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Meet new friends groups near Carver, MA

Conversations, Excursions, and Refreshments with Friends

Hingham, MA

Conversations, Excursions, and Refreshments with Friends
Love and Friendship 50+ has a new name: **Conversations, Excursions, and Refreshments with Friends** We are also excited to broaden our membership. Adults of all ages are welcome—from all generations: **Baby Boomers**, **Gen X**, **Millennials,** and **Gen Z**. The epidemic of isolation and loneliness has impacted people of all ages—often going through relocation or relationship transitions. We strive to support all adults in their pursuit of creating **authentic human connections** and **lasting relationships**—especially supportive friendships. We strive to be an **inclusive**, **socially safe** **group**. Members of all ages, all ethnicities, racial backgrounds, religions, genders, and sexual preferences are welcome to join. **Join us to widen your social circle, to have more fu**n and **have fulfilling friendships.**  Uncoupled people often need more support than coupled people. Whether you are single, divorced, or widowed, we offer a safe space to meet new people, make authentic connections, and learn sustainability in healthy friendships. **Twice a month, we host meaningful online group discussions. Once a month, we coordinate a day trip.** The location could be historical, outdoor, and/or seasonal—around greater Boston and Southeastern Massachusetts. We like to complete the day with continued conversations and connections at a local eating establishment. Some of our past discussions included * Conversations about the book, The Four Agreements * Expanding our understanding of relationships with the book, The Seven Levels of Intimacy * Creating and sharing vision boards * Navigating family relationships through the holidays * Honoring our loved ones on Mother's Day and Father's Day * Past life Regression workshop * Night Before Halloween online Social Circle * Improvisational acting workshop Our day trips have taken us to * Newport Mansions * Castle Island * Walden Pond * Borderland State Park and Museum * Plymouth Waterfront * George’s Island Harbor Cruise and Fort Tour * Garden in the Woods * De Cordova Sculpture Park * Many local parks and beaches Join us. Meet new people and make new friends. Our expectations of you include * A current facial profile—we like to see who you are * A desire to meet new people and make authentic connections * An interest in becoming happier and healthier through strengthening social skills
1015 members · Private

Friends of Myles Standish State Forest Meetup Group

Carver, MA

Friends of Myles Standish State Forest Meetup Group
Founded in 2007, the Friends of Myles Standish State Forest have been holding volunteer-led group hikes and birding events at various locations in and around the vast Myles Standish State Forest in Plymouth and Carver, Massachusetts. Myles Standish SF is the size of the island of Manhattan, covering more than 12,400 acres (or 25 square miles) with **many dozens of miles of hiking and bicycle trails** allowing you to explore its 16 pristine ponds, four major campground areas, two boy scout camps and wildlife management areas. Few people have seen every corner of it. ![]( The park is split between sections of Plymouth and Carver. Minutes from Route 3 or Route 495, you have probably passed within a few miles recently. Why not join us to give it a try? The Friends have been around for 15 years. We celebrated the 100th anniversary of the park's founding in 2016 and our 15th annual Family Fishing Derby in 2022.  ![]( For most of the year, we have a regular group that goes out hiking on weekday mornings. (Right now the group goes out on Thursday.) We also have a group that goes out with their dogs on many Sundays. Saturday and Sunday hikes are offered whenever we have leaders available. Bird watching and other bird support activities are scheduled when the birds allow. We are approaching our 2000th Meetup since our group started using Meetup in 2009. It just helps people get together and allows a little flexibility in case the weather decides not to cooperate. Clearly, a lot of people are having fun and we hope you will join us soon. ![]( Members of the Friends are also currently working on various stewardship projects such as: **Trail Maintenance**\- Together with the state\, we have helped to maintain miles of trails in the forest\. Sometimes we go out with loppers\. Other times\, we have rented equipment for the state workers to use in clearing and leveling some of the trails\. \(We aren't allowed to use power equipment ourselves in the forest\.\) In 2018\, we repaired two of the boardwalks around the East Head Reservoir\. It took hundreds of hours of volunteer time and we spent over $3500 on the repairs\. We are proud of what we accomplished\. **Native Bird Support**\- A group of volunteers cleans and monitors about 40 bluebird boxes at various locations throughout the forest\. These boxes are visited weekly during the nesting season and all activity is tracked and reported\. Watch Meetup for notices about when training and setup activities are scheduled\. \(Typically in late March/ early April\.\) **Native Plant Support-** The Friends have helped to maintain native plant gardens at headquarters and at other visible locations in the forest. **Annual Fishing Derby-** For 15 years, the Friends have held a Family Fishing Event on the last Saturday of September. Together with MassWildlife and the DCR, we provide fishing tackle, bait, instruction and prizes to hundreds of area families. Visit the [Friends of Myles Standish web page]( to find out more about these activities. While there, please consider a membership, which is only $10, to support them. (This is different than signing up on Meetup. Registering on the Meetup is free. Membership in the Friends is completely optional.) This Meetup Group is sponsored by the Friends of Myles Standish State Forest (FMSSF). a volunteer group charity organization founded in 2007. We are private individuals who want to bring interesting and fun hikes, bird-watching programs and other events for all ages to Myles Standish State Forest, the largest state forest in eastern Massachusetts-- a park as big as many of the towns that surround it. ![]( ![]( This group is not sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) or the State of Massachusetts. We often work closely with the DCR on clearing trails and on our annual fishing derby and many other projects but if you have an issue with the park, please address it to the state. (You can copy us. We like to know about such things and we do what we can to help focus the attention of the State on what we see as the bigger issues with the park.) All ages are welcome on our hikes as long as parents/guardians are with any younger hikers. Friendly leashed dogs are welcome on most hikes. If you love hiking or birding you will discover that MSSF has some great places to explore. The pine barrens of Myles Standish are unique and beautiful. They are worth a visit, any day of the week, 365 days a year. What are you waiting for? Again, please consider joining our Friends group. Basic membership is only $10 per year. Visit the [Friends of Myles Standish web page]( to find out more about us.
2349 members · Public

Plymouth Digital Photographers Meetup Group

Plymouth, MA

Plymouth Digital Photographers Meetup Group
The Plymouth Digital Photographers Club is for all level photographers interested in improving their photographs and learning about all the options open to them after they take the picture. We meet at various times and places in and around Plymouth, MA, to share ideas and to develop and fine tune our skills while sharing with other photographers. We strive to have photo outings and events. Classes, lectures and workshops. Challenging monthly online assignments. An online image sharing site is found under PHOTOS. Come and learn how to do more with your camera and meet new friends! People of all ages and abilities are welcome. **Important information to potential members:** **Please follow these** **instructions, we are looking for people that read details. If you do, you'll be a member in a matter of hours most times. If you don't, you will not be approved and you'll have to reapply for** **membership. It's worth it to do it right the first time!** 1\. Free to join\, just fill out the questions asked as best you can\. Just 'Hello' and leaving the rest blank is not enough\. You will need to be at computer to do this\, a smart phone or iPad does not work well\. 2\. You will enjoy the group more if you have a profile head shot photo\. Head shot as in a passport style photo\, your head must dominate\, a tiny body in a landscape photo doesn't work as well\. 3\. Best if the photo is a recognizable head shot of just you\, by yourself and not when you were a child\. 4\. You must use your name\, a name your friends use\, not a user name\. **Last name or initial, please**. Does not have to be your real last name. 5\. A certain level of computer skills is assumed\, if you do not have access to a computer or know how to use one\, this is not a good club for you\. *Ability to follow requirements of joining is needed, too.* 6\. Failure to have some kind of profile photo\, please don't leave it blank\, we are photographers\!\.\.\.or a name better than just 'Dave' will result in you having to refill your profile\. 'Dave Ellison' or 'Dave E\.' is good\. Your last name does not have to be your real one\. This is so we can tell members apart\. This will all make more sense once you are a member and are part of our community of photographers. Thanks for taking the time to join!
1594 members · Private

First Spiritualist Church of Onset, MA

Onset, MA

First Spiritualist Church of Onset, MA

What is Spiritualism? Spiritualism is the science, philosophy and religion of continuous life, based on the demonstrated fact of communication, through mediumship, with those who have continued their lives in spirit world. Welcome to the First Spiritualist Church of Onset! ​

We believe you will enjoy the various facets of our service and trust you will gain new understanding, inner joy and hope. Our religion believes in Infinite Intelligence.

Our main definition of God is an infinite supply of creative energy, which governs spiritually through Natural Law, this is our belief. We have a set of Principals that we try to implement in our daily lives that are neither dogma nor creed and do not command or demand obedience. Rather, they suggest a way of life, which has proven beneficial to all and for all.

The Science of Spiritualism investigates the works of these Natural Laws, and tests the communication through Mediumship with those who have passed through the condition referred to as "death". We believe that there is no death and therefore no "dead". Continuity of life is evidenced through Mediums at all of our services. Our healing meditation service is offered each Sunday evening at 6:30 pm. Our religion is accepting of all faiths.

You don't have to be a Member to attend our church services or join in our open classes & workshops. We are a community of individuals seeking truth through following a Declaration of Principals that we aim to
apply in our daily lives. Our studies include; Spiritualism, Spiritual Unfoldment, Mediumship, Healing, Positive Thinking, Affirmations, Intuitive/Psychic/Mediumship development, All Natural Laws, and more.

We meet at the First Spiritualist Church of Onset, 17 Highland Avenue, Onset, MA 02558. - Visit to see our busy schedule of events, workshops, classes, services and so many learning experiences to help each of us reach our best and highest good.

Like us on FACEBOOK for social interaction and event reminders.

423 members · Public


Plymouth, MA


BURGERS & BREWS        Simple & Straight Forward...

The place for active, single, divorced, and/or widowed men 40+ years of age to connect for socializing and doing the kind of stuff that guys just plain like to do.  Geographically, most events will generally occur in the southeastern MA triangle;  Braintree  -  Cape Cod  -  New Bedford.

Societal and/or life changes, along with relationship dynamics challenge many of us men to re-tool and maybe even re-invent ourselves, our place, and purpose.  We very much enjoy & want women in our lives.  However there is also a healthy need for space away from the gal pals and simply take a breath in navigating the minefield itself, and by socializing & simply doing what guys like to do, free of interference & judgement.

An entire active menu ranging from happy hours, golfing, boating, hiking, fishing, biking, distillery/brewery tours, hobbies, sports, special interests.  Just about anything of social interest is in play.  It's a time for the guys to be guys and to share, stretch and develop new interests & buddies.

Burgers & Brews is also a place to share ideas & to build a reliable resource of contacts & support.  And above all, have fun...!

For ease of member management, security, better identify & welcome you at events, please maintain an updated, clear profile photo. This is essential.  No children, group, landscape, sunglasses, hats, pet dogs, etc. in the photo. They are all very lovely - but please...  just you...

And yes..., we hang out periodically, if not regularly for a burger & brew...

1 members · Private