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Meet new friends groups near Maitland, FL

Make New Friends Group

Orlando, FL

Make New Friends Group
It is a truism that in order to make friends, you have to be a friend. This sounds so simple, but it is a lot more than it sounds. Here is a list of 10 things to help you be a friend: * **Enjoy people** – Tell yourself, “I'm going to try to enjoy this conversation.” Loosen up. * **Express** – Don't hide who you are. Tell people the first thing you think about. Let them know your thoughts. * **Hear them out** – People are sacred. They deserve your full attention and understanding. Take care and take time to hear them out. * **Share** – Share your food, share your time, share your money (within reason), share your thoughts and ideas. Be willing to receive things other people share, too. * **Find commonalities** – Chances are you can find something in common with everyone you meet. * **Take initiative** – Don't wait. Be the person to start a conversation. You have to take the lead sometimes. * **Be willing to make mistakes** – Not everyone you meet are good people. It's okay to be hurt by people, as long as you survive to tell the tale. Hey, tell it as a war story to the new friend you make! * **Be positive** – No one wants to talk to someone who is negative all the time. It's okay to be hurt; it's okay to have problems, but do you want your hurts and your problems to define who you are? Be who you want to be, which at least is a positive person. * **Take responsibility for people** – Take the responsibility to help strangers and acquaintances simply because you know you want to. * **Tell them good things you are aware of** – If you know of an amazing sale, tell them. If you know of something really fun, tell them. If you know of a really good place, tell them. Take action! Come to our upcoming free Zoom meetings and put the above tips to practice right away! Remember: In order to make friends, you have to be a friend. Be a friend. Let's start! (Watch the inspiring video below, which is custom made for this meetup group.) This group is created by the Dianetics & Scientology life improvement center, to help people improve interpersonal relationships, social life, and make more friends.
824 members · Public

Make A Friend In This Group

Orlando, FL

Make A Friend In This Group
his is a group for people to push themselves to meet more people and communicate more. I'm sure you agree that it's been too much isolation going on nowadays. In this group, we're going to get out and communicate to more people. Do you feel you have been too introverted, thinking too much and not having enough human contact? It's time that you meet more people and find out what's going on in their lives. As a result, chances are you will find out that life is more meaningful than you have thought. This group is going to be useful for shy people, for quiet people, for social life improvement, and for career improvement, because in the workaday world, people who can communicate warmly, people who can talk about and promote something, and the people who can be assertive and lead are the people who rise up and become more valued by their colleagues and clients. Of course all of these mean you have to up your game on communication. Specifically, we will have workshops to practice communication, and we'll have workshops to discuss how to improve your social life. It's because communication and social life tend go hand in hand. You can't improve one without improving the other. You will meet professional communication coaches and learn from them, and you will meet other attendees whom you can apply what you have learned and practice communication with. This is a free group. Our pay is knowing that we have improved someone's life by teaching him or her better communication skills. We will have weekly free meetups on Zoom. This group is created by the Elite Support Group which is affiliated with the Dianetics and Scientology Center of Orlando, Florida.
534 members · Public

Friends in Central Florida

Winter Springs, FL

Friends in Central Florida
Hello there\~! Welcome to Friends in Central Florida; we look forward to seeing you at future events. I, Terri, have rescued this Meetup from oblivion by stepping up into the Organizer position. That means I am assuming the role of paying for the group so don't you worry your pretty little heads. Stand by for events to be scheduled by former co-organizers hopefully because I am currently in Ohio. Feel free to message me via Meetup. \*The former Organizer wrote this\* If you want to attend or post other RANDOM FUN or indoor FUN events might we suggest: []( For one day or multi-day FUN BIKE TRIPS check out []( and []( For best kayak day outings [Sandy Feet Kayak Adventures | Meetup]( Also for more serious Tampa Bay Cycling events please join []( Boiler plate Negative or adversarial comments, posts or actions will result in removal and banning of the offending party. OVERNIGHT FUN BIKE or KAYAK TRIPS, We are Thinking of Florida, Gulf Coast and also Key West when it is cold up north, as well as NYC at Labor Day weekend when city is pretty empty, and a Door County week on Lake Michigan and also the 326 mile Ohio to Erie Trail to escape the summer heat here. So if you want information on multi-day biking or kayaking events just sign up below to get first offerings. We anticipate no more than 14 emails a year. For Biking Trips Sign up at >> []( For Kayaking Trips Sign up at >> []( Once you sign up please immediately check your email, if you don't see a follow-up confirm opt in check spam. We are using a double opt in and some folks with yahoo, gmail, hotmail, msn say they went into spam. Until you click second email you are not going to get newsletter. If it is in spam, just click NOT SPAM, then OPT IN. Don't send instant messages through meetup to folks you haven't met. Propositions to meet outside of meetup events to a virtual stranger is creepy. Of course a relevant message to an event host regarding an upcoming meetup is different. Thank you for that consideration. Players there are plenty of other sites if you just want to hook up one on one, don't make folks feel unsafe here. If you have done a meetup with someone and want to send them a good to see/meet you followup to me that is totally different, but if they do not reply or aren't interested don't be a "meetup creep". Of course it's great if folks "meetup" and some magic develops. So please remember while it is fun to "meetup", this group is not "" or "". Not everyone here is single or seeking a romance. Remember if you receive an unsolicited message or suspicious or inappropriate behavior, please report it to Paul S, it is grounds for dismissal of violating party. They probably are spamming others here and in other groups. LEGAL DISCLAIMER AND LIABILITY POLICY: By joining this group, RSVPing to events, and attending events, you are confirming that you have read, understand, accept and are legally bound by the following: 1\. Fun Florida Outdoor Adventures is a meetup group\. Attending events or trips is voluntary by you as a member\. Participation in any activity with us by you is at your own risk\. You assume the risk for any guest you bring\, adult or minor\. 2\. By joining [Fun Florida Outdoor Adventures]( as a member you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the group, it's organizers, co-organizers, assistant organizers, event hosts, other members and guests from all claims or liability of every type (including court costs and legal fees) for injury or death to any person or for damage to property, loss of personal property or any other wrongful act arising out of or relating to your participation as a member. This agreement applies to you and to other persons who may accompany you in these endeavors, adult or minor. 3\. You also agree to hold the organizers as well as other group members harmless\. By participating voluntarily in the group\, you expressly waive any and all such claims against each and every other member and their guests in the group\, including without limitation any and all claims against the group organizers\, co\-organizers\, assistant organizers\, and event hosts\. 4\. Any social events or trips that Fun Florida Outdoor Adventures sponsors\, holds or provides information about will fall also under the same Disclaimer and Liability guidelines listed above\. 5\. Re kayaking\, The [Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission]( sets the rules and regulations for all motorized and non-motorized watercraft. While kayakers do not have to follow all of the same rules as motorized vessels, some of the rules and regulations do apply. Life Jackets-Every child in your kayak under the age of 6 must wear a Coast Guard-approved [personal flotation device]( (PFD) while the kayak is moving. For everyone over the age of 6, there must be an approved PFD available inside the kayak unless the kayak is being used within a "swimming, surfing, or bathing area." While those over the age of 6 are not required to wear their life jackets, it's good practice to keep your life jacket on and securely fastened while you are on the water. Sound Device-Kayakers are required to carry a sound-making device that can be heard for at least one-half nautical mile when the kayak is in use. A whistle or horn are the most commonly used sound devices. The sound device is required in the event that you need to alert other boaters of your presence in order to avoid a collision. The sound device can also be used to signal for help should you find yourself in trouble and require assistance. To signal distress, blow hard into your whistle three times in a row. Most kayakers will attach a whistle to their life jacket where it is easily accessible. Lights-When kayaking between sunset and sunrise, or during periods of reduced visibility such as fog or rain, kayakers are required to carry a white light onboard their kayak. The kayaker is to display the [light]( if another vessel approaches, to avoid a possible collision. Most kayakers use a flashlight or lantern as their light. Take note that the light should not be continually displayed, but shown only when other vessels are approaching. Registration-Kayaks do not have to be registered in the state of Florida unless they have a motor. Law Enforcement-According to state law, law enforcement officers have the authority to stop you while you are kayaking to check and make sure you are complying with all safety laws. Law enforcement officers also have the authority to order the removal or relocation of your kayak if it is deemed a hazard to public safety or is found to be interfering with the navigation of other vessels. Manatee Awareness-Manatees in Florida and around the world are listed as vulnerable, meaning their populations are declining. There are an estimated 6,130 manatees in Florida and they are protected by state and federal law. Anything that disrupts a manatee's normal behavior is punishable by law and could result in a $50,000 fine or land you in jail for a year. Should you be lucky enough to see a manatee while you are in your kayak, maintain a respectable distance and let the animal have its space.  Seagrass Awareness -Seagrasses are the main source of food for marine herbivores such as manatees and green sea turtles. In some Florida waters it is a violation of state law to damage seagrass beds. While kayaking, stay within channels and avoid taking shortcuts through seagrass beds. Seagrass beds are marked as light green or by the letters "grs" on navigational charts. General Safety-In addition to following all of the kayaking safety rules and regulations, it's important to follow [general safety tips](, too. • Let someone know where you will be kayaking. • Check your [kayak]( for leaks or points of weakness before entering the water. • Whenever possible, kayak with a buddy. • Be aware of obstructions in the water that could trap your boat and throw you out of it. • Be aware of other boats and know that motorized watercraft may not see you. • Wear appropriate clothing, including sun protection.  • Pay attention to the [weather]( and do not go out on the water if hazardous conditions are expected. 6\. No hate zone\. Please avoid any hateful comments\, profanity\, political ranting or rhetoric\. We will ban rabble rousers\. Let's keep this a friendly positive place\. Do you have some fun ideas for events? If you want to be an event host so you may post an outing just let Paul S know. The cool thing about hosting is you pick, the what, where and when of things that you want to do!  The more variety of event types, venues and hosts the better.
3976 members · Private

Lessons for Beginning New Relationship

Orlando, FL

Lessons for Beginning New Relationship
Have you ever seen how unhappy a person is who is stuck in a bad relationship? On the other hand, have you ever noticed how much joy a good relationship can bring to a person? Especially if you feel like staying away from relationships for a while, you need the Lessons on Beginning New Relationship! How do you start off a new relationship on the right foot? How do you avoid common mistakes? How do you make sure he or she is the right person for you? What are the red flags? Many people choose partners based on chemistry, common interests, or on the potential partners' education or success. Unfortunately, how to choose partners is not that easy. Otherwise, we will all be happy by now, and the divorce rate in America will not be as high as 40 to 50 percent. So, what are the deciding factors? Come to our meetings and find out! In this group, we will have free Zoom meetings held by relationship experts, and in these meetings, you will * Find out why the more you need someone, the less you will be able to find someone * Find out what you need to do BEFORE you start dating again * Discover who you really want in a relationship * Find out a completely new way to pick the right partner for you * Learn a powerful tool to get others to love you * Learn how to know whether someone is right for you or not Our meetings are always free, and afterward you will also have the option to talk to a relationship expert about your personal situation. See you at our meetings! This group is created by the Dianetics & Scientology life improvement information center.
329 members · Public

Single Adult 31+ Volleyball - LDS & Friends

Orlando, FL

Single Adult 31+ Volleyball - LDS & Friends
***Volleyball Rules and Expectations - Updated January, 2024*** **We have a lot of people who want to play! Please read the following updated information...** **From now on you must be on the "Going" list in order to play. If you are on the list please don’t be a no-show!** **If you can’t make it please cancel 24 hours or more before the event. I know sometimes there are emergencies. Emergencies should not be a regular occurrence.** **If you don't remove yourself from the list and don’t show up, I will remove your name from the next event. You can re-sign, but you will be at the end of the waitlist.** **IMPORTANT: Don’t come if you are on the waitlist. You must be on the GOING list to attend.** **No guests from here on out–I have turned off this feature on the app. Tell your friends how to sign up. I will delete all remaining guests on Feb. 5th.** **No trading spots with your friends. If you can’t come, take yourself off the list. No, your friend cannot come in your place. They will need to wait for their turn on the waitlist.** **Tournament Nights - 1st and 3rd Monday of each month!** **Group members voted to have tournament games twice a month.** **If you want to be a team captain please put your name on the list at volleyball night. I will have a clipboard there for signing up. I will rotate names equally.** **Expectations for captains include the following:** * **Be familiar with all or most players in order to choose balanced teams.** * **Lead by example with good sportsmanship.** * **Invest in your team by being positive, helping with skills if needed, guiding players in how to work as a TEAM… not just get the ball over.** * **Monitor so that players are not playing others’ positions, staying in the setter position, or causing other problems.** **All players:** * **Please speak up for yourself if someone is playing your position or asks to stay in the setter position. Graciously tell them no.** * **Play your position! Sometimes it can be hard to know whose ball it is–just be aware of where you are, call the ball, and back off if someone else calls it so we can avoid injuries.** * **The setter (center front player) gets the second hit. If they need to, they should call HELP. Otherwise, let the SETTER take the second hit.** * **NOTE: Be clear when you call GOT IT or HELP. It gets loud in the gym and can be hard to understand what people are saying.** * **Call out the score clearly BEFORE serving.** * **No spikes or high-speed power hits, except for serves.** * **No bad language, including cursing, swearing, or speaking any form of God’s name casually or disrespectfully.** * **Stay alert, play your best, have a good attitude, and be respectful of all players.** **We will never all agree on every issue. Please be a good sport and help keep volleyball fun, safe, and awesome for everyone.** **Thank you for being part of this group!!! Please always feel free to talk with me if you have input, questions, or concerns.** **Karen Wernli** **801-425-7095** **[](** **This event is sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you are interested in attending church I can help you find the closest chapel to you (we have several in the Orlando area). Or you are welcome to attend with me–I go to the chapel at 4020 S. Bumby, Orlando (Sundays at 10:30 am). You are always welcome!** **PS - Thanks to all who have paid me for their share of the Meetup fee ($5 once every six months). I appreciate your contribution!!!**
524 members · Public

Make Friends w/ Someone in this Meetup

Orlando, FL

Make Friends w/ Someone in this Meetup
It is a truism that in order to make friends, you have to be a friend. This sounds so simple, but it is a lot more than it sounds. Here is a list of 10 things to help you be a friend: 1. **Enjoy people** – Tell yourself, “I'm going to try to enjoy this conversation.” Loosen up. 2. **Express** – Don't hide who you are. Tell people the first thing you think about. Let them know your thoughts. 3. **Hear them out** – People are sacred. They deserve your full attention and understanding. Take care and take time to hear them out. 4. **Share** – Share your food, share your time, share your money (within reason), share your thoughts and ideas. Be willing to receive things other people share, too. 5. **Find commonalities** – Chances are you can find something in common with everyone you meet. 6. **Take initiative** – Don't wait. Be the person to start a conversation. You have to take the lead sometimes. 7. **Be willing to make mistakes** – Not everyone you meet are good people. It's okay to be hurt by people, as long as you survive to tell the tale. Hey, tell it as a war story to the new friend you make! 8. **Be positive** – No one wants to talk to someone who is negative all the time. It's okay to be hurt; it's okay to have problems, but do you want your hurts and your problems to define who you are? Be who you want to be, which at least is a positive person. 9. **Take responsibility for people** – Take the responsibility to help strangers and acquaintances simply because you know you want to. 10. **Tell them good things you are aware of** – If you know of an amazing sale, tell them. If you know of something really fun, tell them. If you know of a really good place, tell them. Take action! Come to our upcoming free Zoom meetings and put the above tips to practice right away! Remember: In order to make friends, you have to be a friend. Be a friend. Let's start! (Watch the inspiring video below, which is custom made for this meetup group.) This group is created by the Dianetics & Scientology life improvement center to help people improve interpersonal relationships, social life, and make more friends.
983 members · Public

New Group

Heathrow Friends: Fostering Community & Friendship

Lake Mary, FL

Heathrow Friends: Fostering Community & Friendship
Heathrow/Lake Mary/ Sanford meetup area. This group will serve as a meeting place for human connection, positivity, collaboration, and friendship. All are welcome, ages 18+. The group will serve to foster exploration for the many interests everyone has, open to movies, coffee shop hangouts, yoga, walks, gentle movement, throwing frisbee/ball in one of the many parks, especially with the air cooling down, etc. Only request is no cigarette, vaping, perfume worn around the group, as this group is intended to be welcoming for those with chemical sensitivities and chronic illness, who are sometimes left on the outskirts. Also, if you’re sick, please feel free to join us once you’re feeling well again! Otherwise, bring your board games, favorite music, crafts, stories, and smile! Come as you are :) I read tarot and oracle and am on a journey of growth and interested in bio hacking, healthy lifestyle. Community is a missing piece for so many, connected yet isolated. This can offer a community without judgement and compassion! This is a brand new group and we will be having more activities as time goes on. I’m thinking 2/week. One lower energy activity during the weekdays such as board games, yoga, dinner, walks, picnic in the park, etc, and on weekends it will be more focused on something adventurous like enjoying local concerts, festivals, and fairs, leisurely kayaking, nature walks, brunch, farmers markets, local happenings, zoo outing, mini golf, cultural events, even theme parks if anyone is open to that, etc! Your input is valued and you’re welcome to offer suggestions!
34 members · Public

Events, Friends, & Travel - Orlando

Orlando, FL

Events, Friends, & Travel - Orlando
This group is for people who don’t want to wait on their friends to finally say “yes” to get out there to do fun things in Orlando and see the world. Life is too short and the world is too big! **The local events in this group are member-driven** so if you’d like to host a Meetup in your area (i.e. brunch, go for a walk, see a movie, play pickleball, etc), feel free to let me know and I'll help you get it set up in the group! The trips in this group are usually 90% solo travelers but everyone is welcome, female/male, solo/couple/friends, straight/LGBTQIA+! So let’s travel together with fun, like-minded travelers! If you have an open mind and are kind to fellow travelers, you will fit in perfectly on these trips! **NOTE:** The people on these trips are from all over the States but you’ll always be connected with people from the same city on a trip so you can meet up face to face and get to know your future travel buddies prior to the trip. You’ll also be connected to the whole group via email prior to the trip so you can virtually get to know those that are from different areas. On average, the people on each trip are 90% solo travelers but it’s hard to predict the exact demographic for each trip so please keep this in mind. Feel free to join the Facebook group to connect with past travelers on these trips, see pictures, ask questions, funny travel memes, travel-related articles, etc.: []( The trips in this group are put on by a tour company called Globe Drifters and they focus on small group trips geared towards solo travelers with the mission of giving new meaning to travel by putting the human experience at the heart of their trips. The groups are small, usually with 12 people maximum per trip and about 90% of everyone on each trip are solo travelers so you’re not stuck being the odd man out on trips with mostly couples. You’ll have the best of both worlds, solo travel with the security of a small group of other solo travelers for some company on your adventure! To contact Globe Drifters directly, you can email [](
1538 members · Public