggies/humans, Martini Fundraisers, FREE Yappy Hour at Healthy Spot, Mutt Mingle, and other locations.  Most events are FREE while some events you pay the Vendor, Fundraiser.  I never take any money because the event is FREE or you pay fee to Vendor.  Fee events are Tax Deductions.

Because I took over group March 10, 2014, please get an idea of future activities for this meetup group,please view  & join my other groups & up to 75lb doggies-Westside Beach areas Bar doggies Bay doggies 4 doggies-Beverly Hills of Los Angeles


Dedicated to its promotion of the humane treatment and care of cats, dogs and all other animals through the education of the public as to responsible pet ownership. Friends of Long Beach Animals supports laws and legislation that make animal abuse a serious crime.

3128 members · Private

HikingOC (Meet to Hike in Orange County & Travel the World)

Orange, CA

HikingOC (Meet to Hike in Orange County & Travel the World)
**Welcome! (Require: a personal photo and introduce yourself to the group)** === \*\*\*By joining the meetup, you agree to Meetup Terms of Service releases the Organizer and Assistant Organizers from any liability related to incidents that occur at Meetup gatherings\*\*\* === * Click **[RATING TABLE](** to learn more about difficulty levels. Click **[HikingOC Policy](** to read more FYI. **Take a quick look at our [Events Calendar]( to see what events are on the horizon** * • Join us whether you are new or experienced in Hiking. There are different levels, but we all share one common: using our legs to move up down hills. Most of the time on dirt trails, but there are different terrains: rocky or gravels or in water, river or mud; different settings: mountain, forest, wilderness or desert. • Contact us if you are interested to join the Organizer Team and organize Hikes local OC or out of town Hikes to those who share the same interest. Our wide open calendar will fill with events during the weekdays, but mostly the weekends. Our events or trips are generated by volunteer effort and time of volunteer organizers. **[All Our Organizers Volunteer their Time and Effort for Free Cost to Most Events]** • **Once or twice per month, there will be events or trips that require payments. These are costs to cover your expenses and fund raising to "HikingOC Fund".** • **"HikingOC Fund" will generate profit after the costs from events monthly. It will maintain the group website, support all HikingOC volunteered organizers who contribute to build this hiking group, an outdoor active community and to donate to the good causes or charities.**   • If you like to do a great cause in honor our group name, please support helping those affected by disasters or the National Park Services (we hike on many lands of the National Parks.) We are sure your support is highly appreciated and rescues the unfortunates! There are many Non-Profit Organizations, please contact direct [AMERICAN RED CROSS ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER]( for more info ***\*\*\*Read more past hikes*** on **[A Journey with HikingOC](** -- **[ANP Tourism-](*[Lifetime Memory](*** for more Travel Trips in the US and Many Regions in the World\*\*\* **Check on the** **[IMAGES](** **to see our photo albums** ![](![](![](![](![](![](![](![](
17911 members · Public

OC Fun and Social Friends

Tustin, CA

OC Fun and Social Friends
**About Us:** The OC Fun & Social Friends Meetup group is a group that was established on December 3, 2023. Our group is for individuals and couples who live or work in Orange County, California and vicinity; and who are 40 years to 100 years young looking to enhance their social lives, meet with existing friends, and establish new friendships. **This is a Social Group for everyone... couples** **and individuals who are single** to make friends and socialize.  With that said, for the individual members in our group who are single, we have Singles specific event for you. Singles are also welcome to attend the in-person events, but those events are only meant for socializing with all members (individuals and couples). If a friendship develops into relationship, then you have our blessing. This is also a private Meetup group. Events and your membership are hidden from public view and non-members. Only members of this group are able to view our Meetup group’s full contents, events and members.   **\*\*\* Please Read the Entire Description Including the Terms of Membership, Before You Request to Join \*\*\*** **Our Mission:** Our mission is to create Fun Social Activities and Events where we can enjoy the fellowship of other members and develop and maintain healthy friendships. Social events may include: dining, hiking, walks in the park, picnics, taco Tuesday, a celebration, attending fairs and festivals, church fairs, parades, live music events, online Zoom video events, tea and coffee, boards games, Christian events, watching sports, car shows, happy hour, day trips, day at the beach, and train rides. We are open to your ideas and suggestions for other social events. **We Need Event Organizers:** We value your ideas for events, so we encourage you to become an organizer. For a meetup group to be of value and to grow, creative volunteer organizers for the group is necessary. **Terms of Membership** – Updated 07/02/2024 *These Terms of Membership are placed for the safety and security of our members; to protect them from scammers, disrupters, stalkers, and predators. To keep these people from attending, participating, and disrupting events. These Terms of Membership also preserve the quality of this group and events; and ensure that members the follow membership policies.* 1. **Safety & Security Policy:** We must be able to identify all members, so our members must have a current clear unobscured profile photo of themselves (NO SUNGLASSES, hats, scarves, group shots, blurry photo, animals, nature scenes, or anything that would prevent us from identifying you). Also, no shirtless, or sexually provocative profile photos. Profile names must be your real first name (no titles, nicknames, abbreviations, letters or numbers). Your memberships to Meetup Groups must be unhidden before you submit your request to join this group. After you become a member, you can re-hide your group memberships. 2. **Location Policy:** This group is located in Orange County, Southern California. People who live or work in Orange County, and work or live in the vicinity within **17 miles from Orange County** (L.A. County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, and North San Diego County) may join this group. People will be declined membership who are outside the 17-mile range, out of state, out of the country, in another area outside the counties mentioned above, or on a military base outside the continental United States. 3. **RSVP / No Show Policy:** Everyone who attends an event must RSVP and be on the "Going" list to attend. Those who are on the "Waiting List" or not on the "Going" list, will not be able to sit with the group unless there is an opening. Please keep in mind that when someone RSVP’s for an event, they are counted as an attendee. No shows create problems when making reservations at restaurants and venues. If you can’t attend or change your mind, please update your RSVP to “Not Going”, or notify the Host via text message or Meetup. Members who violate this policy will be removed from the group. Occasionally confirmation may be requested even if you already have RSVP’d. This is so that we can have an accurate head count for our reservation with a venue. Those who do not confirm will be moved to “Not Going”. What this means is that you can still go to the venue on your own, but not sit with the group. Please have your Meetup notifications turned on and have access to your email for notifications. For help from Meetup, please visit this link: 4. **Sexual Harassment/ Stalking Policy:** Sexual harassment is prohibited and will not be tolerated. This includes unsolicited physical contact (touching) without the other person’s consent, making suggestive verbal comments, leering, telling sexual jokes, using explicit language, and stalking. Stalking includes unsolicited communication via Meetup messaging (email), attending an event specifically to pursue, harass, annoy, taunt, or contact a specific person or people. Anyone who sexually harasses or stalks another member will be removed from the group. Sexual crimes will be reported to the police. **If you are harassed, stalked or receive an unsolicited message on Meetup from another member, please notify the group organizer.** 5. **Health Policy:** We request that if you’re not feeling well, have symptoms of any contagious disease (cold, flu, Covid, cough, sniffles, etc.) we respectfully ask that you not attend this event to prevent the possible spread of infection. 6. **Discussion Policy:** As a good practice, we request that our members refrain from discussing "hot" topics that will create arguments, disruptions, or discord. Examples are discussing or debating about politics, religion, other member’s personal beliefs, Covid-19, current wars, or any other "hot" topic that would disrupt the group or an event. Profanity (AKA cussing, cursing) is also prohibited. We ask that everyone respect the privacy of this group’s members. As a good practice, we request that members refrain from promoting their business. If you would like to promote an event, then please ask the Group Organizer if you can promote it, and possibly host that event with this group. 7. **Fees and Dues:** We currently **do not** charge annual membership dues but sometimes will charge a fee for members to attend certain events to cover the costs of a venue, private event, resources needed for an event, entertainment, the organizer's time, and other related costs, which is a small price that allows you to enjoy an event filled with entertainment, fun, adventure, and friends. These fees range from $5 to $45 depending on the type of event. 8. **Disclaimer:** By RSVPing and attending events you (the member) agree to attend at your own risk. The group’s organizer(s), assistant organizer(s), event organizer(s) or group member(s) are NOT responsible, or assume liability for any injury, loss, damage, harassment to your own person (health, mental, physical, covid-19) or any members of your family, friends, acquaintances, children, pets, or property (vehicle, clothing, jewelry, accessories, electronic devices, etc.), arising directly, indirectly or as a consequence from a group activity (event). With that said, we do take compassion and consideration for your well-being and situation, in that we are here to assist you in any way possible if any of the above happens. You also agree that your membership of this group is based on an "at will" basis.   **Albert Lucero** Group Organizer
49 members · Private

Friends Network Zone

Anaheim, CA

Friends Network Zone
Welcome to Friends Social Network! There are many social groups in Southern California with specific age or target interests, but our group strives to be an open venue for all adults and interests. Meet new friends and do activities together with less restrictions so that you may truly enjoy things you love to do within an open social environment. As an open general group, we actively do collaborations with other meetup groups to foster greater friendship circle. Anyone can join. So, please come and enjoy your life to its fullest! FYI: Please if you sign up for an event but cannot attend, kindly remove your RSVP so that others can enjoy the event. Thank you so much. **LIABILITY WAIVERS AND DISCLAIMERS:** **We only organize events and do not claim that any of the organizers, assistant organizers, event organizers, event hosts, and/or volunteers are trained professional guides. We are volunteers; thus we're only inviting you to join us as friends doing activities with friends.** **Certain activities can be inherently dangerous, and from time to time, accidents may happen. By joining in any posted events, you agree that you're aware of the risks, hazards, and dangers associated with any activity, and that you're taking full responsibility for your own safety and well-being.** **All participants must take full responsibility for their own actions, and adhere to the rules and regulations of any governmental agencies that exist, written or otherwise. By participating in events, you are releasing the Friends Zone meetup group and any of its organizers from any and all claims and liability, as stated in section 6 of the Meetup Terms of Service Agreement (** **If you do not agree with the above, or are unsure of your ability to participate in the event safely, please do not sign up.**
1971 members · Public

"Meet & Talk"

Orange, CA

"Meet & Talk"


This group is very different.

Succinct writing has never been my forte, but if anyone is curious and wants to learn more, feel free to continue reading.


Meetup has various groups which focus on activities, interests, and hobbies.

Everyone has many options of things to do and several groups to join.

Many fun and cool groups are out there.

My conjecture is numerous people have made good, close, and lasting friendships & relationships in other groups.

A few people have told me it's sometimes hard to talk about non-superficial topics. 

Some have met other attendees, but conversation might be chit-chat or small talk (e.g., what do you do for work, where are you from, blah blah).

A few have expressed a desire for more meaningful connections and deeper conversation.


Some might feel nervous or intimidated about meeting new people.  Showing up somewhere with random strangers where you don't know anyone can feel awkward, embarrassing, and uncomfortable...

...especially if some are shy, quiet, introverted, anxious, and have low self-esteem or a lack of confidence.

I get it.

When I first joined meetup for playing volleyball, I thought other groups were for weirdos and losers who meet to play BINGO, but was pleasantly surprise that some cool, friendly, and nice people are out there.


Recently, I encountered an online message forum and was shocked and surprised by how many people expressed their personal problems.

Numerous individuals wrote about problems with family (parents, siblings, children, parent-in-laws), friends, roommates, neighbors, employees, boss/manager, etc.  Some even shared about traumatic experiences (sexual assault/harassment, child molestation, bullying, physical & verbal abuse, etc.).

Something that saddened me was how many people suffer with depression and suicidal ideations.

Everyday, many people cry out for help:

If I had the time, I wish I could respond to each person and offer encouragement, so that some wouldn't feel alone or think that nobody cares.

Many people experience struggles, hardships, and conflicts.  So this group is intended to give anyone an opportunity to open up and talk.  No need to keep things suppressed/repressed.


To be honest, this group was created on a whim. I haven't given this much thought.  I do not know if any others will join this group or be interested in this idea, but I'm able to start a third group with this account, so I figured why not. 

I don't anticipate this group to be popular and it likely won't attract much attention, which is fine.  This group isn't intended to be cool or have a lot of members.

I have other groups that have a decent # of members, so a small group would be nice and less stressful.  :)



I am NOT a therapist, counselor, social worker, psychiatrist, psychologist, doctor, lawyer, or anything else.

However, I am a human being who aspires to be compassionate and empathetic toward others.

If anybody ever feels like nobody cares, or feels really alone, or stressed about something...then talking and opening up can be beneficial.

To reiterate, I am NOT a therapist, counselor, social worker, psychiatrist, psychologist, doctor, lawyer, or anything else.

If anyone needs therapy or counseling, please go to a mental health professional.

But if anyone is in a situation where maybe counseling/therapy is too expensive or inaccessible, and they really need someone to open up to, maybe some people would be interested in getting together and talking.


I know, I know...meeting strangers is hard enough, so talking in depth can be embarrassing and petrifying.

I'm busy with other groups related to volunteering:

So I won't post that many events and therefore apologize in advance if this group looks inactive.

Even though I might not post much, if a few people ever want to get together and just talk about anything, just lmk and we can schedule something for you.


I am NOT trained, educated, qualified, licensed, knowledgeable, or experienced to host any group therapy or anything like that.  That's not my intention at all.

This is intended more as an attempt to bring people together to talk and listen to one another.

Maybe some are struggling and feeling very low, sad, lonely, or dejected. 

Maybe some aren't able to tell their family and friends about something, and therefore willing to talk to strangers/new people instead.

Maybe some want to vent, rant, or let off steam.

Maybe some have a personal problem and would like others to just hear them out and listen.

I don't want to come across as a controlling and micro-managing jerk.  However, my preference is if we can avoid controversial topics like religion and politics.

The goal of this is just to talk in a cordial, civilized, and friendly manner. 

Ideally, we want to avoid anyone lecturing others in a condescending/patronizing manner, or selling something, etc...


This whole idea is still new to me, so I'll think about it some more.

If anyone has ideas and suggestions, feel free to lmk.

I don't know how the Meetup app works for messaging, but if anyone is using the website, message me via|man

Again, I know this sounds very bizarre and different from most (if not all) other Meetup groups...but I wanted to at least try.



Oh, and what I had in mind is to keep this free or low cost.  Other meetup groups tend to involve spending $, so my preference is to aim for meeting at places like a park, library, coffee shop, or any other venue that is public and convenient for talking.

Alcohol is popular for many people and events, but I personally don't drink, and bars/restaurants can get loud and expensive, so maybe we can try to avoid such places.

But if any of you want to plan something like a happy hour or a get-together for drinks and conversation, that's fine too.  I don't need to attend everything.  Feel free to plan and host your own meetup events without me.

1171 members · Public

New Group

Freedom Friends Group Anaheim

Anaheim, CA

Freedom Friends Group  Anaheim
Are you wondering what spirituality is about or what that even means, or are you 'God curious'? Are you in need of more Joy or Peace in your life? Are you tired of struggling through life or a lack of direction, of being lonely, or being misunderstood, or feeling defeated? Are you looking for a place to connect with new friends and new people? Are you looking to learn and grow and understand what life is really about and get answers to life questions? Are you looking for a place of redemption and an opportunity to help other people achieve what you have and do good things? Are you far from God and wish you had a reboot, or a do-over? *If ANY of these are you, then you have found the right place.* ▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎▪︎ Men's Group - Food, Fellowship, & Bible Study/Discussion. (For a Woman's Group please see below...) My name is Isaac and I want to invite you to come out and meet your new friends and family. We're dedicated to bringing freedom and success to whatever ails you. No one and nothing is too far gone to turn around no matter how simple or complex the situation. No hypocrisy, no gimmicks, no religion, just straight Truth and Love and Acceptance. We meet every **Thursday @ 7pm** in a neighborhood residence. If Anaheim is too far, contact me and I can refer you to mens group near you. ....................................................................... Woman's Group: If you're a Lady looking for a Bible Study Friends Group, please reach out. I can connect you with an Anaheim Lady's group or a  Womans group local to you.
34 members · Public

Friends With Epilepsy Support Group Meetup

Whittier, CA

Friends With Epilepsy Support  Group Meetup
  Philippians 2:4  " ... do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." Hi , My name is Dave and I decided to start this group as the result of seeing the needs of my best friend who has epilepsy.   Please join if you have epilepsy, are a friend or relative of someone with epilepsy, or you wish to volunteer and help with the needs of those woth epilepsy.   There are various areas and topics one can address concerning epilepsy as a support group so all must feel free to engage and address whichever are of concern to you. One area of concern that I see needs to be addressed much more is isolation prevention.   My observation  is that, on the whole, this is not being addressed enough with focus and resources. It appears that not enough focus and resources are being directed for isolation prevention for those with epilepsy. This is an area which I would like to  address in a significant way here.   This would include fall prevention : Developing/finding resources and promoting help for it.   As I learned from realizing and knowing my friends needs - the organizer of the Orange County Epilepsy Alliance confirmed and said : isolation is a common problem with folks with epilepsy. This is because folks with epilepsy cannot drive an automobile as the rest of us can; we can go anywhere and do what we wish.   Purpose of this meetup is to identify and help get the following needs met for those with epilepsy - encouragement, social, companionship of friendship, and activity needs : To address and solve the common problem of isolation by fulfilling and getting those needs met mentioned above by developing solutions for those needs.   Who should join : Those with epilepsy, friends and family members of those with epilepsy, church members, community organization members, leaders and upstanding folk interested in helping those with epilepsy.   Goals : A. All of the above - Searching for and providing immediate solutions for isolation prevention for those with epilepsy. Some solutions may be simple, beginning, small step solutions that make a real difference at the start.  B. Eventually To start fundraising for those, such as my friend, who need aides and friends to accompany them in their daily life for fall prevention and help in their daily lives for the purpose of getting needs met that all people have: 1) Encouragement, 2) Social :  A. Reaching out. B. Having regular social activity. C. Fun things to do and getting to them and being able to participate safely with the awareness and help of aides, friends, family preventing and stopping falls in case of seizures.  3) and Self actualization needs meaning : Having daily constructive activity to engage in, whether having a job or volunteering in a safe environment where falling from seizures is prevented and seizures are handled properly. Helping friends and family to be  aware of isolation and it's effects, and seeking help from them.   4) Stress reduction. Among other seizure triggers, too much stress is a cause trigger of seizures for people with epilepsy. Teaching and promoting less stress is a goal, including stress which can be caused by depression caused by isolation,  thus the main goal : Isolation prevention for those with epilepsy.  Sincerely , David K. 6/3/11   
80 members · Public