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Gainesville & Nationwide Lesbian/Bi/Trans Dating Events

Gainesville, FL

Gainesville & Nationwide Lesbian/Bi/Trans Dating Events
**Speed Dating Events for Lesbian/Bi/Trans Singles and Poly, Kinky, and Queer People of all types** 💞 If you’re frustrated with dating apps and are looking to meet real people in real-time, then speed dating events with Litte Gay Book are for you! Whether you meet up with us at one of our In-Person events or join us in our Zoom Room for one of our online events we get you face-to-face with like-minded individuals for real conversations, real connections, and real 2nd dates. Everyone who attends is looking to connect, and there’s the potential for lots of fun, great conversations, date and friend matches. Come check one out! Lesbian/Bi/Trans Speed Dating events are open to all lesbian, bisexual, nonbinary, and genderqueer folks. They are a trans-welcoming space, and intolerance will not be permitted. No cis-men, please. Our Poly, Kinky, and Queer events are open to people of all genders and all sexualities. **How Speed Dating works:** You’ll need a smartphone to share what type of matches you’re interested in and for leaving your feedback. Our simple smartphone technology allows us to tailor the event to the age and “type” of person you’d like to meet. You tell us where your preferred date lies on the masculine-feminine spectrum, along with their age range. The algorithm determines the best matches possible, allowing for a more tailored experience than random, public speed dating. For **Online Speed Dating** you’ll meet your matches in intimate break-out rooms, so you’ll need a separate device with the Zoom app. **In-Person events** are hosted at our favorite neighborhood bars and restaurants. After getting to know each other during five-minute rounds you’ll use our matching technology to privately share whether you think they’re second date material, a new friend, or a business connection. The next day you’ll receive the contact info of anyone you matched with. ***With Little Gay Book You Can Also…*** * **Join Our Lesbian Matchmaking database -** * []( * **Level up your love life with our Single, Sexy & Queer Dating Program -** []( * **Participate in a Curated Mini-Dates Event -** * []( * **Get Dating & Relationship Coaching from Dr. Frankie -** [](
487 members · Public

Green Caffeine

Gainesville, FL

Green Caffeine

Green Caffeine is a group sponsored by the Heart of Florida Chapter of the US Green Building Council to promote, education, and discuss the goals of a prosperous and sustainable future for our nation. It was an idea rolled out by Jennifer Langford and Liberty Phoenix in the fall of 2011. Jennifer Langford carried the torch for a few months then Don Davis took over and moved it to 2X per month. Joe Floyd and Stuart Cullen signed up in 2012. Green Caffeine offers a forum to educate the public and open discussion on moving toward a sustainable future. We meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday each month. Bring a friend, suggest a speaker, or volunteer with the Heart of Florida Chapter of the USGBC.

Tell your friends to visit

349 members · Public

Gainesville Girl-Time Book Club

Gainesville, FL

Gainesville Girl-Time Book Club
We're a group of women from age 20 and up interested in reading, building relationships and fun times. This group is open to singles, married women, kids, no kids, working professionals, stay at home moms and anything in between! This is an open group where lively, interactive and respectful discussion is encouraged each month. Book selections will be member driven and can come from any genre, be fiction or non-fiction, deal with any topic.  We meet the second Tuesday of every month for our book discussions at a local restaurant that changes each month.  We will meet at various times throughout the year for social meetups as well.   If you have a suggestion for a book discussion location or for a social meetup, please don't hesitate to email me!  We look forward to seeing you at our next meetup! Guidelines for book suggestions: 1)  Please select a book that is 500 or fewer pages to allow group members time to finish the book. 2)  Any genre, subject, author, etc. is open for consideration by the group. 3)  Please ensure that the book you recommend is in print and readily available for purchase. \*\*Please note, book selections in this group are member driven and not organizer driven.  While I appreciate the challenges that go along with launching a new book on the market, I respectfully request that authors not contact me to promote their book or request a promotional opportunity with this book club.  Thank you.
501 members · Public

Gainesville Philosophical Self-Inquiry Group

Gainesville, FL

Gainesville Philosophical Self-Inquiry Group

Welcome to the Gainesville Philosophical Self-Inquiry Group

What's behind the sense of "I am"? Who's living, and who's facing death? Who or what am I, essentially? Will some part of me continue on after death? Is there an unchanging, eternal part of me? Am I a part of some unchanging, eternal essence?

Occasional individuals throughout history have told of finding the answer to those questions, and their testimonies often have a surprising consistency. Richard Rose wrote: "Beyond the mind is a golden find...." 

For individuals seeking to find the answer for themselves, those testimonies provide helpful clues for pursuing the search to a successful conclusion.

For some searchers, working by themselves is the preferred method. Others intuit that finding a few fellow seekers to work with may expedite their progress. Still more fortunate may be those who find a living person who has made the journey and can provide assistance from the perspective of that realization. 

~ Art Ticknor (part of intro to his website)

I aim to find and work alongside individuals who are consciously seeking a permanent end to suffering.

In such an endeavor, it can be difficult to stay on track; working with individuals who are aiming for a similar goal can provide invaluable mirroring, jolts, feedback, inspiration, and friendship.

Having deeply-held beliefs challenged is one way that has the potential to accelerate the rate of disillusionment and self-discovery; in our meetings we aim to do just that, and often use a form of questioning called confrontation.

We're fortunate to have Art Ticknor working with us, a seeker of 25 years, who finally found "the solid ground of being." Art currently comes to meetings every other week; he aims to do what he can to aid those of us still lost in illusion. In knowing him over the past few years, I have found his perspective and experience invaluable. His perspective, combined with a keen understanding of psychology, and first- and second-hand knowledge of the many traps seekers can fall into, has likely saved me many byways and dead-ends.

To get a feel for our approach and orientation, you can look up Art Ticknor (see links below), his teacher, Richard Rose, and the TAT Foundation. Some others who have a related approach and orientation are Nisargadatta Maharaj, Ramana Marahshi, and Franklin Merrell-Wolff.

~ Nathan


Q: I was hoping to have a free-form discussion on spirituality. Why don't we do that instead?

A: Discussion is valuable, but it can also quickly devolve into mutual back-patting, complaining, advice-giving or weighing the pros and cons of X, Y, or Z. We attempt to create a situation that is different from everyday life where one participant, with the help of the group, is turned in on themselves -- hopefully to see something new.

Occasionally we'll have retreats or meet outside of the meetings -- I can assure you that normal and everyday conversation does occur!

Q: I see you have a topic for this week -- I prepared notes. Why aren't we staying on topic?

A: It's hard to predict where a line of questioning will take us -- a topic for the week is valuable in that it gives people somewhere from which to start. But questioning can take us somewhere seemingly quite different, entirely. That's the beauty of the whole group process.



TAT Forum

Art Ticknor

Personal Website

Book: Solid Ground of Being

Book: Beyond Relativity

Book: Sense of Self

Video: Conscious TV Interview

Video: SIG Talk

1279 members · Public

Gator Motorcycle Riders

Gainesville, FL

Gator Motorcycle Riders

Join North Central Florida's BAAD'est and BEST motorcycle riding group!

What is all the hype about?  It's hard to explain without first being a part of other riding groups.  You see, Gator Motorcycle Riders is all about the ride.  Getting there is more than half the fun, so we make an extra effort to find fun motorcycling roads to get to our chosen destination.  If you would rather "just get there", do yourself a favor and do not join this group.  We like to ride, period.

A few words from some of our members:

     "The Gator Riders are a group of unique individuals with one thing grand in common.  They want to ride motorcycles as often as they can any where they can.  Drama is not invited at any rides.  The group's ride leaders, lead the group safely.  The rides are well planned out.  And most importantly we never leave anybody behind.  Everyone is always welcomed." ~M.R.

     “Been riding with this group for a few months met a lot of wonderful people and have participated in some awesome rides Go Gator Riders ” ~R.S.

     “This is a great bunch of people. Everyone is warm and friendly. I recommend taking the introduction to group riding as it's essential to new riders. This group has no fee, no drama, and a whole lot of respect and concern for one another. By far the best group I've found to ride with! ” ~M.S.

     “By far the best group I have had the pleasure of knowing, low key, laid back, and best of all 'Shut up and ride!'  For those who have never been part of one or think the 'club or gang' thing is not for them, then you have come to the right place, a group of riders, yes, I said 'riders', not bar hoppers riding to next bar, no gang colors or patching, these are people who truly love to ride their bikes and enjoy the freedom of the open road. I am glad to be a part of this." ~A.H.

So, if your passion is riding, then sign up, show up, fuel up, and "Shut Up and Ride!!!"

We also put on the LARGEST Bike Night in Gainesville.  Come visit us at various venues the 1st Wednesday of every month from 6:00-9:00 p.m. for fun, food, prizes, and giveaways galore.  To find out more, visit

Gator Riders is based in Gainesville, but our members are from all of North Central Florida.  We meet up in Gainesville for rides throughout Florida (and sometimes even farther).  Some of our rides have a destination; some of our rides are the destination. We enjoy scenic paced, relaxed paced, and brisk paced rides consisting of ½ day, full day, and weekend getaways (we especially like weekend getaways). Our membership includes riders from Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Palatka, Daytona, DeBary, Ocala, Williston, High Springs, and Bell.

We are a group of friends who want to ride for the fun of riding, not bar hopping or shoe shopping.  We ride safe, stay together, and welcome all motorcyclists and motorcycles.

Gator Riders is NOT a motorcycle "club".  There is no "initiation" or member sponsorship requirement.  We are an extremely inclusive group that welcomes your participation with this and other riding groups, and some of our rides are with other like-minded riding groups.

To become a member is completely FREE. There are no dues or hidden fees.  We are sponsor and affiliate supported. 

We ask that you ride safe, respect your fellow riders, have a valid driver's license with a motorcycle endorsement, and enjoy the company of others.

We also ask that you remain active with the group; this means that you should attend a ride/event at least once every few months.

In 2016 we planned multiple trips including Key West, Suches, GA, Birmingham, AL, and rode the entire Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway (for the 2nd time), along with multiple weekend camping trips.

For 2017, we have rides planned to New Orleans, Daytona Bike Week Campout, two trips to the mountains of Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia, and to top it off, we will ride through a full eclipse of the sun!

Introduction to Group Riding:
We offer Gainesville's original Introduction to Group Riding Ride, a ride "lesson" that helps riders learn the ropes of riding in a group environment.  Early on, we found the need for many riders to have a better understanding of group riding techniques and etiquette, so we founded this idea of having an interactive discussion followed by an actual group ride (about 60 miles), stopping along the way to discuss the experience and ask questions.  Our program is so successful that leaders from other riding groups have attended and are now offering similar classes to their members.  We are proud to have started this movement in North Central Florida.  The more experienced everyone is, the safer and more fun you will have riding together.  We offer this ride every two months.

We also offer an Introduction to Motorcycle Camping, where we show you what to bring, and what not to bring, how to pack your bike safely, how to ride with your bike loaded full of gear, and how to have memorable, not miserable camping trip with your motorcycle.  This is usually offered every spring and fall.

Check us out... Join Up! You'll be glad you did. But don't take my word for it, see what our family of Gator Riders have to say about this group.

Gator Riders in the news: 
Check out the August 2013 write up of Gator Riders in GOFAR - Go For A Ride Magazine. 

Watch some of our ride videos here

Youtube - Gator Riders


Legal Disclaimer: As a condition of your voluntary participation in group rides, you hereby release and discharge "Gator Motorcycle Riders" and its Organizers from any and all claims, demands, damages, or liabilities arising from injury to your persons or property.

517 members · Private

Gator Linux User Group

Gainesville, FL

Gator Linux User Group

GatorLUG is a Linux User Group located in Gainesville, Florida. The purpose of the group is education, support and advocacy for open source, open data formats, and open communication standards.

We meet the third Wednesday of each month. Most meetings are held at a place where food and drinks are available. The meeting announcement will always list the physical location of the meeting. If we have to cancel or change a meeting time it will be annouced in advance on our website and posted to LINUX-L@LISTS.UFL.EDU. The meeting time will be 6pm unless we have annouced a change. We'll do our best to keep the meeting time and place as consistent as possible. All regular monthly meetings will have an agenda posted to this website and annouced on the LINUX-L list.

You are welcome to come early, get a bite to eat and socialize before the presentation starts. Meetings will officially finish by 8pm - that's the goal anyway.

You can often find some of us hanging out on our official IRC channel: #gatorlug 

Meetings are free and open to the public.

149 members · Public

Relationship Recovery For Christians - All Welcome

Gainesville, FL

Relationship Recovery For Christians - All Welcome
Have you crashed and burned through enough dates from dating apps and well-meaning introductions? Are you sick of the advice to just date more people so you can find the one? Quantity over quality? What if the answer isn’t dating to find the one? What if the answer is praying to THE ONE, to God, letting Him take your burdens and bring you together with the one He has for you, OR repair your fractured marriage or partnership? Are you a heterosexual professional in your 40s or beyond? Been around the block a few times? Rocky marriage, divorce, co-parenting, loss, career pivots, etc.? We have different needs and interests than the 20- and 30-somethings still navigating the dating world as newbies. Would you like to meet other Christian, professional 40+ singles and married couples who prioritize their relationships with God and their inner healing? Who aim to live with purpose, intention, and integrity, in the fruits of the spirit? Formerly “Singles 40+ Dating With Purpose,” this group is now “Relationship Recovery For Christians - All Welcome.” It's an outreach of my Christian relationship coaching, Lifted By Love. Join us for[ regular group healing sessions by Zoom]( (for paid Lifted By Love members only), and outings/meetups around Gainesville, FL (free for Lifted By Love members and any members of this meetup). Locals and anyone from other locations nationwide or worldwide are welcome to join the online and in-person meetups anytime. PLEASE NOTE: All online meetings are structured group coaching sessions, and are exclusively for paid Lifted by Love members. The group coaching membership is only $47/month. I also do private individual or couples coaching, in unlimited sessions for three months for one low fee. Please visit my website,[]( for details, to book a free session with me, and to join the group and/or private coaching membership. My[ Christian faith-based healing counseling group]( is a super-affordable and effective way to help you escape destructive relationship patterns and thrive with your gifts. I specialize in recovery from CPTSD, narcissist abuse, avoidant partners, and more. Not healing your childhood wounding can lead to confusion, emotional dysregulation, more failed relationships, and loneliness. We can work on your readiness for a new relationship, or saving your current one. After coaching over 400 people, and being an everyday reader of Scripture, I'm certain that all of our problems are because of our unhealed trauma wounding and our disconnection from God.  This is a huge issue that isn't being discussed enough, while it derails millions of people from leading truly happy lives with the partner of their dreams. I'll be diving into depth about this on my[ YouTube channel](, please subscribe and check out my content there. One of my latest videos is below. **BACKGROUND ABOUT THIS MEETUP GROUP** My own experience, and feedback from hundreds of people I’ve worked with, has taken me in a new, inspired direction that I feel serves the community in a higher capacity. I started this Meetup as a dating group in January 2023, to fill a gap in the Gainesville, Florida area for a dynamic group of Gen X singles. Over many fun events both in person and online, and through relationship coaching work I've done with hundreds of people, I got to know many lovely people and formed a new understanding about this unique generation of singles, of which I am also one.  Here’s what I learned: * Singles in their 40s-60s today are typically divorced, often with children ages 3-20s. A very small percentage are widowed or never married. * They are wary of giving their hearts away again, but willing to do so for the right person. They are disillusioned about love and about finding their ideal mate, but still hopeful. * They may find it hard to clearly define their ideal mate beyond someone who doesn’t have the negative characteristics of their past significant other(s). * They are mostly eager to do their inner work to build a lasting relationship with their ideal mate, but not entirely sure what that entails. Some have tried therapy and have not experienced satisfactory results that helped them recover from past relationships or feel ready for a new one. * Even among their own age group, they are extremely disillusioned with today’s dating culture, including dating apps, texting, modern dating conduct, long distance relationship challenges, s-xual health, lack of clear masculine/feminine polarity, lack of interesting conversation, finding compelling things to do/places to go on dates, and navigating s-x after 40 or 50. * Many have suffered abuse from destructive personality types such as narcissists, avoidants, or addicts such as alcoholics. * Most feel somewhat lost and, at the same time, pressured to find someone, while finding it harder to trust anyone now. With all this in mind, I've found that, in general, our members do not need "another date," or even necessarily to end a relationship they are in. **They need guidance and support in healing their inner wounds, in order to build a lasting relationship with a reliable partner who will add infinitely to their lives, not distract or destroy.** And I am a capable guide on that journey. I am a degreed and experienced former therapist, now a Christian relationship coach. Through decades of dating, marriage, divorce and beyond, I’ve been through my own personal odyssey of relationship drama and deep healing. I have worked extremely hard, both independently and with professional help, to heal my extensive core childhood wounds of abandonment and abuse that compelled me to attract bad relationships and push away good ones. I have reconciled with and committed to my longtime partner, the one devoted to God, the one who earned the love and respect of my kids, the one who prayed for me and waited for me and is healing his own trauma wounds alongside me. We're now engaged and planning to be married in autumn of 2024. I’ve also had the beautiful opportunity to talk with and successfully counsel over 400 people, to help them pinpoint their childhood core wounding causing them to loop in negative patterns with destructive, abusive relationships. Most significantly, my personal quest has culminated in coming to Christ. And I will repeat the most important truth I’ve come to, regarding dating and everything in life: All of our problems are because of our unhealed trauma wounding and our disconnection from God. Every. Last. One. A lot of churches have left out the very important information that we’re in a huge spiritual battle. As part of that battle, Satan loves to isolate you and prey on your wounding, it’s his favorite game, it makes you an easy target. I invite you to subscribe to my[ YouTube channel]( for lots of detailed content on this topic and much more. And join our $47/mo Lifted By Love group coaching, the best value out there for healing your trauma wounds and readying you for a truly loving relationship with the partner you can fully trust and enjoy --maybe the one you have right now. I look forward to seeing you at the next Zoom meeting. Be sure to enroll here for the link:[]( Thank you for being a part of this group. I’m here as God has called me to be, holding this space for us all to be lifted by His love. \~ Robin O
269 members · Public