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Meet new friends groups near Lakeland, FL


Tampa, FL

Come join us!! We are a group of fun loving, inclusive travelers. Some of us have traveled together in the past and some are our new friends looking to join us in our adventures. Need a roommate, no worries we can help with that too. Couples and singles alike are welcomed. We have had some unique adventures already and this group in just getting started as I am soon to be retired and looking to get this group in full force. Join some of the set trips or should you have places in mind, we can help organize a friendly group and an agenda to make it an amazing trip for all. We will have regular events so you can get to know each other and share travel experience, plans/dreams of new adventures as well as some local events for meet and greets. As the Service Industry and Staff make their way through a difficult time for all, I ask that you are mindful to your RSVP. If you RSVP and No Show/No Notice 24 hours prior to the event, you will be considered a No Show. Two No Shows will terminate your membership. LEGAL AND LIABILITY DISCLAIMER By joining this group, you are attesting to have read, understand and accept the following: a)   Membership in TRAVELING THE WORLD WITH FRIENDS (TTWF) is voluntary and in joining you join at your own risk.  By joining TTWF, you agree to, as do all members, to hold TTWF harmless in any and all associated risks. This includes all events, travel, etc. You agree to indemnity to TTWF, its organizers, co-organizers, assistant organizers, event host and planners, as well as all members of this group from all claims or liability of every type, including any legal fees or associated legal proceeding for injury, death to any person, damage to or loss of personal property. Further, included is any wrongful act arising or related to your participation as a member of TTWF and extends to any guests you invite to any meetings, events or travel. b)     Your membership signifies your agreement to hold all organizers and all group members harmless. By your membership and participation in any and all associated activities of TTWF, you are waiving any and all claims against each and every member of this group, including without limitation any and all claims against organizers at any level and for all activities including travel and all related modes of transportation coming to, during and leaving any events, activities or travel associated with TTWF.
677 members · Private

Food, Wine & Tropic Breeze Travel

Lakeland, FL

Food, Wine & Tropic Breeze Travel
Tropic Breeze Travel, a local Lakeland travel company wanted to create a "Meetup Group" to help members of our community safely discuss their love of food, wine & travel in a social setting. Our members are diverse, inclusive and all have a passion for life. Not only will we be making new friends but we will have the opportunity to plan new adventures together that will include traveling locally, around the United States and even abroad. LEGAL DISCLAIMER AND LIABILITY INFORMATION: By joining this group, RSVP'ing to events, and attending events, you are confirming that you have read, understand and accept the following: 1\. Food\, Wine & Travel with Tropic Breeze Travel is a "Meetup Group"\. Attending events or Trips is voluntary by you as a member\. Participation in any activity within the group is at your own risk\. 2\. By joining Food\, Wine & Travel with Tropic Breeze Travel\, as a member you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Food\, Wine & Travel with Tropic Breeze Travel\, its organizers\, co\-organizers\, assistant organizers\, event hosts\, and other members from all claims or liability of every type \(including court costs and legal fees\) for injury or death to any person or for damage to property\, loss of personal property or any other wrongful act arising out of or relating to your participation as a member\. This agreement applies to you and to other persons \(as your guests\) who may accompany you in these endeavors\. 3\. You also agree to hold the organizers as well as other group members harmless\. By participating voluntarily in the group\, you expressly waive any and all such claims against each and every other member in the group\, including without limitation any and all claims against the group organizer\, co\-organizers\, assistant organizers\, and event hosts\. 5\. Any social events or trip that Food\, Wine & Travel with Tropic Breeze Travel sponsors and holds\, will fall also under the same Disclaimer and Liability guidelines listed above\. 6\. NOTE \- Having a safe environment is key to the members of Food\, Wine & Travel with Tropic Breeze Travel\. This means that all members are REQUIRED to provide & keep a Current Main Profile Picture of themselves posted AT ALL TIMES\. This allows other members the ability to CLEARLY & EASILY identify each other at any of our many events\. No Pictures of landscapes\, cartoons\, flowers\, or animals\, etc\. are allowed as your Main Profile Picture\. Please upload at least 1 personal/recognizable photo of yourself to your profile when you join\! 7\. If you RSVP "Yes" to an event\, please change your RSVP to "No" if you find out you can't attend the event\. This is just respectful to the group and event location\. "No Shows" are frowned upon\. And chronic no\-shows won't be invited to private events and will not be eligible to become life members\. So please be considerate\, especially when we have a limited amount of people who can attend and we make reservations\. 8\. We DO NOT yet have a membership requirement \(this will be determined at a later date\)\. If membership fees begin\, the fees will be a donation to cover costs of meetings & special events\. 9\. Soliciting\- Our group DOES NOT welcome soliciting of any nature\. Please do not solicit for personal\, or business reasons\. All travel planning & rights are reserved through Tropic Breeze Travel\. 10\. NO SHOWS \- If a member RSVP's yes for ANY event and does not attend \- this is a No Show\. If a member No Shows five times they are subject to removal from the group\. If you can't make an event you must change your RSVP to No\. If you are unable to make the change please contact the event host and let them know you can't attend\. 11\. Last Minute Cancellations \- We ask all members to cancel their RSVP 24 hours prior to an event\. Of course\, if there is an emergency we understand\. So come join us today to begin your next adventure!!!
99 members · Private

Exclusive Dating and Matchmaking Event

Lakeland, FL

Exclusive Dating and Matchmaking Event
**Dating In a Whole New Old Way** These Events are exclusive and for professionals only. Please visit our website at: **** for event details. **Only 30 people** are selected for each event based on questionnaire dating goals and age group. Ignite Your Love Life With **Passion Point**, in-person Dating, Screened Matchmaking, Events Are you growing weary of endlessly swiping and waiting for that spark? Ready to step away from the superficial and immerse yourself in a realm where shared passions fuel authentic relationships? That's where **Passion Point** dating events offer a groundbreaking approach to matchmaking, transcending the typical superficial exchanges. **What is Passion Point Dating?** Picture a bygone era, where attending a meeting or event at a place of interest, you encounter someone who captivates you. Together, you engage in meaningful conversation, feeling the warmth of shared energy. You exchange contact information and agree to meet again, unburdened by the worry of whether they will be a match, because…you already know. That's Passion Point today. A world where you're chosen to be part of a private event, featuring a curated guest list, where a shared interest, in person, acts as the spark for finding someone special. These events focus not just on age, location, or job titles, but on connecting singles with aligned interests and hobbies. From group meetups, personalized dating questions to Q&A sessions on dating challenges, mimi speed dating session, Passion Point events provide the perfect backdrop for meaningful connections to flourish. **Appetizers will be served and drinks will be available for purchase**
34 members · Public