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Meeting of the Church in Indianapolis

Indianapolis, IN

Meeting of the Church in Indianapolis
Welcome to a meeting of the Church.  Please bring a bible verse/passage, lyrics, poem, quote to share with the group or just come as you are and meet with other true Brothers and Sisters in Christ.    We all desire to grow closer to Him and in the process to each other. This is a fully participatory meeting of the Church so there will only be one Leader, the Holy Spirit. So bring your own Bibles and experience what it means to be the "Church" and not just go to a building with that name.   Some information about Church Religious buildings were common in New Testament times, yet the early church did not build any church buildings for over 300 years.     Roman Emperor, Constatine I in 313 A.D. legalized and legitimized Christianity and started erecting grand buildings of worship for Christians to rival the Jewish and Pagan temples . Later Roman Emperor, Theodosius on Feb 27th, 380 A.D. made Christianity the official state religion of the Roman Empire. Christianity became another religion losing the "Relationships" and "Family" ( Brothers and Sisters ) that the early Christians experienced and so loved. It is not about where you worship , but rather how you worship as found in John 4:23  "The time is coming when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, and that time is here already. You see, the Father too is actively seeking such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” Hope to have the opportunity to meet you and worship as the Church ! Your Brother and Sister in Christ, Scott and Danielle
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